
Not 1 journalist who sold a story to a publication partnering with OpenAI consented to have their work used to train the engine of their obsolescence. This is a moment in journalism (and other industries, but this one is mine) when the unions we built over the last decade will have to fight hard.
I love knowing so many writers who either don't have jobs right now or are severely underpaid and then seeing this
I love that bio. It sounds like the AI was trained on dating profiles.
With a side of engagement bait.
The MO on the doppelsite sounds more than a little bit like this (down to the cheap font choices?):
In 2016, Russia used an army of computer trolls to interfere in the U.S. presidential election. This year, an American who was given asylum in Moscow may be accomplishing much the same thing all by himself as a key player in Russia’s disinformation operations against the West.
Once a Sheriff’s Deputy in Florida, Now a Source of Disinformation From In 2016, Russia used an army of trolls to interfere in the U.S. presidential election. This year, an American given asylum in Moscow may be accomplishing much the same thing all by himself.
People who hate writing get to be in charge of all of it somehow
Every single person who signed these deals believes they are the irreplaceable ones.
It would be interesting to talk to Nick since he was a highly acclaimed reporter and editor for a long time before becoming CEO of the atlantic.
I know! For a little while when he ran Wired he reached out to me about coming back but it wasn’t in the cards, no fault of his. I also liked his book about Kennan and Nitze.
The thing I don't quite get: The Atlantic is funded by a billionaire and doesn't quite necessarily need the infusion of OpenAI cash. The Atlantic could lose $100 mill a year and Powell Jobs could still fund it for 100 years AND still have 2 billion left over.* So what's the need? *Dumb-dumb math
The people at the top have the brain rot rich people get where they buy into this stuff because they don’t experience the regular friction of real life anymore. They sincerely believe AI is the next big thing and they want to be Thought Leaders.
Citizen Kane was fictional.
I keep forgetting if we are talking about journalism or higher education
The WGA did, and we got meaningful, enforceable AI protections. Here is a link to the AI section of our 2023 contract, which was released to members the day our strike ended. I hope this language can help other writers, artists, and union members defend their rights.
113.4 KB file on
They want people to starve, so the only job left to take is the one training AI, don't they?
Pretty much the only writing or translation/localisation gigs I have been approached about in the past 6-12 months have been about training AI. The other gigs that I would previously get have already been replaced by automation.
Srsly, a friend who's had a 20+ year career as an editor is getting nothing but "$25/hour to edit AI" offers and it's really putting her in a bad place.
And those “training” jobs don’t pay enough to live on, so people still end up starving 🙃 (I know someone who attempted one of those “training” gig jobs out of desperation, and it got to a point where they were practically losing money by working on that job, so they soon quit)
They really want us to self destruct that way 😔
Even worse, I've never written for The Atlantic directly, but my stuff has been republished by them through content sharing deals. So I never even had a chance of consenting
Its not surprising which mentality surrenders without resistance
Boy I hope they're at least getting money from OpenAI, and this is not actually, as announced, a swap of training data for "use of our tools" or whatever
So does this mean if we wrote for The Atlantic our work is now being used to train Open AI?
I want to read artists' works, view artists' works, listen to artists' works. I'd like the emptying of my bin automated by AI. I'd like the need to change my lightbulbs and dusting and unstacking the dishwasher to be automated by AI. But that's too tough for these geniuses.
100 percent agree and am curious how to bargain this, given that we have acquiesced on other licensing issues like anthologies, film, podcast adaptations, etc.
Curious if the Tasini case applies to mean they need the consent of the authors to sell/lease it to OpenAI.
We’ll all be excited to drop the future crappy publications churned out identically by AI bots. Go subscribe to a States Newsroom publication instead.
We need a global AI black black list.