Ali Fleih

Ali Fleih

father to two annoying cats. part time pedantic.
I appreciate that the best response to Goebbels 2.0 was from another Nazi:
Labour didn't win because it was popular. It won because the British public was so sick and tired of the Tories. In fact, Labour received fewer votes in 2024 than in 2020. Reform unfortunately did twice better as expected. Things are good, for now. We can only hope they stay that way.
Also, Shawshank Redemption!
I question whether the incumbency advantage strongly applies to Biden since recent polls show alternative candidates are only a few percentage points behind. In the case of Kamala Harris, it's within the margin of error, so she could possibly be polling even higher. She remains the best alternative.
This needs to be a poster:
I want someone to explain to me why alternative candidates get nearly as much support in polls as Biden. Isn't that an indictment of him? These candidates are way less known. I wonder whether those polled simply saw who's running against Trump and chose their name, even if they don't know them.
He keeps flip-flopping on the issue because he knows swing voters don't like what he had to say in the past about the issue:
It's sad that I see one of my favorite people in him:
Look at her earth-shattering realization:
Jimmy Dore has lost his mind a long time ago. We all know it. We can hardly take anything that can come out of his mouth anymore. However, it's people like Cenk and Ana that are frustrating. What exactly will they get out of giving a platform to RFK Jr.?
This is not a serious polling company:
This is the same guy who said this gem:
This is from Brave. It's concerning that I had to read through four paragraphs before learning that raw milk can contain Salmonella and E. coli.
This is what impunity and lack of oversight produce. If they could get away with it, they will do it. I saw another video of an IDF soldier gleefully stepping on a prayer rug in the bathroom before taking a dump and carelessly throwing it outside for Palestinians to clean up later. It's disgusting!
He switcheroo'd his progressive base that voted for him several times since his 2016 failed stint:
It also helps to receive a quarter of a million dollars in campaign donations:
Heterosexual marriages are so ideal for Mr. Douthat that by the time he wrote that stupid column, the average rate of women divorcing per 1,000 women was nearly 10:
Dershowitz is a horrible man who has had no qualms about showing off his anti-Palestinianism. He justifies *killing* Palestinian civilians due to different degrees of complicity. But if we follow his sadistic logic, most victims of the October 7 attack weren't civilians since they served in the IDF.