Airbag Moments | 45X34 | 🇺🇦

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Airbag Moments | 45X34 | 🇺🇦

*Death to fascists *Tikkun olam (repair the world) *Poll-worker in a dangerous time *Software artisan *Public media gadfly *Sentient supernova shrapnel *Anti-ultracrepidarian *fediverse-curious *К черту Путина *Fok Elon
I was today years old when I learned that the guy who played Jonah Ryan on Veep was apparently also involved with that insane Folgers incest ad
“You’re My Present This Year”: An Oral History of the Folgers Incest The best part of waking up is getting to read this incest oral history.
This Far Side cartoon, but with jurists and politicians discovering that constitutional principles and norms can be just as fragile.
The New York Times is appallingly obsessed with trying to force President Biden to resign. Even after the Supreme Court remade presidents into kings, their obsession still dominates the front page. Six days of this shit so far. Because of one bad debate performance. Deranged and vindictive.
My conversation with about “Project 2025” is out. We dive into the Right’s plans to use government as an authoritarian tool to impose a reactionary vision on America. The radical Right wasn’t ready in 2017. Next time, they will be.
You read that article without any further context, and you'd think the problem fell out of the sky. Not one word about Republicans. It's all due to the amorphous "parties" that gridlock. It's maddening.
society i feel, is a 30/30/40 split, (30 percent completely wacky conservative and dangerous nazis, 30 percent arguing fragmented left of liberals contending with liberals in power, and a 40 percent disengaged apolitical folks) and i would say for many, but not all in that 70 is true
I'm afraid that the masses will only truly wake up when every streaming service suddenly offers nothing but movies like "Violent Blessing: The Jesus Chronicles VI" starring Candace Owens and Kevin Sorbo. At that point, it will be too late.
Term limits for columnists
Maureen Dowd one month ago: Bill Maher is a “rebel with a cause.” Maureen Dowd’s column today: Sean Penn is “a rebel with many causes.” Can’t wait to learn what type of rebel she’ll interview next.
If Biden is not reelected, Rs may well use the Comstock Act of 1873, which is still on the books but unenforced, to ban medication abortion and possibly surgical abortion. That is what they have threatened to do, so why would you doubt them? #vote🌊
Opinion | Trump’s Allies Say They’ll Enforce the Comstock Act. Believe Democrats should rally around a bill to overhaul the 1873 anti-vice law.
Here is a free-to-use infographic that explains how several actors, motives, incentives, and communities coordinate around a larger anti-science narrative; This is leading to the harassment, abuse, intimidation, and political prosecution of innocent scientists.
When I started to be driven mad by rightwing gaslighting, I wished a wizard would make copious green smoke emerge from the mouth and nose of people whenever they were telling lies. Then I realized nothing would change. FOX News would call it "truth fog" and we'd be off to the races.
Isn't freedom of speech too free if influencers can just lazily lie us into fascism without consequences? Rightwing propaganda is to the First Amendment what AR15-empowered mass-shootings are to the Second.
I'm afraid that the masses will only truly wake up when every streaming service suddenly offers nothing but movies like "Violent Blessing: The Jesus Chronicles VI" starring Candace Owens and Kevin Sorbo. At that point, it will be too late.
The billionaire/Russia/rightwing media/Christo-fascism nexus is hideously well-funded, organized, and motivated. The only thing standing against it at this point is voters, most of whom aren’t paying attention, and whose national votes mostly only count in swing states.
i watched a cideo of a cybertruck stan complaining about the car and a huge chunk was him complaining about how everyone makes fun of him in public now on top of having to take it to the shop like 3 or 4 times in just the first month but then at the end he was like “still love the car tho”
It does please me to know that Cybertruck owners absolutely are seeing us pointing and laughing at them when they dare to drive those stupid things in the wild
Seriously, the Cybertruck owners absolutely are noticing that we’re all making fun of them, it’s making them feel bad, and we 110% need to keep it up
i watched a cideo of a cybertruck stan complaining about the car and a huge chunk was him complaining about how everyone makes fun of him in public now on top of having to take it to the shop like 3 or 4 times in just the first month but then at the end he was like “still love the car tho”
MAGA are abandoning Trump rallies after a few minutes bc they are like long-form versions of someone telling you about their half-remembered weird dream from the night before. We know he doesn't sleep well from this old rally (transcript in next tweet):
FULL EVENT Donald Trump Rally Speech in Denver, Colorado July 29, 2016 Trump Denver Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., President, GOP, Democract, Republican, Trump Tower, Announcement, Speech, Presidential, Candidate, Apprentice, Trump
One of the worst of mainstream media's fatal failures is the refusal to connect nefarious Republican activities with the way fascism has risen before here and elsewhere. Past is prologue.
The entire game: when you poll Americans about support for individual items in the Democratic platform, without identifying them s Democratic, they love them. But if they are branded as "Democrat" priorities, Americans reject them. At best, the mainstream media has failed. At decide.
The amazing thing is that the Irish recently overthrew their Catholic overlords just because of the unnecessary death of one woman. Meanwhile, in America, we don't even know that we have Catholic overlords.
The worst sin of the morally deadpan MSM is omission. Felonious Mook denying ever saying "lock her up" is such an easily proven lie, and NPR decided it was not worth mentioning, though every Repug is now saying you should never pursue your political opponents legally. FU NPR.
The best metaphor for Republicans I can come up with is the women who fall in love with imprisoned murderers and write them letters and visit them.
Sounds a lot like Russian troops in Ukraine.
If the NYT's sources are to be believed, Israel is casually torturing large numbers of detained Gazans. Basically all the things you'd expect from a military run amok and taking revenge on helpless prisoners, including electrocution, vicious forms of sexual assault, and beatings:
Inside the Base Where Israel Has Detained Thousands of Since Israel invaded Gaza, the Sde Teiman military base has filled with blindfolded, handcuffed detainees, held without charge or legal representation.
On today's @KeithOlbermann pod he says a reporter has vids taken w/o permission from the FOX "News" live feed that shows various FOX personalities mocking the big lie ON CAMERA, and fvcking Garland is trying to get it returned to FOX and enjoin the reporter from releasing it.
You’ll never convince me that two billionaires funding competing initiatives about autism, including anti-vax efforts, is more efficient than taxing the shit out of billionaires and having a sensible federal budget for research.
Also, a fun scoop about Shanahan’s ex husband and Google cofounder Sergey Brin. “In other words, two phenomenally wealthy ex-spouses are poised to become the respective faces of autism philanthropy and autism pseudoscience. This is potentially much more consequential than Shanahan’s candidacy.”
No, no, private competition between billionaires is how we beat the Nazis and won the race to the moon
You’ll never convince me that two billionaires funding competing initiatives about autism, including anti-vax efforts, is more efficient than taxing the shit out of billionaires and having a sensible federal budget for research.
direct sale of cars from manufacturers would, in a single blow, hollow out one of the most consistently reactionary classes of local gentry, these small-money middlemen with their middling bribes that nevertheless halt years of work to maintain a rotten status quo.
As always what strikes me in these cases is that the sheer *value for money* of political bribery is just incredible.