
time and time again people are confused that the content they see is directly related to the people they follow and that they’re absolutely lost navigating the internet without an algorithm force feeding them lowest common denominator dreck
I remember when RSS first started and I realized I could basically curate my own personal newspaper/magazine and it was the greatest thrill of my online life, and ever since I've realized people HATE that, that's the WORST part of online for them, they just want TV you can fave
oh my god tv you can fav yep that's it ahhhh it's like when people say they don't know how to find music without a spotify playlist or the radio
Yeah, one of the reasons I litter my contemporary work with pop culture references isn't that I think I'm funny (though I am, I'm SO funny) but because little babydorks play these games I write and, like, I want them to know that things exist?
Like, the musical references are there so if that stuff sounds interesting people can explore it and maybe escape the algorithm they're stuck in. It's definitely a reaction to the totalizing isolation, the eternal self-reference, of modern comic book movies and D&D.
"hüsker.... dü... what the fuck does that have to do with being a hot vampire"
rewind to millions of kids learning about the existence of Kate Bush for the very first time from the worst season of Stranger Things
I find myself name dropping old artists as a practice a lot more because exposure to that stuff is why so much genre work is excellent these days. Modern American SFF culture arose out of art nerds integrating those influences and pushing back on the “Art as Engineering” schools before them.
this is why I'll always defend a top -40 band doing a cover too. dave matthews band introduced me to johnny cash
this exact kinda thing led me to look things up & thus became very well-rounded as a child/teen. so it definitely works!
My favorite part of the local library was the CD & cassette section. Found so many cool acts.
Had this experience, too. It's utterly mind-blowing to me that huge majorities prefer(?!?!?!?) social media sites to serve them random shit from sources that they didn't actively choose to follow.
I felt betrayed when i came back to my Google Reader after my first semester of law school, excited to catch up on the past 3 months of news, blogs, and webcomics, and… finding only 30 days bc that’s as far as it went. This was 2008. I stopped seeking out anything after that
or where the characters can hear you yell inane bullshit at them
Apolitical jokes don't get traction
About to get thrown out of here for obvious reasons
🫡 one of the finest posts i’ve seen anywhere online, thank you for your service
Apparently I was one of the 15,000 people who liked that post. I didn't know there were 15000 people here.
everyone is here for the ole leather pumpkin.
Just no market for them today
The mutant sunflower opened a couple of flowers. Nice 6” flowers.
Dunkin rhymes with punkin, you got my vote
Oh my god my dumbest joke tweets are my most popular on here by far
it's the only thing that gets traction on this site!!
We call them skeets here, Jamie. But yeah, dumb shit goes far.
The only thing that I've ever said on here that got outside of the circle of my friends and myself was a post celebrating the death of Henry Kissinger. I had a good laugh and remembered good things can happen sometimes.
Dude just wants his right wing echo chamber and is mad that nobody on Bluesky will indulge him.
I am curious what the redacted op calls apolitical jokes. I'm guessing they're not apolitical.
that screenshot is the opposite of my experience here! and i feel like i'm finding new and very funny people here to follow all the time! hopefully they are able to find what they want here.
absolutely. all of the funny people i interact with i never once saw on other social media sites.
there's an irony that this was posted by a humorless account with nothing but the most boring kind of political quote posting
“i made a joke and people responded with serious answers” yeah well i made a joke and people started hooting like apes and climbing the walls and picking their butts and smelling their fingers and falling off tree branches. skill issue
see a big problem here with people explaining my own jokes in my replies, but i assume that's simply because they're stupid
This is nonsense. I know for a fact there is a plethora of humour on Bluesky. Not on MY feed, mind you - I am as dry and humourless as a nun's vagina.
So that is the squeaky sound I hear all the time I’m on here
That reminds me... I need to go get some WD-40.
Learned something new about nuns just now
Also there's no such thing as apolitical humor.
Dagwood Bumstead, 37, looked up the elevator shaft to see if it was coming down. It was.
Curiosity killed the cat. And others.
The fact that we live in a world where we can expect not to be able to enter elevator shafts while the elevators are in motion is the result of policy and power dynamics. If we did not have the expectation of the elevator not being there, the joke wouldn't be funny.
You're going to hurt yourself stretching that far
The right doesn't really have humour or comedy they just signal their beliefs in the form of jokes and anyone who bites by laughing gets a rush of "I'm among my peers and feel powerful" and that's what they think humour is
Idk, it feels pretty dehumanising to declare entire swathes of the population incapable of humour. Of course the right has comedy. Some of it is really shitty, yep. There are probably different trends in how people in different political groups relate to it. But comedy and humour are universal.
depends what you mean by "right." There are people who are/were conservatives that have been blisteringly funny. James Lileks, for one. (although his actually funny shit is not political imo) Fascists, like all ideologues and autocrats, don't have a sense of humor.
2) Humor depends on more than sadism, whatever Henri Bergson thinks. A sense of the absurd. Play. Imagination. Surprise. Puncturing authority. All things that are anathema to fascism. Fascism can't withstand mockery; it depends on grandiosity, shock and awe, black and white rigidity.