Adrian Walker

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Adrian Walker

- Code Savant
- Founder of VisionBreak Games:
- Free Palestine.

I released Sunsear: Avian Combat, a shoot-em-up game, on Google Play. It's coming to iOS later this year!

Header image by @ocatg
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Next time you see someone quote Audre Lorde's 'master's tools' at you, ask them 2 questions: 1. Can you please define what YOU think the master's tools are currently? 2. What else does she say in that essay?
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
When Nora Met Nettle 📷 Kathy Street
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Debating the validity of "American Anime" is silly in a historical context. Cartoons have evolved through a constant dialogue of beloved inspirations shared between East and West. Anime was born from inspirations out of Western cartoons and movies. That it now inspires Westerners is a success story.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Oh. So that's why I struggle. But in my defense, I deal with computer-related frustration, stress, and confusion a lot better than people-related frustration, stress, and confusion--so I probably made the better choice anyway. 😂
The strongest success predictor in computing fields isn't programming ability, experience or even interest. It's Affective Computing: How well do you cope with emotions tied to computing like frustration, stress, and confusion? Folks who can emotionally regulate can and will exceed other advantages.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Sometimes people carry hell with them and want very much to pass it on to others.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Re: the current Sticker Mule discourse: We use and love both Sticker Giant and Sticker Guy. If you've seen the extremely snazzy prayer candles we sell at conventions, Sticker Giant did those clear stickers.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Forty years ago this week, Greg Abbott had his spine crushed by a falling tree while on a jog in Houston. Abbott sued the tree owner, winning millions. Decades later, as governor, Abbott made sure Texans would never be able to do the same, thanks to tort reform.
How Greg Abbott won millions and stopped Texans from doing the Forty years ago this week, a tree fell on Greg Abbott, paralyzing the future governor. He sued for damages and won—and then helped to stifle similar lawsuits.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Today marks the 10-year anniversary of the release of my last album, Mandatory Fun. So to celebrate, this Friday I’ll be releasing a NEW SINGLE AND VIDEO!!!
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
I’m a tenth level intellect: only *I* have a mind capable of having chat GPT make me believe I’m a chicken, making me walk around the house clucking, going bock bock bock and eating small seeds and millet
this is the most low budget only on amazon prime ass concept for a horror movie I've ever heard
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Can't stress enough in times like this that I look at Black people having conspiracy theories with *way* less incredulity than white people just because time and time again conspiratorial shit has actually happened to us.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
I'm kinda digging the glow-up of this boss. Has an edgier feel to it. (left is v0.8, right is v1.0) The S-COM Tower Guard brings mobile connectivity and allows for communication across the Soledad World Order. #GameDev #ScreenshotSaturday
I'm kinda digging the glow-up of this boss. Has an edgier feel to it. (left is v0.8, right is v1.0) The S-COM Tower Guard brings mobile connectivity and allows for communication across the Soledad World Order. #GameDev #ScreenshotSaturday
Ok I'm gonna all the shitposts y'all can muster. Anything goes now. Please distract me.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Welp here we go...
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Also we gotta stop treating people as if they are supposed to or should know the already extremely deep lore of this place as they’re interacting on here. That’s just an unfair standard to hold people to. A lot of times we are just talking about what’s apparent to us.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
i have zero sympathy for anyone whose coping strategy for "i feel bad inside" is "i'm gonna go use my power to make somebody else feel worse" that is… extremely conservative. can't think of anything more authoritarian. just bc they claim it's for leftist ideology doesn't make it so.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
So like, what's the social etiquette for dueling? Do they have to be moot? Can I just pick somebody and take their gold?
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
EXPIRED MEDS A psychological horror game Coming soon from Sinister Cinema Studios Consider this your first warning
EXPIRED MEDS - A Psychological horror game, coming soon from Sinister Cinema
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
i’m just gonna say that none of the black people i invited to bluesky stayed
I was supposed to stop watching The Boys this season but just watched through E7. I need to do better next week.
bsky could really benefit from being able to lock one's account. As long as this format exists, there's always going to be pile-ons. It's just the nature of this type of website.
So like, what's the social etiquette for dueling? Do they have to be moot? Can I just pick somebody and take their gold?
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
I don't understand like half the words in a good 3rd of the skeets on this site. And many of them aren't on urban dictionary, I've checked. And no, I'm not going to ask for definitions. Because I am absolutely hip and with it. (Nod and smile. Nod and smile)
If you didn't like his writing, y'all know you could've just muted him right? And you wonder why most of us just stayed on Twitter.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Walker
Just in general a lot of people in the US act out of an impulse to be "in charge." So across the spectrum you see people making demands on people they’re not in actual relationship with and lashing out when people simply refuse to accept their apparent authority.