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Social Worker. Appalachian. Feminist. Atheist. ACAB. Fuck the Supreme Court. Dogs and books forever. 🍉
Reposted byAvatar Christina
The white shoe law firm Sullivan & Cromwell is working with a background check company, HireRight, to scrutinize job applicants' participation in anti-Israel protests. They will scour social media as well as recordings of public appearances for statements they deem “triggering” to Jews. Gift link!
A Wall Street Law Firm Wants to Define Consequences of Anti-Israel Sullivan & Cromwell is requiring job applicants to explain their participation in protests. Critics see the policy as a way to silence speech about the war.
Reposted byAvatar Christina
Eclipse: You shall wait for years, make careful plans, drive hundreds of miles for five miraculous minutes. Aurora: U up?
Reposted byAvatar Christina
The horrifying Alabama ruling refers to an embryo storage room as a "cryogenic nursery" seven times, even though there's no evidence the fertility center calls it that. Yet the phrase made it into a bunch of news stories about the case. Reporters uncritically repeated personhood language
Frozen Embryos Are Somehow 'Extrauterine Children' Living in 'Cryogenic Nurseries' This horrifying Alabama news is a few days old now, but I can't stop thinking about the language used in the ruling.
Reposted byAvatar Christina
The media has spent so long both-sidesing that if you describe the Republicans' stated goals and policies in strictly factual terms you sound like you're running a smear campaign.
they’re coming for contraception next. already happening in some states
Reposted byAvatar Christina
"Research show[s] that U.S. police spend much of their time conducting racially biased stops & searches of minority drivers, often w/o reasonable suspicion, rather than “fighting crime.”..The NYT reviewed national dispatch data & found that just 4% of officers’ time is devoted to violent crime."
Police are not primarily crime fighters, according to the data | A new report adds to a growing line of research showing that police departments don’t solve serious or violent crimes with any regularity, and in fact, spend very little time on crime control, in co...
Reposted byAvatar Christina
Absolutely incredible. I had no idea! Great thread.
(1/13) Do you know Geena Davis? This is Geena Davis. She's, in my opinion, the most impressive actress alive and not because of the excellent roles she played... but because of the one role that changed the direction of her life. Geena Davis started her career in the classic Tootsie as April Page.
Same for Tennessee. I'm not leaving. The South is worth fighting for!
*taps sign* Alabama is full of wonderful progressive humans who fight every day for justice and equality, it is a hauntingly beautiful complex place to live, and worth staying for the fight. Not everyone has the resources or desire to leave. Fight for us here, or the same is coming for you.
Reposted byAvatar Christina
These motherfuckers used to say “states’ rights,” now they’re pretending they’ve never heard of the concept of “states”
NEW: Alabama can prosecute those who help women travel for abortion, AG says in court filing. "The right to travel ... does not grant Plaintiffs the right to carry out a criminal conspiracy simply because they propose to do so by purchasing bus passes or driving cars."
Reposted byAvatar Christina
Powerful front page of tomorrow's edition of The Daily Tar Heel, UNC's student newspaper. From text messages sent and received by UNC students yesterday.
Reposted byAvatar Christina
there is a UNC professor that asked their students to have virtual class while sheltering in place and before classes were canceled and i can’t really say what i think on here
Reposted byAvatar Christina
ANNOUNCEMENT! For months I've been working with an amazing team of transgender writers and a trans dev on the Trans Data Library, a repository of information on anti-trans activists, "expert" anti-trans witnesses, and organizations. Here's a link with more info, including how to lend your support:
We're Building a Trans Data We're building a Trans Data Library to shine a spotlight on the bad faith actors in the right-wing campaign to tear the trans community down!
Reposted byAvatar Christina
Reposted byAvatar Christina
It's already tremendously difficult to regain your voting rights in Tennessee: 500,000 people are currently barred. And it just got worse... you'll also have to *pay* just to apply for a special court order. In Nashville, that application alone (which can be denied!) costs $159.50.
Tennessee Puts Voting Rights at the Whims of State The state made an infamously difficult process of restoring voting rights for people leaving prison even harder, now requiring that they plead for approval from a governor or judge.
I am continually dumbfounded how you can have billions of dollars and still be the biggest fucking loser on Earth. Before you ask which one... both.
Reposted byAvatar Christina
A eight-months pregnant woman was shocked when officers showed up to her house in Detroit to arrest her for robbery and carjacking. She is the first woman known to be wrongfully accused as a result of facial recognition technology.
Eight Months Pregnant and Arrested After False Facial Recognition Porsha Woodruff thought the police who showed up at her door to arrest her for carjacking were joking. She is the first woman known to be wrongfully accused as a result of facial recognition technolog...
Reposted byAvatar Christina
People are going to be more productive if they go back to the office Source: I made it up
This isn't surprising. When I worked in a prison (not in GA) the #1 way contraband was brought in was security officers. Drugs, tobacco, cell phones... it was rampant. Verbal abuse, physical assault, "cell searches" to just destroy property... terrible place staffed by terrible people.
33 officer arrests in 3 years: Sheriff asks 'What are we doing wrong' Smuggling and assaults have plagued an overcrowded and understaffed jail in Richmond County, Georgia, where the sheriff blames low pay.
Hello! I finally made it. 😊
End of feed.