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i’m worth a million in prizes
Reposted byAvatar ansel
Reposted byAvatar ansel
If that guy can be responsible for breaking up the D, even indirectly, the terrorists truly have won
our world is being undone by manlets in toupees and platform shoes
Reposted byAvatar ansel
They'll do "issue polls" on everything but that dude's aim. They don't want to know.
Reposted byAvatar ansel
closing my eyes & dreaming of being an 80s silicon valley surfer guy
went back to work after the weekend and nobody else irl seems to have gone fucking nuts so… nbd really
Reposted byAvatar ansel
JD Vance looks like one of them guys trying to pick up girls at the JV Dance. I don’t know if there’s actually a JV Dance but it sounds like a high school thing. The guy looks like a weird sex pervert is what I’m saying here.
what stage of coping-seething is it when you change your icon to a little cartoon of you sipping coffee
this is the most low budget only on amazon prime ass concept for a horror movie I've ever heard
to be disappointed is to give in to the death lust, and yet,
when animal collective said “you got to get rid of the more conservative habits of your mind” they were bangin the gong for real tho
“fuckery?” “dickishness?” “assholism?” i’m gonna put my foot in your ass
Reposted byAvatar ansel
the cute guy at the dispensary turned me onto live rosin and now i can’t afford my $18 matcha lattes or my $750 manicures or my $9400/month geek squad subscription
i saw this piece fleetingly in a documentary in art history class over a decade ago and i still ponder it on a regular basis. i guess art is just so powerful
doing it all over again but with a bigger baguette & prosciutto this time. i feel like elvis in paris
got free baguette from the fancy bakery so it’s the classic “brothers horne” sandwich for tonight’s dinner special
doing an conceptual art
every one of these hats comes with a gps tracker that alerts your parole officer if you enter a school zone
Reposted byAvatar ansel
Hey it's me, Sonic the Hedgehog! I'm officially calling on Joe Biden to step aside and instruct his delegates to support me for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States of America. It's a somber duty, but this is the only way our nation can move forward. #VoteBlue2024
it’s always funny to me that target installed a tesla charging station, but on the far side of the parking lot. “if you like your electric car, we think you’ll love walking”
i’m usually annoyed by people using little text gimmicks to obscure what they’re actually talking about but some of these new Bee Tee Ess posters appear to be extremely weird
we’re all just god’s posts on the timeline of eternity, brother
Reposted byAvatar ansel
Imagine how cool it would be to get paid $174k a year to look disappointed on camera and say stuff like, "We're going to look into it." Now imagine how annoying it would be if someone asked you to do more work than that. That's the reality for every elected official
nobody asked but i coulda warned you that an eight-year commitment was always an iffy proposition for a white-haired man
Reposted byAvatar ansel
Reposted byAvatar ansel
Newsletter: Goldman Sachs has called BS on Generative AI, and I believe that it's time that everybody follows suit - generative AI is unreliable, unsustainable, requires an entire rebuild of America's power grid, and is most decidedly not the future.
Pop A week and a half ago, Goldman Sachs put out a 31-page-report (titled "Gen AI: Too Much Spend, Too Little Benefit?”) that includes some of the most damning literature on generative AI I've ever seen. ...
what is the charge? eating a roll? a little debbie swiss roll?
Reposted byAvatar ansel
TIRED: Josh Hawley is a christofascist WIRED: Josh Hawley is a pick-me type nerd trying and failing to suck up to christofascists INSPIRED: Josh Hawley looks like Olive Oyl
mr president a second homepod has begun to death fart
got free baguette from the fancy bakery so it’s the classic “brothers horne” sandwich for tonight’s dinner special
every app on my iphone & ipad reboots itself from the top if i look at something else for a while. wasn’t the whole bit that you never had to close apps, they would just hold your place suspended in memory? i’m trying to multitask and instead i have to reopen the same document ten times a day