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Walk without algorithm and you won’t attract the worm.
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
I find it interesting that one of the Coolock ringleaders arrested Monday night was also one of those out supporting Posey Parker & Graham Linehan when they had their TERF rally in Dublin last year. I wish some journos would notice this kind of thing.
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Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
Please enjoy my favourite review from all my time working there, a one star review from a man who took a 6 year old to an exhibition called 'TRAUMA'
I miss the Science Gallery so much. They SAY they’re going to reopen it, but… WHEN?
I just really need my car to pass the NCT cos… nothing has been simple in so long, and it would be a huge relief if one thing were simple!
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
At least now we know what happens if you allow a big load of racists to set up a blockade and completely ignore it while they harass refugees for a few months
There was LinkedIn, doing quite well as Twitter became an unsuitable place to do business, so they broke it! Defaults to ‘relevant’ posts, ie posts from 3 weeks ago that I’ve already seen. Exceptionally hard to make it show ‘recent’ posts. When you use Social Media for NEWS, you need new posts!!!!!
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
I've written about this person's political world view before. He believes he & his fellow Republicans are in an apocalyptic political struggle against evil, but at least he can occasionally break that frame to make sober statements in a moment of crisis. sethcotlar.substack.com/p/down-the-d...
Down the Derp State Rabbit Hole with the Chair of the Marion County (OR) GOPsethcotlar.substack.com Cleon Skousen's conspiracy theories, Chinese commandos invading from Mexico, and other oldies but goodies from the right wing playbook
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
I would love to have a child and start a family, and that is only possible for me if I have abortion rights and access to safe care
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
Today is my six month follow-up mammogram and bone scan. We’ve had a lot of cat pics recently, so how about plants or reptiles or interesting bugs?
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
Honestly I don't know how true this is of other places, but in the UK it cannot be overstated how much the rise of Transphobia as an issue of extreme salience to politicians has been caused purely by five or six incredibly obsessive journalists who won't stop writing about it.
I'm not even sure how much of it is her being a potential donor, from looking at past tweets from Wes, it's another example of the contagion that is rapid onset transphobia that happens when you're friends with a bunch of transphobes
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Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
FYI: I'm looking for work as a communications coordinator/specialist/manager, preferably for a California-based nonprofit or union, and preferably remote but I'm open to relocating. DM me if you have a lead or if you have a contact who can help. Thanks!
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
This piece is very good, and you should read it
It's impossible for it to get the oxygen it needs right now, but AOC introducing articles of impeachment against Thomas and Alito is a great story. She's the best messenger to explain why Supreme Court corruption impacts the lives of everyday Americans. www.salon.com/2024/07/12/a...
Why AOC is the best messenger on Thomas and Alito's corruptionwww.salon.com The corruption of Supreme Court justices is about more than greed. It "constitutes a clear danger to our democracy"
By making 2 phone calls, I saved nearly €200 this morn. It's common now, as loyalty is no longer rewarded, that personal calls get you a better price on many things. What annoys me is, over the past 3 years I've often been too unwell to make such calls. It's an inbuilt penalty for illness & fatigue.
I tested negative on Sunday. This week has been like waking up every morning with a hangover. Hangunder? I am owed several pangalactic gargle blasters or some good counterwise wine….
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
The EHRC are up to their usual bullshit, trying to lock in pandering to "sex realist" bigotry as a core part of a new 3 year strategic plan, in draft form here: www.equalityhumanrights.com/our-work/dra... There is a 12 week consultation period for feedback: www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/NDBLCS/
FYI trans folk & allies in UK.
The EHRC are up to their usual bullshit, trying to lock in pandering to "sex realist" bigotry as a core part of a new 3 year strategic plan, in draft form here: www.equalityhumanrights.com/our-work/dra... There is a 12 week consultation period for feedback: www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/NDBLCS/
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
imagine how much great art could have been created if we took a fraction of the money spent on getting computers to make shitty art and gave it to actual artists
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
Husband and I have planned that he will be testing negative and well enough to WFH tomorrow - someone please inform Covid.
If your feed is empty, I will definitely not follow you back. Who even are you? Honestly, reposts and a few replies are unlikely to gain my trust either. If your feed is mostly empty, you’re presenting as “a decent man”, and you’re only following people who present as women, I might even block you.
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
Let me add that Oisín is a total professional, and a pleasure to work with, as well as a talented artist.
I'm working on a map for a book at the moment, but I can't show it yet. In the meantime, for #PortfolioDay, here are some other maps I've done for books, three of mine, one for @julietemckenna.bsky.social. If you'd like something like this done for your story or game, get in touch. #Fantasy #Maps
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Not sure that even a 100% rise in interest rates is going to see my 600 quid see me through retirement tbh.
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
Guys, is this growth normal? Or do I have an interloper (the fern-like fronds…)?
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
If PILOTS and BARRISTERS are saying they don't get paid enough to live in Ireland, what hope do the rest of us have
Reposted byAvatar AveTeresa
1/? WWII story time. In the 90s I was part of a Danish program where high school students interviewed surviving resistance fighters and got their stories written down. Two of the men I interviewed had been part of one of the largest and most dramatic actions taken by the resistance.