Hosam Aboul-Ela

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Hosam Aboul-Ela


I think the best way to determine if the claim “I’m the guy that did more for the Palestinian community than anybody.” is true is to ask what Palestinians think and the data is pretty overwhelmingly clear that both those in Palestine and those in the diaspora do not think Biden is correct.
fig me like The bragging Spaniard.
*NB: if you are European, the green card takes a few years, and citizenship is possible in about 7-8 years; if you aren't from a white wealthy country, you're looking at 10 years at least for a green card, and 20 for citizenship.
meanwhile they always pretend it is about giving the people what they want
I wonder if colleges and universities would see more demand for humanities programs if they didn't systematically work day after day to destroy demand for humanities programs, backed up by powerful political and business leaders.
If you are an academic or scholar, please sign and share widely this open letter in support of the esteemed scholar Dr. Raz Segal's appointment at the University of Minnesota, which has been "paused" under pressure from pro-Israel lobbyists.
Open Letter In Support of Dr. Raz Segal's Appointment at the University of Minnesotadocs.google.com Jeff Ettinger, Interim President, University of Minnesota Rebecca Cunningham, incoming President, University of Minnesota Rachel T.A. Croson, Executive Vice President and Provost, University of Minnes...
My wife, my wife! What wife? I have no wife. O insupportable! O heavy hour!
when starmer takes office this summer he will probably become the most pro israel world leader at that moment, correct?
i just noticed that there is a kindle edition of blake's illuminated manuscripts which has to be about the most un william blake idea in history
There is an old Iranian tradition: Fal-e Hafez. You open a book of poems by Hafez & the first line you read tells your fortune. On a recent visit with Erdogan, the line of poetry that Raisi recited: "Be joyful, for the tyrant will not reach his destination." Indeed.
very typical of nyt discourse that brooks writes a column about rising authoritarianism naming every example but with no mention of bibi even though he's in the headlines every day
Wow. In 1983 I smuggled a UNC divest now banner (in ANC colors) under my blue graduation robe & 4 of us unfurled it as we marched across the field for graduation. We got boos & cheers both. My dad stormed out; nobody arrested me
Hell of a message from yesterday's UNC commencement (via Daily Tar Heel)
"thank you for your cooperation"
Hell of a message from yesterday's UNC commencement (via Daily Tar Heel)
and i want to add to tufekci that i've taught the literature of postcolonial uprisings for years and there's never been a protest movement that wasn't accused of going too far and that includes gandhi himself
This is an incomplete list of the number of NYT articles that discussed Dorian Abbot being disinvited from giving a talk at MIT. He was subsequently re-invited. It is safe to say that no professor that is punished or fired for participating in a protest will receive a fraction of the attention.
unpopular (or at least minority) opinion (at least among writers at elite media outlets and former failed presidential candidates): these protests are fueled by students and scholars reading and learning the history of the region and contemporary fotgs as opposed to just pillow talk with the xpres
I sent this message to the UMass administration yesterday: "I was looking forward to speaking next week at UMass Amherst. I visited two years ago and everyone was awesome. My nephew graduated from there and got a great education. But calling the cops on peaceful protesters is a shameful act...” 1/2
Analysis of satellite imagery reveals 74.5% of buildings have been destroyed in Gaza. In Dresden during WWII, 56% of buildings were destroyed.
all day everyday until this stops
All of our focus should be on preventing an invasion of Rafah. All of our focus should be on preventing an invasion of Rafah. All of our focus should be on preventing an invasion of Rafah. www.cbsnews.com/video/israel...
I hope y'all come to understand that it's not about Palestine or the Congo or Sudan, it's about humanity. We sit back and do nothing as genocide and ethnic cleansing occur, we lose our humanity forever. To fight for Palestine, the Congo, Sudan, etc., is to fight for our humanity. Yes, it is.
student protests against the vietnam war were proven right although atthetime pundits/elders disdained/abused them student protests to divest from south africa were proven right although... student protests against the iraq invasion proven right ... students now protesting against the war on gaza...
Don’t you feel more academically free already?
Police snipers on the roof at Ohio State watching the encampment.