Dr. Problems

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Dr. Problems


Much like Neil Young, I can't tell you how to feel. (he/him)
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I think non-French and non-French-speaking readers should be told about how utterly insane things are now in and around Paris because of the Olympics are. The opening ceremony is one week away and they've already barred any access to the Seine! 🧵⤵️ •1/19
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I used to joke that the Second Republic wouldn't have oaths to the constitution but an "Agree to Terms and Conditions" checkmark.
Silicon Valley is done with regulators and critics. Billionaires like Elon Musk and Marc Andreessen are lining up behind Donald Trump and his Thiel-funded running mate J.D. Vance. They want to ensure tech is integral to making American great again.
Silicon Valley’s dangerous plan for a second Trump termdisconnect.blog The Little Tech Agenda was crafted to defend the power of tech billionaires
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If you went back in time to 1999 and tried to tell people Donald Trump would be president and try to overthrow the government, some of the only people who would believe you would be subscribers to Adbusters.
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If I may be so bold as to express an opinion before the assembled cis Lords: The biggest issue isn't in and of itself working for the NYT, or the ethics of work under capitalism. The biggest issue that the response to criticism by a transfem was to expose her to harassment and run her off.
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it is absolutely balls to the wall insane that Crowdstrike pushed out a kernel driver update to such a wide audience at once, and honestly it's insane they can even do that without any kind of user or corporate oversight
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Neville Chamberlain proudly holding up his little piece of paper, honestly convinced in his heart that he'd prevented a second Great War
And this is why liberals worship at the church of Norms and Procedures and The International Rules-Based Order. It's a religious faith in the system that has always worked and will always work, ignoring the signs that it's never really worked and is collapsing with increasing speed
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A line of code has gotten itself stuck in the Suez Canal
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Silicon Valley is done with regulators and critics. Billionaires like Elon Musk and Marc Andreessen are lining up behind Donald Trump and his Thiel-funded running mate J.D. Vance. They want to ensure tech is integral to making American great again.
Silicon Valley’s dangerous plan for a second Trump termdisconnect.blog The Little Tech Agenda was crafted to defend the power of tech billionaires
Neville Chamberlain proudly holding up his little piece of paper, honestly convinced in his heart that he'd prevented a second Great War
And this is why liberals worship at the church of Norms and Procedures and The International Rules-Based Order. It's a religious faith in the system that has always worked and will always work, ignoring the signs that it's never really worked and is collapsing with increasing speed
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it's so weird reading articles in major newspapers that're clearly written and/or edited by people who aren't afraid of fascism they truly believe things will just keep working out for them forever. their number will never be called, no matter how bad the world gets for everyone else mind-boggling
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you cannot convey this to boomers in a way that will stick. if they momentarily believe you, the information will leave their minds as soon as they return to their cable news environment
told a boomer complaining about people wanting to be paid living wage that her $9/hour in 1975 was worth $53/hour now and she was genuinely in shock. like no one had ever in her life explained inflation. this was brand new information.
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Someone should tell Matt Gaetz that you’re only as old as the children you Venmo
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storyteller: here are the ants, working hard to store food for the winter children: (cheering) storyteller: but the grasshopper wants only to play beautiful music on his fiddle children: (screaming, furious, hyperventilating, terrified)
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I remember when RSS first started and I realized I could basically curate my own personal newspaper/magazine and it was the greatest thrill of my online life, and ever since I've realized people HATE that, that's the WORST part of online for them, they just want TV you can fave
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the media has lost interest in this fact joe biden is engaged in an air war with the de facto and increasingly internationally recognized government of yemen to break a humanitarian blockade And He's Losing
The funniest possible outcome to the Bouie kerfuffle has occurred. In all seriousness, I wish him the best of luck on a social network that works for him.
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I will never forget the interview, shortly after Ozy Media Inc. was formed, where Carlos Watson said he named it after the poem, because "the lesson you take from [Ozymandias] is that you have to dream big." So that's why liberal arts education is important.
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working with McKinsey consultants to invent a new type of cramp
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Regardless of how you feel about Jamelle Bouie the NYT writer, the fact that his most devoted stans are using his self-imposed Poster's Vacation as justification to launch an anti trans pogrom should be enough to Provoke Some Thoughts bsky.app/profile/simo...
If trans women make a critique of a guy for working for a transphobic publication and, within under a week, his supporters are using transphobic language for rhetorical victory points that kind of proves the trans women's point, doesn't it.
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Frustrating to me that now we have ended up in a position where talking about anti black racism is seen as taking a position against trans people and vice versa
Regardless of how you feel about Jamelle Bouie the NYT writer, the fact that his most devoted stans are using his self-imposed Poster's Vacation as justification to launch an anti trans pogrom should be enough to Provoke Some Thoughts bsky.app/profile/simo...
If trans women make a critique of a guy for working for a transphobic publication and, within under a week, his supporters are using transphobic language for rhetorical victory points that kind of proves the trans women's point, doesn't it.
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you can tell liberals don't actually think trans women are sexually violent men because they're not rushing to defend us
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Got my ass
That ghastly whiteness it is which imparts such an abhorrent mildness, even more loathsome than terrific, to the dumb gloating
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nintendo yelled at me for calling ganondorf hot. best of luck to you t1mx
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With information swirling, people jumping to all kinds of conclusions about motives, I think it's important to remember that Charles Guiteau shot President Garfield because he wanted to be ambassador to France and thought God told him to, and experts concluded he was driven mad by his weird foreskin
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Democrats finally found a reason to stop texting me 15 times a day begging for money.
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they gave Trump the Uvalde kindergartener treatment