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Occasional writer, sometimes game developer, constant spreadsheet nerd. '90. He/him/any.
I miss having a Spot! When my original hairdresser left for the US I found another good one, but now she hasn't had a chair anywhere for a year or two 😩
This salon rules!
SFFF, Science Fiction and Fantasy Fiction
Reposted byAvatar Chris
from 2017
I just saw the word "Drumf" in the year of our lord 2024. Please can we not.
Not that it would excuse it, but I sure hope this was an honest mistake and they fix it somehow.
It's funny that if you're an artist who has "AI" and "NFT" muted, you would then miss out on seeing stuff from all the other artists who explicitly say "No AI/NFT". 😅
Absolutely will do!
Yeah the times I drove were to be way early for exams haha, I otherwise had to leave super early all the time for the same anxiety reasons. Luckily for me, students got free bus passes at least. Kinda forgot that might not be universal!
I think I parked at my college once or twice ever? I took the bus or walked as much as possible because it was just ridiculous how much they expected you to pay.
Extremely! I'd hire you if I had any disposable income left after all the art I need 😅
Extremely amateur letterer here, isn't "It" using one correct at least? I was taught it goes for two letter words as well but maybe that was not the actual standard.
Ridiculous! Glad we can just have a normal Following feed here 😩
Reposted byAvatar Chris
Avatar posted a screenshot from her Facebook page analytics. Every time she includes a link to content outside FB's walled garden, the algorithm hides it from the majority of her fans. If she posts a photo/artwork and no link, the views are 10-15x greater.
How about we dismantle capital first and *then* we can worry about what are currently very necessary IP protections!
Reposted byAvatar Chris
I found out my work is amongst the 10,000's of videos used by tech giants like Apple & Nvidia to train AI that's already threatening the livelihoods of millions of creatives. Thanks to the amazing reporting from & may Silicon Valley sink.
Apple, Nvidia, Anthropic Used Thousands of Swiped YouTube Videos to Train Creators claim their videos were used without their knowledge
This one is too real haha
That sounds like a brilliant idea tbh
My feelings on The Oatmeal are basically "this art is butt ugly but he seems to be leaning into that intentionally, I'm happy for him" so while I won't be watching it I truly hope it's great and the animation is great and he is very successful 😌
Reposted byAvatar Chris
For those freaking out about Project 2025 now and how the word pornography will be weaponised to silence and imprison people, spare half a thought for the sex workers who have been ringing the alarm bell on this for decades.
*reads the op* Ah, Katie *reads this* Ah, Katie indeed
Reposted byAvatar Chris
WSJ has fired Hong Kong-based journalist Selina Cheng after she was elected chair of a local journalism union. She was told advocating for press freedom “would be incompatible with my job.” Cheng’s full statement (posted via twitter):
I feel like laughing cow is *close*, but not quite there.
I wish sundried tomatoes were just slightly Less. I like them, but they're tough to handle in the quantities people seem to want to use them.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
I thought the whole "don't make 'two wolves' jokes" thing was settled, at least amongst more progressive people, but there sure are a ton of them on bluesky at any given time?
I got that implication from what you said, I meant the rotting vegetation part specifically.
They're named side-characters in the main strip, though they don't appear super often.