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She / her 🏳️‍🌈
Writer, editor, coach; kind of between things
Banner image: #downtowncritters
Have never experienced a power outage in my new place and I'm weirdly nervous about flushing the toilet. That should still work, right? 😬
Bring back #darkTO: lights are out at Bathurst Quay, Liberty Village, Parkdale and Roncey
Reposted byAvatar Amy
I've read 17 books on that NYT list but I miscounted and told book club group chat I'd read 13 and now I can't correct it without looking desperate and perhaps like a liar. So I'm telling you
Manifesting this for me
Me, before I start working: Ugh. I'm not ready yet. Just five more minutes. Working is so hard. I'm tired. Me, five minutes after I start working: Oh my god, this is amazing. I don't know why I spend time doing anything else. I will never retire, they will have to put a bullet in me
Reposted byAvatar Amy
going to start a concert series called Holy Shit This Desk Is Huge where acoustic singer-songwriters have to put on a stadium show with pyrotechnics and such
I was so mad when I realized I had missed out on 40 years of appreciating short men because of this
1/3 Remember that homophobia is as much about monitoring the behavior of heterosexual folks as it is about driving queerness underground.
Reposted byAvatar Amy
In an hour, I'll be doing a virtual reading and discussion about "Stories Are Weapons" with Argo Bookshop in Montreal at 7pm Eastern time. If you've been unable to see me on book tour, this is your chance! Tickets are free -- just RSVP here:
Reading and Discussion with Annalee Newitz at Tickets are now available for Reading and Discussion with Annalee Newitz at Online, Online on Thu 11 Jul 2024 at 7:00PM. Click the link for further information and to secure your tickets now!
Is this likely, Apple Maps autocomplete?
Reposted byAvatar Amy
And now for the "hating yourself portion" of our regularly scheduled Thursday
This is probably not the correct or adult response but I'm actually lmfao at the investors who are struggling to sell their stupid condos
I'm an idiot, I did a survey with an optional "give me your address, I'll send you a postcard" question - but I forgot to ask for the person's name. Gonna be sending some postcards to anonymous
Seems like linking to Twitter is completely broken - whenever I follow a link, it just leads me to the top of my feed, or the login page if I'm not logged in. The answer is to stop linking to Twitter
In the interest of celebrating little wins, I think I fixed my running toilet? No more condensation on the toilet bowl or water-feature noises at midnight! (Still waiting on a big win 🤷🏻‍♀️)
I'm weirdly into the typographical choices made for this sign
One bad summoning ruins it for everyone.
After a day of fruitless attempts at productivity dampened by illness, today I'm full of inspiration and energy — but not for any of the things I'm supposed to be doing. I feel like it's time to reinvent everything.
Reposted byAvatar Amy
have I considered that I might just be dehydrated: a summer tale
Just wrote quite a long review on a book that I had lots of complaints about. A challenge for me as a reader / reviewer is to figure out how to say as much about books I like as I do about books I didn't like. It's easy (for me) to complain and find fault.
Reposted byAvatar Amy
..and now it’s time for Sunday Science..
Me: Hasn't had alcohol for over a month as an experiment, doesn't particularly miss it Also me: Shit, should I stock up on booze ahead of the LCBO strike??
Just in case the universe is following me, I would like: 1. to get into my first choice school, 2. some goofy little job I can do while I'm at school (or a deluge of freelance clients, if I'm being really unrealistic), 3. for my kid to finally get a surgery consult So tired of waiting for things
Reposted byAvatar Amy
french knots on the prowl
As baby as you'll ever see him
Reposted byAvatar Amy
Next Thursday, 7/11, I'll be doing a virtual reading and discussion about "Stories Are Weapons" with Argo Bookshop in Montreal at 7pm Eastern time. If you've been unable to see me on book tour, this is your chance! Tickets are free -- just RSVP here:
I just called the help number for my credit card (from a Canadian bank) and I got an American on the line — why is he at work, he has a fucking bank helpdesk job! Let him go eat barbeque and drink beer and get sunburned! 😭🇺🇸
Reposted byAvatar Amy
Being really annoying is praxis. Phone, email, fax, show up in person if that’s an option. Just don’t let up until you’re too irritating to ignore.
the unexpected thing about Talking To Your Representatives is that it can actually work, if enough people are similarly mad about the same thing. you won’t get the elected on the phone. but they will hear about it from their annoyed staff, who might not have time to do anything else
Reposted byAvatar Amy
Your occasional reminder that a sizable chunk of the NYTimes' revenue comes from puzzle subscriptions. Maybe consider online games that don't fund the promotion of transphobia and fascism?
I did an online assessment for a job and now I'm worried that my answers will be dinged as AI-assisted. (Which they weren't, obviously.) AI checkers are apparently very unreliable.
Pissed that we finally got hot fat people on subway ads and they're ads for weight loss drugs. It's okay to be hot and fat as long as you're gonna be hot and thin soon, I guess
Serious question: if LLMs were trained on *gestures vaguely* the whole internet, why do they write with good grammar? (Or do they?)