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soo my neighbor just scotchtaped some #garlic pieces to their window frames... please enlighten me, it can't be *just* because I'm a vampire?!
Giving a cop the mugshot treatment because he arrested a rich person who was guilty and acting like that’s totally normal should be a moment that open’s people’s eyes to the jig.
This applies to artists too!! This is why sites like kofi or cara or anywhere don't allow sexual images, it's the credit card's fault, so sign this if you either draw NSFW, or know anyone who does
The Pope, who lives in an art museum with a bunch of dudes who've sworn off pussy: does it seem kind of gay in here to you?
The US government is ending the program that provides free COVID vaccines to people who are uninsured and underinsured. This is a public health failure that will further decrease already low vax rates, and puts marginalized communities at greater risk.
CDC to end free COVID vaccine program for uninsured A federal program providing free COVID-19 vaccines to uninsured and underinsured adults is shutting down this summer, before the fall rollout of updated vaccines to fight against the latest va…
Genius CEOs in shambles after learning for the first time about the concept of supply and demand and that people prefer favorable working conditions
Return-to-office mandates at some of the most powerful tech companies — Apple, Microsoft and SpaceX — were followed by a spike in departures among the most senior, tough-to-replace talent, according to a case study published last week.
Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study In the months following return-to-office mandates, an increased number of senior employees departed Apple, Microsoft and SpaceX, often to work for competitors.
sooo #amazon… "gonna be there tomorrow", "we'll retour and reship halfway through inter-warehouse shipment", "nah who even wants to get their shipment they bought and we legally have to deliver, here's a refund", "nah this book can't possibly be delivered via Prime anymore" BREACH LESS CONTRACT!
Antisemitism is so deeply embedded in the rightwing worldview that even when they "attack antisemitism" they blame it on shadowy Jewish elites like George Soros!
Mike Johnson, James Comer, and Marjorie Taylor Greene have all suggested George Soros and/or globalist elites are behind the protests. “These are House Republicans who did not condemn Trump for having dinner with a neo-Nazi," @RepDanGoldman tells me.
/5 …and every time you’ll find plenty of Americans applauding the abusers and crowing that kids who don’t say the pledge or stand for it should be kicked out. The American instinct for totalitarian conformity is so strong that it influences even our immigrants.
There's a missing word, but leave it like that Twitter 😂
Made a pretty dice :3
This incredibly important space telescope is ALREADY IN SPACE, functioning beautifully, and on track to continue delivering astonishing cosmic discoveries for another 5-10 yrs. Abandoning it in space, turning off the receivers, and discontinuing its research would be horribly wasteful. #SaveChandra
Chandra, the space-based observatory that brings us incredible x-ray images of the most extreme environments in the cosmos, is at risk of cancellation. It’ll be a huge loss to astronomy if the mission ends prematurely for budget reasons. Go to to find out how to help #SaveChandra
When it takes you 10 years to realize how you've been an inconvenient blowup doll to a person calling you "their partner"...
Happy "wenn Du mitgemeint sein willst und willst, dass Deine Diskriminierung heute benannt werden darf, musst Du es halt aushalten, dass Dir Dein Geschlecht abgesprochen wird!" Tag
“Pick a Bible off your shelf and read it. That’s my worldview.” OK. “Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.” (Exodus 22:21). No. Not that part. The part about how embryos are people.
Goodhart’s Law
gotta love it when people are too stupid and/or lazy to read <300chars and then just block you for... talking about the same topic they are. while agreeing with their arguments... because apparently only bots would do that? i mean at that point just stop posting? 🤪
Sphere Tastiness
"how to run a (DRM-free) steam-installed game through proton *without* force-starting steam every single time", Or: The Ugliest Single Command Line I Ever Wrote...
Daily cat mood
It's not misogyny to dislike JKR.
when a cisgay decides you're transphobic because you inform them of the concept of "trans women are women"...
Seite 35, wenn es jemand nachlesen will. Der Rest ist auch nicht besser: quasi-Abschaffung des Asylrechts, Reichsarbeitsdienst für Schulabgänger, Sozialdarwinismus...
Die CDU stellt sich mit dem Entwurf ihres Grundsatzprogramms dem BVERFG zu trans und nb entgegen. Anscheinend beabsichtigt die CDU, die Urteile des BVERFG durch Erfassung eines im deutschen Recht nirgends definierten "biologischen" Geschlechts zu umgehen. Durchsichtiger Versuch, der scheitern wird.
Wen ein Paper so anfängt und so offensichtlich keine Ahnung hat dann brauch ich nicht weiter lesen Die Diagnose wurde extra so geschrieben das inter Personen und nicht binäre Personen automatisch mit reinfallen. Und die Diagnose unterscheidet sich stark von der alten F64.0
Ist euch mal aufgefallen das die Ministerien und der Queerbeauftragte in all ihren Erklärungen, warum das SBG soviel besser sei für inter Personen durchgängig behaupten das inter Personen "IMMER" ein ärztliches Schreiben vorlegen müssen und damit Pathologisiert werden.
"unique to vivaldi" yeah sure Konqueror did it 15+years ago already but then again we also had to reinvent the concept of "asking about cookies" worse for no reason......