
Chandra, the space-based observatory that brings us incredible x-ray images of the most extreme environments in the cosmos, is at risk of cancellation. It’ll be a huge loss to astronomy if the mission ends prematurely for budget reasons. Go to to find out how to help #SaveChandra
You can read more about the image above here and browse the Chandra photo gallery to see some of the other incredible images and science the Chandra Observatory has brought us. #SaveChandra
Chandra :: Photo Album :: Centaurus A :: May 2,
Hi Katie! Did you read 3 Body Problem and did you watch the show and sorry if you said already and I missed it, but I am curious about what a Space Person thinks and also I think I will need someone to explain interdimensional stuff to me really slowly, so I hope you are not too busy. Thank you.
The fourth spatial dimension stands at an right angle to all lower three spatial dimensions, just as the 3rd spatial dimension stands at an right angle the the two lower spatial dimension. Now all you have left to do, is visualize that. HOPE THAT HELPS! ;)
All my life people have tried to tell me which angles are the "right" angles and I'm like who died and made you Pythagostotle buddy?
Thank you for spreading the word, signed! I worked with Chandra data around 2006 and it was central to kickstarting my early career. I hope other scientists can have the same opportunity I had to use this amazing instrument. We've invested so much, let's keep it alive!
JFC $70M per year is a fucking rounding error. Short-sighted idiots.
But then we'd have a little bit less of a stealth bomber.
Cut like one arm rest from a stealth bomber per year. Problem solved.
yeah, it is always frustrating when we talk about various parts of the national budget because....defense is so much.
cut it by like 95% and you'll still have the biggest+laughingstockiest army on the planet, problem solved.
“Defense” We live in a geographic fucking fortress with vast oceans to the east and west and allies to the north and south. “Defense” is pure doublespeak. (Not attacking you, as I realize it’s universally called that. Just pisses me off.)
*very serious voice* Canada could go rogue at any moment..... (And yes, it is absolutely ridiculous)
Do they really need cupholders front *and* rear?
That would take care of at most a few blocks of Rafah.
There are so many beautiful images in those galleries 🥺 Sad to see this!
It’s not too late to save it!
Sent. Space science was literally the only thing I agreed with my rep on when I met him.
To think that in this country alone, there are nine individuals who are hundred-billionaires, but as a society that made it possible, we can't come up with the budget for scientific exploration. Just peak upsidedown-ness.
Thank you! What a loss if it can't be saved!
HAL 9000 : I understand now, Dr. Chandra. Thank you for telling me the truth. Dr. Chandra : You deserve it.
this country is superficial and ridiculous !!
They're canceling anyone these days.
I might be missing the point here, but the FY25 CBJ shows chandra receiving $41.1M. This is a 40% reduction, which is troubling for any program, but it doesn't seem like cancelation. Am I missing something?
There’s more info here: Essentially the proposed budget cuts are so drastic that NASA judges it’s not feasible to continue the mission.
Ah the old, we gave you some money, what are you crying about tactic
Not my intent. The federal budget is confusing. I want to make sure people who care about Chandra have the info necessary to argue their case effectively to appropriators.
I suspect the best thing people who care about Chandra can do is follow the very clear and detailed guidance at which was provided by people connected to the mission who have deep personal insight into this system
Save the Chandra X-ray Ask Congress to #SaveChandra! | The Chandra X-ray Observatory, one of NASA's last Great Observatories, has revolutionized our understanding of the Universe and inspired a new generation of explorers...
Katie, thanks. I appreciate your concern with this and glad you're using your platform to advocate for Chandra. I want to see the program fully funded as well. However, reads as extremely one-sided advocacy. It makes me want to take their conclusions with a large grain of salt.
If I had a penny for every time government budget cuts have decimated astronomy research...
You'd be able to fund all the programmes they cut.
This is a great example of how the budgeting process is dysfunctional. Instead of making thoughtful choices they go for the "cheese slicer" approach - shaving a few percent off of everything without being aware of the consequences.
Yup. I read through the FAQ. It totally sucks that this is happening. My comments are trying to understand the issue further. It would be really nice to understand how NASA used the FY23 funds to validate that. I will say this looks to be partially NASA's fault. OMB is requesting $73.1M for /1
LISA in FY25 when $0 went to it in FY23. What's weird to me is that LISA'S funding is coming from the same BA as Chandra, Other Missions, and Data Analysis. Overall, this bucket is getting an extra $30.1M in FY25. The one thing worth mentioning too is that continuing resolutions use prior year /2
Funds to operate. Would need to know FY24 Operating budget for Chandra, but CRs in FY25 would fund the program at FY24 levels.
Before was up, I saw Jonathan McDowell’s post and bought and intending to build a similar site. was put together more quickly and I’ve been trying to find who to transfer the domains to. I don’t want money, I just want to help.
Save the Chandra X-ray Ask Congress to #SaveChandra! | The Chandra X-ray Observatory, one of NASA's last Great Observatories, has revolutionized our understanding of the Universe and inspired a new generation of explorers...
Did you try usitry using the media contact form on the .org site?
I did not, but that’s a great idea! I tried looking up the registration via, but didn’t get far.
It’s a community site run by great folks like Dave Pooley! Happy to put you in touch, that’s very kind! And thank you !
Wonderful! Thank you so much! I reached out through the Media Request channel with my email earlier this morning, but I'm happy to get in contact in whatever way works best.
Not cancelled because it ran out of power or broke or stopped responding. A working, in situ space telescope cancelled because of govt mismanagement
NASA needs to learn to name its missions like "America's Big Dick Probe" or "Uncle Sam's Patriot Package" so that it will sound like we're trying to fund a Monster Truck Rally instead of science.
It would indeed be a huge loss, but it's not ending "prematurely": the planned mission lifetime was 5 years, and it's now been going for 24 years and 8 months!
It’s premature to end it if it’s still operating, especially since it’s lasted so much longer than its nominal mission end date! (Those dates are always super conservative anyway)
Anyway I concede the point on vocabulary but not on merit
Yeah. Also I assume that Euclid has both a nominal mission and what it secretly hopes to be able to do :-)