Annie Boustead

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Annie Boustead

Associate Professor, School of Government and Public Policy, University of Arizona. I mostly study drugs, surveillance, and privacy - sometimes separately and sometimes together.
This is why I really have no interest in ever being social media famous. It does not seem like a pleasant experience.
My dog has a similar view on baths.
My goal in life is to be able to sleep like this.
I think a bunch of this is that AI is being discussed (and marketed) based on huge, shiny, expensive, and invasive (and flawed) use cases, but there's much less emphasis on where it is being used to add small but helpful function.
(On the consumer-facing side, at least) I think eventually the former uses will bust, but the latter uses will stay (and slowly be expanded upon).
I don't know that I'd use the words "Freud" and "psychological literature" in the same sentence.
After This Past Week, I would very much like a list of summer movies/books that are brilliant but not to be taken too seriously.
My votes - Midnight Mass (streaming on Netflix; it starts out slow but the fifth episode is literally the best hour of tv I’ve ever seen) and Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant (the book I am most sad has not been made into a movie).
Is wifehood a term that is actually used in your literature? (Just curious - it sounds odd to my ears but I don’t usually do gender)
I'm supposed to be grading papers...
I'm sure it will be okay, as long as nothing bad happens that we might want to address through policymaking.
Look, all I want is someone, somewhere who is both willing and able to make policy. Is this too much to ask?
Well, we can get explicit legislative policymaking to preempt local public health policies. So...go team?
I think this is my biggest takeaway from the end of this term. We don't have a functional Congress; the Court is not interested in letting us try to use other mechanisms to substitute for a functional Congress. This is likely to become problematic when we actually really need to make policy.
I was very, very confused here for awhile until I figured out what Furries were.
BlueSky is the kind of website where you could post “no kink shaming” as a joke and get multiple responses yelling at you for 1.) joking about kink shaming; and 2.) that what you are joking about is actually a kink and don’t joke about that either.
This is now the plot of Homeward Bound.
Okay, yes to all of this, but I also want Star Wars: West Wing. [I also think it would be HYSTERICAL to have a Law & Order:Star Wars just because there has been every other type of L&O. Very straightfaced; produced by Dick Wolf]
I don't usually have broad political conversations because they are outside the scope of the class, but it is really hard to make an argument for the importance of guardrails when "the other side" has been dancing on top of them without repercussions for years.
IMO, this is the biggest difference between my students' political expectations and mine. Much of their political memory is from the Trump Administration, so they assume Biden does not really mean the things he says because he has not unilaterally acted in a way that likely exceeds his authority.
I’m afraid of what will happen if this insight ever permeated seminar culture.
Kendrick Lamar teaches us that, in public debate, refuting your opponent's arguments point by point is less effective than identifying your opponent's single greatest weakness and maintaining message discipline.
I'm sure any attempts to achieve this will only end well.
A lot of this discussion has reminded me of encryption debate for reasons I haven't quite been able to put my finger on, and I think this is it.
Apparently, there's an entire other week left in June and I just...can't.
Thanks! I'll definitely have to check out his work!!
This is an entire research agenda in a "tweet."
Yup. Your thoughts and money might be out in the vast nowhere of cyberspace, but your ass is firmly planted in the jurisdiction of someone's courts.
When I sit on the couch she curls up at my side, and it is the sweetest thing.