
Not like, a good thing, but otoh there is a pretty important difference between calling for and doing. These people are sitting at home literally posting "someone with nothing to lose should do something." The maga army doesn't exist
Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after Supporters of former President Donald Trump, enraged by his conviction on 34 felony counts by a New York jury, flooded pro-Trump websites with calls for riots, revolution and violent retribution.
Hopefully though the folks posting actual threats get to learn about the justice system just like their hero
To these people I say: bring it. And end up like your orange leader. They can stick their intimidation tactics where the sun don't shine.
Word. Just because us norms don't wave our guns around doesn't mean we don't have them and are willing to use them.
yes, this is right. I’m a proponent of free speech and expression of frustration, even if inconvenient for the rest. There is a line of actual threats that is not too hard to identify, and I of course reserve my right to be offended by crap anyone says and respond accordingly.
Heck I’m blocked by 19 people on here, which is like 13% of the total of people who follow me - I dunno, it seems like that’s their choice and 🤷‍♂️
Side question - how do you know who blocked you? I'm just running about here oblivious usually. I can't even find who I blocked.
I have used and entered my full account ( included) ClearSky
Cool - looks like an even number - 12 blocked me, I've blocked 12. Funny, I think one blocked me over a book review, cause that's the only place I ever saw their name was in that list. Silliness.
Trump had a paramilitary once and he shattered it. He's had no ability to put it back together
Big difference between trying to rally a violent mob to your cause as commander in chief and as just some sad convict guy
the truest believers, the ones who were ready, willing, and able, well, lots of them are in jail now and the rest are all terrified
I just really think it’s interesting how Unite the Right ended up very much doing the opposite.
That's because a lot of work went into dividing them though. I've been running narratives and rumors through those message boards for years, and showing up at their dumb local bullshit just to insult them until they cried on camera
Maybe fifty of us have been doing this all over the world
they know if he doesnt win they will see consequences so perhaps violence is on hold pending election results
i meant would but whatever clearenough
a non trivial amount of them are dead too thanks to right wing covid beliefs
They assume every organizing thread or chat has an informant in it, and they're probably right! :D
can't find the classic thread or article summary about spotting the FBI agent who's recently joined your underperforming anarchist/radical group, but: has energy, aggressive has bold new ideas has cash has a car mysterious military background he "can't talk about" says he can get guns or explosives
reminds me of people literally googling for hitmen and just running with it
Amazing how the commitment to violent rebellion fades away when you realize you run the risk of serious federal prison time
Your keyboard to the universe’s ears, man
Yeah, out here in my part of real America the full throated in your face asshole support for the convicted felon dude is noticeably less than 4 years ago.
Most significant thing that could possibly have happened was his followers seeing their peers sacrifice themselves on Jan 6 and wind up in federal prison for years and Trump ignoring it. People aren’t going to stick their necks out like that again
There's still some appetite for terrorizing ordinary members of the public (eg libsoftiktok) but I agree they are reasonably reluctant to directly challenge the state again.
Literally, everyone who as every stuck their necks out for the 34x convicted felon.
There’s a lot of danger in how trumpy and fascy local police departments are all around the country but he hasn’t been able to really tap into it.
the dirty secret is that they don’t want to answer to *him*, either; the police aren’t looking for a national figurehead strongman to follow, they want to be anonymous and independent of anything other than their own localized leadership
the cops are quite happy being local warlords mostly
right, that’s kind of always been the case, too, it’s not like you’ve got NYPD cops extolling the virtues of the LASD, all these assholes just want their own turf and for voters to keep giving them overtime to play candy crush
I think of the idiotic petty rivalry between NYPD and FDNY and how it cost lives on 9/11 even though these guys are often the same high school assholes from Massapequa and, yeah, no way they’re taking orders from some Jewish spazz like Stephen Miller, who they used to torment in the locker room.
Part of it is that cops don't need Trump. After all, it's not like local Dems are a serious threat to them. If Dems were actually doing serious policing reform, it might be a different story.
long history of animosity between local cops, too. in my neck of the woods, jurisdiction matters more to city/county/state police than public safety or anything else.
What I'm hearing is that Super Troopers was a documentary
also their grift is pretty good at the moment since they've learned they can just stop working and still get overtime and raises
even becoming trump’s black hundreds would require them to take orders from ‘some asshole in washington’, they’re not a whole lot keener on that even if that asshole nominally shares their grievances
a lot more personal risk in doing that as well i think
Even more than that, they’d have to actually do some work for once
this is the fundamental flaw at the heart of the fantasy of tech taking over sf, the b srinivasan nutjob violence p*rno fairytale - it relies on corruptly influencing the cops to actually get off their asses & do difficult things. i mean - clearly these folks have no experience with sfpd.
that plan has no shortage of flaws but yes by all means the idea that cops are going to do the bidding of VCs of all people is pretty funny
And they want their pensions and insurance. That's... about it.
If there was anything close during his administration it was ICE.
Why would they want to get into shooting fights for someone who obviously mainly just cares about himself? Especially when they already have what they want.