Annie Boustead

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Annie Boustead

Associate Professor, School of Government and Public Policy, University of Arizona. I mostly study drugs, surveillance, and privacy - sometimes separately and sometimes together.
After This Past Week, I would very much like a list of summer movies/books that are brilliant but not to be taken too seriously.
watching UNDER PARIS, the movie about a shark terrorizing the Seine. it is a masterpiece
I'm supposed to be grading papers...
I was very, very confused here for awhile until I figured out what Furries were.
BlueSky is the kind of website where you could post “no kink shaming” as a joke and get multiple responses yelling at you for 1.) joking about kink shaming; and 2.) that what you are joking about is actually a kink and don’t joke about that either.
I’m afraid of what will happen if this insight ever permeated seminar culture.
Kendrick Lamar teaches us that, in public debate, refuting your opponent's arguments point by point is less effective than identifying your opponent's single greatest weakness and maintaining message discipline.
Apparently, there's an entire other week left in June and I just...can't.
This is an entire research agenda in a "tweet."
Yup. Your thoughts and money might be out in the vast nowhere of cyberspace, but your ass is firmly planted in the jurisdiction of someone's courts.
My dog is approximately 14 years old, and she still acts like she is 7 years old. I have done nothing to deserve this but am still so grateful.
The best social networking site on the internet - by far - is for knitters/crocheters.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
My favorite part of getting old is that I can now look at situations/people and just say to myself - that seems like a lot of work I don't want to do - and then never think about them again.
a very important skill for Online is (if you are not directly affected) to be able to look at the day's discourse and go "no, absolutely the fuck not" and then not post about it
Reposted byAvatar Annie Boustead
Arkansas AG Tim Griffin has sent cease-and-desist letters to two out-of-state abortion-medication providers, claiming it is illegal to ship abortion pills to Arkansas (and specifically to advertise this service to Arkansans on the orgs' websites.)
This is a very interesting write up of the research, but I am once again pleading with people to provide a link to the actual paper (or at least the title?).
Social distancing saved about 800,000 lives before the vaccine and it's possible we could have opened schools earlier without increasing risk; the US had 273,000 deaths after the vaccine that could have been avoided with vaccination. These numbers are incredible.
How many people did we save with social distancing and COVID vaccines? CU researchers say nearly a Before the first COVID-19 vaccine became available, Americans radically changed their behavior to avoid getting the virus by social distancing and wearing
I think this time I've really figured out how to perfectly organize the giant pile of articles I should read.
I am so pleased (and still a bit in shock) to announce that I got tenure! I'm so grateful for all of the help and mentorship along the way, and would especially like top thank the anonymous letter writers who evaluated my packet!
I would be willing to embrace targeted advertising if it meant that I could avoid the constant abortion advertisements that I’m sure will continue until November.
Okay, but my all girls catholic high school had Clan of the Cave Bear and The Valley of Horses as summer reading for incoming freshman and I cannot believe that would ever happen today.
One of my senior thesis students has written a paper with 400+ footnote citations, and I have never been more sure that someone is ready for law school.
Headlines saying that the SCOTUS appeared “divided” after the hearing today are pretty misleading unless they also say along what lines they appeared to be divided.
Its always really cool when you find a paper with an amazing explainer of a technique you are trying to learn more about, but its in a completely different field and now you get to spend an evening reading about fuel consumption on ships.
Cross-posting my colleague 's poll results in the wake of this morning AZ Supreme Court decision.
Too many books; too little suitcase
I honestly can't tell whether my elderly dog has lost her hearing, or is just sick of my sh*t and is ignoring me now.
Reposted byAvatar Annie Boustead
Roses are red And though it's deflating Some of us are spending Valentine's day grading
We have a new post up at Lawfare! Check it out if you ❤️ empirical cybersecurity.
Scott Shackelford, Craig Jackson, Scott Russell, Emily K. Adams, Anne Boustead, and Christos Makridis discuss the need for an empirical approach to defining security-by-design to ensure it incentivizes better security outcomes.
The Difficulties of Defining “Secure-by-Design” New survey findings and efforts to identify the most impactful security controls underscore the need for an empirical approach to defining—and promoting—security-by-design.
I'm editing a blog post that requires citations as hyperlinks, and its so delightful! Why aren't we doing this for everything?!?!?
This is not precisely the news I wanted to wake up to this morning.
If I'm hoping to submit to law reviews this cycle, when exactly should I plan on submitting?
I’ve watched a number of these in the last two days, and as far as I can tell they have all been set in places that could be described as 15 minute cities.