
The white people I know who are talking about leaving assume that it's going to be as easy as showing up to a different country and they'll let you in. Baby, lol, no. You're monolingual and don't have a job there. They're not letting your ass stay.
watching people suddenly talk about wanting to leave the country makes me nostalgic for literally any conversation i've ever had with any person of color ever
Anyway, I was born in this hellhole and I'll die in this hellhole. The fascists aren't taking my home from me.
I fuckin hate it here and I’m going to die hating it here thank you very much
this is already the seattle city motto so there's a lot of local support for hating it here
I heard a quasi-joke somewhere recently on this subject that went something like “why would I want to go somewhere where I’d be subject to U.S. *foreign* policy instead?”.
Oof, talk about gallows humor!
I'll die before I move, because dying is free and moving is fucking expensive
the funny thing is my wife has french citizenship (her dad met her mom while his band was touring europe, she was the label's liaison in paris) but we both feel similar to an extreme degree so we moved to a swing district in florida to get it ready for the diaspora when miami goes under
Honestly the lack of foresight goes even further than that. Like… where are they going to go? The choices are ‘wealthy northern country that is also sliding into facism’ or ‘the global south that’s being destroyed by climate change.’ You can’t outrun this shit even if you can leave. It’ll follow.
I’ve been saying since 2016, I’m too tired to outrun it. I’ll fight it here. I’ll die *here* and if that death is at the hands of violent fascists then all I ask is that I get a chance to take a few of them with me.
Holy hell yes to all of this. My thoughts exactly.
those depend on rain patterns that are rapidly changing
oh and I was thinking underground, with a well
i know, i know, but there's inertia there
oh I'm not saying shit's copacetic, that's just where i'm trying to be. or coastal but up a mountain
yeah that's what we did (mountains are relative, 90 feet of elevation here is a lot)
The problem is that resource scarcity is still going to hit you, even if indirectly. I have family in a Great Lakes state. I could move back there if I really wanted to and sorta have a community. But when water becomes scarce, people are going to start looking at taking that water for themselves.
that's why I want a reservoir to start with
I have some news for the people saying they're coming to Canada...
They really think American politics stops at the border
I still remember the convoy, how terrified I was for my friends and loved ones in the capital.
I’m in Windsor and the nonsense at the border was maddening The fact that there are so many “Fuck Trudeau” stickers driving around is a little scary
I still remember that one person posting pictures of explosives saying they were gonna use them against the government. And people tell me I'm overreacting for seeing what I saw
I think this is an extremely poor generalization. I've literally posted about it talking about how I need some plan or way to do it, rather than "Wow I'm going to leave the country, there's surely no complications or requirements for this."
Did you just "not all white people" my post?
Hahahaha betch ass blocked me hahahaha GOTTEM
Insert law an orders (dun dun)
No? I was saying that I've seen a lot of people, especially LGBTQ people, scared and talking about how they might like to leave the US for someplace that seems safer, but know that it's difficult.
Then you're not talking about "white people I know" which is, you know, what I skeeted.
🫶🤠 got us a start to a great day now!!
My girlfriend has been trying to get to live with me for a year now, we knew it would be hard but it's especially galling that Rishi just changed the rules to emigration to the UK just last month, like it's even harder to naturalise just when we're doing it.
I say this acknowledging that I was quite naive in the beginning, I should've expected that the UK government would also have a secret room containing the secret rules to proper immigration with a sign on the door that says "beware of the leopard".
White privilege and entitlement is so amazing.
Ben and I looked into it one time (not for politics but we were left curious) not a single country had an equivalent of his job with his pay and I’m a self employed writer so they sure af don’t want me LOL
Left curious? I don’t even know what I was trying to say, maybe legit Yep it was legit autocorrect just took me through a journey 🤦🏼‍♀️
Canada has a path for independently funded creatives best I have found so far
This sounds v familiar from the perspective the Brexit years. Turns out that the rest of Europe didn’t necessarily want to welcome more monolingual Englanders with no job to go to.
It always boggles me that they think it's going to be different somewhere else, and they won't be the immigrant.
Of course not, they're not *foreign* are they? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There was a lot of the same talk in 2016. Canada actually makes it relatively easy for Americans to come here, and we speak the same language, yet still no real influx of Americans.
Also, have they looked around the world lately? 👀
A lot of them don’t even have useful skills. They’ve fully specked into some email job that only exists because of American business shenanigans.
High-paying remote job, maybe, but they'll double tax you
Unless you have a ton of money. Even moving to a country where English is the primary language is not going to be easy. For me I would need a job which I cannot get without residence. (I looked this up several years back)
I'll let you know if I figure out how to get into Canada
And somehow to make money