Ali Fleih

Ali Fleih

father to two annoying cats. part time pedantic.
This is the same guy who held up the Rape Melania sign trying to smear leftists. For all conservatives' outrage about cancel culture, here's a good example of someone never being held accountable.
I'm confused about Andromeda. It's actually moving towards us at a mind-blowing speed. Yet, we see its light from 2.5 million years ago. Does that mean we won't see it when it hits us?
They're the cathedral of your cells. It's where your organelles worship God in your sleep.
He also hasn't done the least bit of research on how parliamentary elections actually work, which is characteristic of David Sacks.
There's plenty of evidence for Biden's worsening health without needing to nitpick. Biden has a lot of public appearances where he does not use a teleprompter. Back in the early 2010s, Obama had a reputation among Republicans of not being able to string a couple words without a teleprompter.
Another thing: it's not uncommon for a president's movements to be choreographed. Obama's movements were planned down to which door of the car he opens and closes. In fact, such itinerary info is classified, so if it falls in the wrong hands, can be the difference between life and death.
I absolutely do not hope the people behind these accounts have the balls to engage in destruction of voter ballots. It would be such a pity to see them getting prosecuted and thrown in prison. After all, who would continue to man their accounts and post more nonsense?
Election deniers will NEVER be satisfied. Even if there was an 8K camera at every drop box, they'll claim votes are later manipulated at the polling stations. For them, the main problem is that these are votes against Trump. Magically, every vote for Trump could never be the result of cheating.
I love the concept that the farther a galaxy is from us, the faster it is moving away from us. I still can't wrap my mind around what the universe is expanding into, and whether it has edges. I still feel sad there is a whole un-observable part of the universe always beyond our grasp.
If I were working for the Biden campaign, I'd plaster Project 2025 and its crazy goals on every billboard possible.
Coalition governments are a hit and miss. Sometimes, they stave off a neofascist party like in France. But other times, they enable authoritarianism, such as in Israel. Netanyahu won in 2022 but didn't get over 50% of votes, so he needed to form a coalition with nutjobs like Ben-Gvir and Smotrich.
I could hear this photo chiming in with a "haven't you people ever heard of."
Johnny Sins looks way better for someone seven years older.
I appreciate that the best response to Goebbels 2.0 was from another Nazi:
NYP completely skipped over the parts where she got elected to become California's attorney general and U.S. senator.
QAnon, covid disinformation, election denial...these were the chit-chatter of some people that eventually made their way into most American households. Did people say nothing before social media was a thing? Of course no.
Labour didn't win because it was popular. It won because the British public was so sick and tired of the Tories. In fact, Labour received fewer votes in 2024 than in 2020. Reform unfortunately did twice better as expected. Things are good, for now. We can only hope they stay that way.
I want to know what exactly she is supposed to do. Is she expected to do a televised public statement and say that Biden is no longer fit? How damaging would that have been to Democrats? She's his vice president, she was on his winning ticket. Of course she would defend him till he changes his mind.
I doubt he even has his app installed.
Also, Shawshank Redemption!
Too bad, such a fascinating idea that could explain several facets of physics and metaphysics.
It's hard to take Mark Zuckerberg seriously when he, on one hand, talks about how important it is to regulate and make safe AI, then on the other hand does nothing as his platform turns into an unmoderated landfill of AI garbage.