
Anyone telling you they know how this will play out is just indulging their prejudices. Okay, ducking back out of social media in order to do real work. It's okay to be happy that justice was done, even if not to the extent deserved.
I'll add just this: The feeling that the fascist leader is inevitable is a phantasm that they all prop up, in order to cow their opposition. You can't fight "inevitable." We don't have to prop up the myth. Trump isn't inevitable. He lost in 2020. He loses every time he stands trial.
12 fucking people had the courage to look that stinky ass wannabe Hitler in the eye and say "not today, motherfucker." You have no excuse for giving up.
I think about this Doonesbury panel a lot. Happy to share it tonight.
And one got his/her news from Truth Social and STILL voted to convict!
As I said about trump appointed judges actual law and order types do require evidence so the juror just followed their convictions
It’s not Trumpublicans that are increasing his chances at winning, it may well be those on the left who insist that punishing Biden & the dems for Israel is more important than preventing Trump & the GOP from jettisoning us back to the dark ages
More like... It’s not Trumpublicans that are increasing his chances at winning, it may well be Biden who insist that enabling a genocide is more important than preventing Trump & the GOP from jettisoning us back to the dark ages
Thanks! It’s as if we have to let Biden do whatever he wants instead of demanding better from our President. If he refuses to budge and allows the GOP to win, whose fault is it? The voters who don’t want to see innocent people murdered in the 100s or is it Biden for supporting a fucking genocide?
The MFers who told us we could push Biden left after the 2020 elections were the first ones to tell us to stfu. I'm tired of the decorum fetishists acting as if western comfort is more important than Palestinian lives.
Is it "punishing" Biden for Israel, or is it "trying to force Biden to end his support for genocide?" You could make a case that it's just punitive if he had ended the genocide but it's still raging, Gazans are still being mass murdered, and Biden still won't even admit Israel is starving them.
the vote that's essentially for Trump is what I was referring to as punishing Biden for Israel. Ultimately, in letting Trump take power (because there is no viable alternative to Biden or Trump) people would be ultimately increasing US support for genocide & undermine liberal values
I understand what you meant by punishing. What I am saying is that it is not an attempt to punish him, it is an attempt to show him and the people around him in his admin that people oppose genocide and that he is hurting his chances of re-election. This is about saving lives not retribution.
At least 40,000 have been murdered so far under Biden but the counting almost entirely stopped months ago because the medical infrastructure in Gaza has been almost completely wiped out. It's likely closer to 100,000. Children are going to be permanently disabled by starvation and unspeakable trauma
you say it's about saving lives while also saying it's too late to save those lives? as for Trump not possibly being able to be worse, do you really believe Trump's not a danger to Palestinians outside of Gaza and/or that Biden's issued the same threats against minorities that Trump has?
It's actually condescending insufferable Bidencrats who can do nothing but brow beat any human daring to criticize that segregationist turned assimilationist, pandemic denier, and genocide supplier in office.
You folks really are AHs w/your insistence in willfully misinterpreting anyone who points out the dangers of Trump re-election as a "Bidencrat" who demands people not criticize Biden. I've so much as implied that dissent must be silenced. Stop vilifying people that don't agree w/100% on everything
You just placed blame on leftists and Democrats reasonably critical of Biden's continued genocidal foreign policy and eugenecist domestic agenda for what you are claiming to be an increased chance of Trump regaining office. How am I the asshole?
no, I didn't do that at all. I merely noted that the greatly increased likelihood of a Trump re-election doesn't come from increased support for Trump/Trumpublicans it comes from lost votes from those on the left who will not vote for Biden b/c their anger over Israel
It's not exactly a related topic to bring to this thread
It’s a reply to this comment, so related to the thread. My comment wasn’t a case of me debating Israel, it was a case of saying the belief that a Trump reelection may be inevitable is based on legitimate concerns.
Your sharing my comment to add your justification why people should vote against Biden kinda proves my point. A 3rd party candidate won’t win. Do you really think RFK, Jr is a legit & viable challenger to Biden & Trump (he shares Trumps views)?
I shared it, so the original poster, who seems nice and trying to help their mental health, doesn't have to deal with an argument in their thread
You could stop nominating shitty candidates.
Bad news, bud. A lot of us haven’t voted Democrat in over a decade (or several). We decided not to enable this steady slide to the right that has liberals demanding we vote for a segregationist funding a genocide.
Maybe if Biden wasn’t shit he wouldn’t have to worry.
Maybe the most evitable. We've got the greatest evitability you've ever seen folks.
He lost the popular vote every time he ran!
People should never forget this and remind the GQP of it often.
He also lost in 2016. By 3 million votes. He only got to be President because of a cockamamie remnant of appeasing slaveholders (then he made up fraud in CA anyway to assuage his widdle ego). He’s a loser. And he really unpopular.
And obviously cucked by Puty.
This is a really important point. Lots of fascist movement are halted early, including ones in England and previous attempts in the US. No one's immune, but no one's doomed, either.
He sucks ass, his supporters are assholes. He has big loser energy.
To be clear, he only won (the electoral college) the first time because we were arrogant and complacent as a people. It was a shitty joke we played on ourselves.
To quote, Trump’s political superpower is making people think he’s invincible. He’s not. He’s a weak candidate who repels independents and his only hope is massive turnout among his hardcore base.
trump propagandists push inevitability as a fact when in truth they endeavor to bring it about by claiming it as reality. It's a very powerful trick.
Which is why we have to keep reinforcing this message.
Thanos said he was inevitable. Didn't work out for him, either.