
Two male Texas professors are suing to flunk students who get abortions. Their reason? The students had "consensual sexual intercourse." Which the professors appear to believe is their right to punish.
Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse" It's part of a larger pattern of men using the new law to control and abuse women in their lives
Why to read this article past headlines: First, even though they're in Austin, these two sued in Amarillo (8 hour drive away.) I explain why. I also tie it to a series of cases of abusive men using the law to punish exes for leaving them.
Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse" It's part of a larger pattern of men using the new law to control and abuse women in their lives
"Along with their anger about abortion, they  grouse about not being allowed to punish students 'for being homosexual or transgender.' "The picture painted is of two men obsessed with controlling student lives based on what they're packing inside their underwear."
Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse" It's part of a larger pattern of men using the new law to control and abuse women in their lives
"Mitchell is creating a cottage industry of using the Texas law to help men harass ex-girlfriends. "Mitchell is representing two more men who want to use legal action to punish their ex-girlfriends for traveling out of state to get a legal abortion."
Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse" It's part of a larger pattern of men using the new law to control and abuse women in their lives
Everyone understands that vindictive exes will do whatever. But Professors? What next--dentists, yoga instructors? What POSSIBLE legit interest do they have??!?
Seems to me it would be worth some keen journalists time to dig into these two. These types always have many many skeletons in their closets and actions like these are frequently a result of self loathing
I did some, actually. The philosophy professor's story is he's a right wing Christian. In the past, he has gone hard against the teaching of evolution.
As one would expect if he leaned in that direction. As a fan of science and ya know reality…I’m a big proponent of teaching evolution.
People should read this article for no other reason than to see how absolutely puritanical these pricks sound.
Anybody who is surprised, idk under which rock they were the last 20 years but it's time to wake up and smell the manure coking from these asshats
I'm not an academic philosopher (far from it) but I have sat on promotion/tenure review panels for a top phil. dept. I note that one plaintiff has been barely active as a working philospher since the early 2000s. Academic excellence at its best, as usual.
He's also an extreme outlier in his dept, oddly. It's known as one of the few centers of continental study in the US, and his focus is ethics and religious "philosophy". It's extremely unlikely he has any support from anyone else in it
It's Kacsmaryk, isn't it? (clicks through) Ayyup.
The court in Amarillo is rotting from the core and needs to just be shut down. If there are legitimate cases there, they can drive down to Dallas.
Amarillo - that is the name of a rash these days
Have we considered the possibility that Texas just doesn't want women in it? Like maybe they just want it to be one big dude ranch/boys club with a "No gurlz alowd" sign pinned up by the border.
I definitely know women who've left because of this.
I don't doubt it at all. Between the Governor and the AG, they're sending a pretty clear message.
Texas is the Brokeback state? (apologies if I messed that up, I haven't watched heh...)
My family and another family are discussing moving together. We have roots here in Austin (13 years worth!) and a great house that we bought at just the right time. But we have kids now and we have to think about them, too.
You definitely do. Mine are (relatively) safe here in NC, but if things turn further downhill, I'll definitely be taking them with me when I bounce.
and lots of LGBTQ left too when they banned doctor approved hormone therapy and even weaponized CPS to view healthcare as abuse
Well, we already knew they didn't like that segment of the population. They are reliably bigoted in that way.
The single-party minority government in Texas would like nothing more than to force the 15 million Texans they hate out of Texas, yes. That is one goal of fascism - to displace the groups who do not serve your power.
They're basically Al Bundy's basement at this point.
Nah, they're also in the process of making it more difficult for women to leave.
It would be a shame if some major businesses and employers decided Texas was no longer viable for supporting a modern workforce 😐
They already are. But that doesn't bother the people making these policies, because they don't want a modern workforce. They want an easily controlled one. Ideally one that controls itself, through hierarchies of abuse.
No, I think they definitely want women so that they can threaten to "turn her and her friends into the law after her abortion unless she returned to do his laundry and have sex with him".
100% they tried to come onto their students, got rejected, and now have hurt feelings.
Oh yeah, I’m willing to bet 100% these are profs who’ve had multiple complaints about sexual harassment (and been protected by the system that’s supposed to be holding them accountable.)
I was gonna say, what's the over on the number of abortions these two have paid for?
White supremacy isn't new to the USA or confined to specific states within it.
Yes. I've been watching it move around since the 1960s when I first started reading newspapers. Canadian extreme right supporters now rebranding as MAGA. Real downer to see it so big, so official, so popular.
What's the alternative, socialism?
2/ eaten away Canadian and British healthcare in successive Conservative governments, & not mended by Liberals. The New Democratic Party in Canada has been able to force the minority government to expand services. They haven't needed to be in power to improve our quality of life .
1/Democratic socialism works only when people want it. A Canadian friend asked his wife's Danish friends - doctors - why they didn't go to the US to make way more money. They said they didn't want to get rich from people being sick and injured. Austerity politics - the biggest scam in town -
Nice point: 'The language of the legal complaint is "downright petulant." The picture painted is of two men obsessed with controlling student lives based on what they're packing inside their underwear. '
Imagine how bad things must be at that university if two profs proudly out themselves as perves to the whole country like this.
In a sane world they should be countersued and left impoverished, but... Texas
Avatar the more I see, the more my brain goes to the neon sign flashing that some states are going to start having border forces or similar. Apart from that being a huge over-simplification and possibly nonsense, what does it feel like to you?
That's already started happening and is 100000000 percent something to worry about
That's actually the heart of my fears. Borders also keep you in
Did you ever get a substantive response to the FOIA request?
Not really. Someone flagged my ethnicity and changed it to white-Hispanic from white-non Hispanic (both meaningless imo), BUT a big DHS OIG report finally shed some light on the situation. No one ever saw it though, because CBP created a huge fucked up situation that same week by whipping a Black
My Gods, you must have been completely freaked out
Nope, I just got real fuckin mad