
Jacob T. Levy
Jacob T. Levy
Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory, Chair of Political Science, Associate member of Philosophy, Coordinator of Research Group on Constitutional Studies, McGill.
Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center.
Ira Hyman
Ira Hyman
Professor of Psychology; Rider of Bicycles; Seeker of Justice. Applied cognitive psychologist, studying attention & memory, some disinfo too. (He/him; 1st gen college student). With maybe some pictures of Cookie the bernedoodle.
Vikram Baliga, PhD
Vikram Baliga, PhD
Husband & Father
Horticulture PhD & Prof
Author of Plants to the Rescue!
Endorsed by Several Moms
Funnier than Anticipated
Host of the Planthropology podcast
Maggie Astor
Maggie Astor
Reporter at The New York Times writing about U.S. politics. NYT Guild steward. Previously: climate and covid coverage. Always: cats, gymnastics. No, not one of those Astors.
you may know me from places. she/her
Monica H Green
Monica H Green
I'm an Independent Scholar ( #BarnardAlum #UNCAlum. Focusing on #histmed, Global Health. Finishing projects on the Black Death (2nd Plague Pandemic). Upcoming talk:
Stephanie Ahrens, PhD
Stephanie Ahrens, PhD
Political theory, political philosophy, democracy, trust, film, cats, typos, bike commuting

Currently at Boston University as a postdoc in Kilachand Honors College. Unionizing.
Randall Munroe
Randall Munroe
Keith W. Dickinson
Keith W. Dickinson
Author of Dexter & Sinister, and The Dragonfly Delivery Company. New novella, Glunda the Veg Witch, out now!
#SafeSpace 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇺🇦🇵🇸
Scott Lemieux
Scott Lemieux
What used to be is gone and what ought to be ought not to be so hard. Tweets speak for myself only.
Radley Balko
Radley Balko
Journalist. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop. Co-author of The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist.

Jill Filipovic
Jill Filipovic
Journalist, author, writer at, columnist, recovering lawyer.
Shiv Ramdas
Shiv Ramdas
Storyteller. Ignyte, Nebula, Hugo finalist. Work in
@strangehorizons, @Slate, @LightspeedMag etc.
Angus Johnston
Angus Johnston
CUNY history prof. @studentactivism from Twitter.
Jess Nevins
Jess Nevins
Encyclopedist, college librarian, writer. Talks about Mesopotamia & Vikings a lot. Always outnumbered, never outgunned.
Brad DeLong
Brad DeLong
Author of "Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the 20th Century" . Too online since 1995. Sometime Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury.
Dahlia Lithwick
Dahlia Lithwick
Lois Lane for the courts and broken tigger
Slate, Amicus, MSNBC, NYT bestseller Lady Justice
Helen Kennedy
Helen Kennedy
Twitter refugee. Newspapers 4 life. (Ex NY Daily News & Boston Herald.) NYC and North Fork. Fan of Sondheim and Venice. Aspiring watercolorist. Hoping sarcasm works out better over here.
Premee Mohamed
Premee Mohamed
Writer, scientist, bug. she/her. #yeg. 🇨🇦 🇬🇾 Winner of a Nebula, World Fantasy, and Aurora award! Hugo, Ignyte, BFA, Locus, Crawford award finalist. 📚🪲 Rep: Michael Curry. Find me at
Elizabeth Bear
Elizabeth Bear
Multiple award winning science fiction author and occasional futurist. Cat furniture: horse patsy. Almost certainly two ornimegalonyxes in a trenchcoat.

Arkady Martine | Dr. AnnaLinden Weller
Arkady Martine | Dr. AnnaLinden Weller
speculative fiction (Teixcalaan series, ROSE/HOUSE), climate & energy policy (New Mexico, all statements my own), Byzantinist (nonpracticing but never not true).

unfortunately, I care about power lines now

she/her. halfway between Santa Fe and NYC.
Tananarive Due - The Reformatory
Tananarive Due - The Reformatory
Lifewriting Podcast - Exec Producer #HorrorNoire: A History of Black Horror, Twilight Zone. UCLA Lecturer. Vanity Fair. Author: American Book Award #BLM #blacksky She/Her -
Mary Robinette Kowal
Mary Robinette Kowal
Hugo-award winning author, narrator, and professional puppeteer. Also has a talking cat.
Christopher McKnight Nichols
Christopher McKnight Nichols
Historian, Hayes Chair @OhioState Mershon Ctr Carnegie Fellow 6 Books: Ideology in US Foreign Relations, Rethinking American Grand Strategy, Promise & Peril. Isolationism, Internationalism, Globalization. ⚾️
Mitchell Epner
Mitchell Epner
Attorney, former AUSA, father, husband, former JBLC, long-time Knicks fan and occasional talking head
S. Sommers
S. Sommers
Studying Histories of Race and Reading in America | Contingent Academic | #C19AmLit | @UCLA PhD | VP for Membership & Organizing UCONN-AAUP | she/her | 🏳️‍🌈 | #1u
David Hull 胡大衛
David Hull 胡大衛
Associate Prof of Chinese, gamer, reader of books. Translator of Zhang Tianyi's The Pidgin Warrior and Mao Dun's Waverings among other things. Ex-98G.
@[email protected]
Alan Allport
Alan Allport
Dr. Walter Montgomery & Marian Gruber Professor of History, Syracuse, NY. Husband, dad, scouser, gobby. Demobbed (2009), Browned Off & Bloody-Minded (2015), Britain at Bay (2020), Advance Britannia (2025)
Jonathan Walker
Jonathan Walker
Ex-historian of Venice, writer, editor. Author of The Angels of L19, the forthcoming Push Process, and other books. (Banner image by Dan Hallett.)
Philip Bump
Philip Bump
Washington Post: National columnist. Newsletter: "How To Read This Chart." Book: "The Aftermath." [email protected]
Peter Sagal
Peter Sagal
I make Dad jokes on NPR and also write books and other things.
Anna O Law
Anna O Law
Kurz Chair in Constitutional Rights, CUNY Brooklyn College. Under contract w/ @OUPPolitics: The Politics of Mobility: Voluntary & Involuntary Migrations, 1619-1882. 1st book: The Immigration Battle in American Courts. Home cook, eater, wine drinker, foodie
Chris Levesque
Chris Levesque
"Loquacious history bastard." PhD in military history, adjunct professor of history, archivist. Focus on atrocities in Vietnam, Cold War culture, & religion.
Adam Rothman
Adam Rothman
Stuart Semmel
Stuart Semmel
British history, cultural history, political thought, historical consciousness, at Yale
Matt Gabriele
Matt Gabriele
Professor, medievalist, author THE BRIGHT AGES (2021), BETWEEN PROPHECY & APOCALYPSE (2024), & now OATHBREAKERS (Dec 2024)

nostalgia/apocalypse. religion/violence. medieval/modern. Neutral Good. He/ him.
Joseph Howley
Joseph Howley
I’m an Associate Professor of Classics at Columbia University. I teach and study Latin, Roman stuff, book history stuff, and I’m involved in our gen-ed literature course, Literature Humanities. Be cool
I teach ancient and medieval history to college kids. I post a lot of pics of my pets. Queer/Ace/ADHD. #Vancouver 🇨🇦
Lili Saintcrow
Lili Saintcrow
I write books. A crow for a fetch, I'm your huckleberry. She/her.
Brian Ulrich
Brian Ulrich
Professor of History @ShippensburgU, focused on Middle East since the rise of Islam, author of The Medieval Persian Gulf (, views are my own
Aimee Hinds Scott
Aimee Hinds Scott
Reception scholar and professional tea drinker. I sell nice things at
Gailey 🍉
Gailey 🍉
Author / Up to no good / theythem
essays and recipes @
Rick Hasen
Rick Hasen
Professor, UCLA Law; Director,; 2020 CNN, 2022 NBC/MSNBC Election Law Analyst;
Cat Manning
Cat Manning
narrative director at Firaxis. emergent/systemic storytelling. nominated for awards and things. lit PhD. awful at Greek. better profile coming soon.
Raised gifted; non-practicing.

🌐 💼 UX @ AWS 🟦 Sick of rectangles 🧑 he/him
Peter Miller
Peter Miller
Classicist, University of Winnipeg | President, University of Winnipeg Faculty Association (all posts are my opinions only)
Mo Ryan
Mo Ryan
writer. critic. gardener. cailleach na luatha 🦋 💚 🚀
I wrote a book about Hollywood titled Burn It Down. I’m also a contributing editor at Vanity Fair. More on all that at the links above 🌸🔥
Paul "Princejvstin" Weimer📸📷🚀
Paul "Princejvstin" Weimer📸📷🚀
Hugo Finalist 2024 (Fan Writer and an editor of !)
Pieces at and elsewhere! Podcaster. Photographer. I'm just this guy, you know? He/him. jvstin at gmail
@The Mountains of Sadness
@The Mountains of Sadness
unserious moonlight

Always happy to make book recommendations if you tell me two writers you love & what you’re in the mood for. If you'd like signed copies of my books, you can find them at
John Chu
John Chu
The writer who won the Hugo, Nebula, and Locus Awards. Not the movie director. (He/him/his) Mastodon: @[email protected]