Beach Peanuts

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Beach Peanuts

Beach Peanuts, from the other place.
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It feels like the news outlets demanding Biden's resignation "for the good of the nation" ought to have enough courage to fight for the good of the nation themselves, rather than drowning us in both-sideism and rote repetition of the lies that have brought us here. But cowardice rules the day.
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Who do I talk to if I think the New York Times editorial board should step aside for the good of the country?
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A Florida alert: When the state supreme court greenlit two ballot measures on abortion & weed on Monday, only 2 justices dissented in both decisions. They'd have tossed them. Both also upheld abortion ban on same day. Both are up for retention this fall:
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Reposted byAvatar Beach Peanuts
SCOTUS is just hellbent on destroying its own legitimacy and the US along with it. Meanwhile, always lovely to wake up to another reminder that the majority of Justices, and the movement that put them there, don't consider women people.
Supreme Court to decide whether to restrict abortion drug nationwide | CNN The Supreme Court said Wednesday it will consider whether to restrict access to a widely used abortion drug — even in states where the procedure is still allowed.
DeSantis has yet another disclosure problem and more people are losing their jobs for attempting to disclosing it to the public. Where is the outrage?
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Since everyone is talking abt Trump ordering investigations of enemies as a prospective thing, sharing video of then Senator Harris asking Bill Barr if Trump ever told him to open investigation of someone. By this point Barr had started Durham investigation. [corrected]
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 this man is a menace with delusions of grandeur. How are you gonna get on the Internet and say you've been in contact with a family that has no idea who you are?? That's bananas
"The family of released mother and daughter clarified: 'Judith and Natalie have no idea who [Shaun King] is. They heard about him and the post for the first time only after they were released."
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When fascism comes to America, it will be holding a notepad and asking Democrats why they weren’t nicer to the fascists
Remember that Democrats are the only party expected to do anything for America, hence everything that happens is their fault
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Just noting for you that in a crisis hour NBC's Meet the Press wants to talk with agent of chaos Matt Gaetz.
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Trying to imagine the New York Times story placement if one of Hillary’s emails had info on how many nukes a US sub carries and how close it can get to a Russian craft without detection.
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McCarthy probably could have cut a deal with Dems to save his speakership but it is very funny that the Decorum Police expected them to do it for free
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judge has ordered 2 top Trump officials, former DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and AG Jeff Sessions, to be deposed in lawsuit over family separations. would mark the first time the former officials have been ordered to testify in one of dozens of lawsuits
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To do: 1. Crime 2. Time
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Whales with windmill cancer are ramming the ramparts and taking over the airports, burning entire cities to the ground, and forcing schoolkids to use gay communist litterboxes, so this tracks.
Sen. Mike Lee not only wants to somehow defund Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, the Utah Republican also wants to "cut Pentagon funding" in response to a "war on American babies."   It's every bit as ridiculous as it sounds.
GOP senator raises the specter of defunding the Defense A Republican senator now wants to defund Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and "cut Pentagon funding" in response to a "war on American babies."
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The rot is just sitting there. In plain sight. Ginni and Clarence Thomas didn't even bother to cover their tracks all that much. And had SCOTUS not taken away half the country's right to autonomy, reporters might have never started digging.
What Ginni Thomas and Leonard Leo wrought: How a justice’s wife and a key activist started a Thanks to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, a trove of so-called "dark money" was about to be unleashed. Two activists prepared to seize the moment.
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If only there were several bloody and horrifying events over the past century that showcased the dangers of dehumanizing a race or group of people.
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If the GOP had any sense of humor, all the candidates at tonight's debate would be introduced with a mug shot.
Judge, to Meadows and Clark: Nope, and nope.
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Till the one day when the kraken met this fellow And they knew that they barely had a hunch, But they'd meet at Four Seasons landscaping, That's the way they all became the Rudy Bunch.
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Fani Willis to Mark Meadows' lawyers: "Your client is no different than any other criminal defendant in this jurisdiction."
End of feed.