
Gonna be fun watching the folks from Twitter that have gotten used to rage farming learning the Bluesky culture of “Fuck off, I’m just gonna block you and remove this problem for both of us.”
I love that blocking someone here just banishes them completely, no "you blocked this account" in your replies.
for real !! also blocklists as a feature was not something i knew i needed but its so awesum . Begone Thot (shoots my laserbeam of Fuck off terfs/swerfs)
Are there any public blocklists for bigots I can subscribe to, or do we assemble our own by ourselves?
Nevermind folks. Found out about Blockenheimer. All good now.
I think there are, I've never looked into them. I just do my own.
A reply I got in another branch of this discussion was followed by some comments that the second transphobes list sometimes has trans people who annoyed the list owner.
Ah yes, I'm quite familiar with the abuse of the mutelists. Caused a bit of a blowup and pushed at least one longtime furry out of the fandom after months of harassment.
The only time it gets annoying is when a bunch of people are replying to a thread and you can't view any replies that precede a person you've blocked.
Never run into that. But good to know so I don't think Blusky is suddenly broken.
You could still see the replies of people you haven't blocked by going directly to their account, but yeah, the thread will be borked. It's also annoying to know that if I correct misinformation and that person blocks me no one else will see the correction, but I still think it's better this way.
I hate that it totally breaks the thread for you and everyone else
Personally I love it. I feel it discourages the dipshits from continuing to do it. They get blocked, they get to accept they won’t be engaged with further on the topic in that thread.
I've noticed a few people who built large followings stirring the pot and rage farming completely give up here and go back to twitter to complain it's an echo chamber here. Personally I don't care if this place blows up so long as it's cool and chill.
I just mean a thread becomes two... and it's hard to find the beginning. not in favor of them getting oxygen. I just want "blocked post" (or whatever it says )to be in context of the full thread instead of the start of another thread
Yeah but now I don’t get notified of responses to the jackass.
but if someone else has blocked a third person in a thread and you're down thread it becomes a whole new thread. I'm like "what was this thread about originally?"
I have a firm rule to block anyone who complains about furry porn
Especially since we have plenty of filters here. My only complaint is that you can’t put specific labels on the content warnings, like “Caution: Vore Ahead” or something like that.
i'm very cool with people complaining about untagged/mistagged things everything else, the filters and account settings and unfollow buttons are right there
A lot of it shows up in the list SciFi and it always seems to be of the spiciest variety, and that's not what I'm there for. But I just move on, maybe I mute an account I've seen repeatedly. I curate my own experience, and let everyone else just be. Y'know?
Yes, muting and blocking are so easy! For porny stuff I don't want to see I usually mute, because that way if they say something in another thread I'll still have the chance to see it. Blocking is for trolls, assholes, and people who are aiming to get porn in front of people non-consensually.
I have nothing against furries & the only reason I'm aware they have a presence here is because I noticed there are feeds dedicated to furry content. The follow/block system here seems to be pretty good at letting people see what they're interested in & blocking out provocateurs.
yeah, i think there were some growing pains early on when furry stuff was ending up in cute animal feeds but it turns out furries aren't in general trying to show their stuff to people who don't want to see it so i haven't heard anything about that in a while
The current implementation actively discourages replying with unrelated content under a post. It's good!
i think the version i saw had to do with keywords that both cute animals and furries had in common, dunno how they worked it out but i haven't seen any humans in an animal feed recently
none of us have time for that shit
there's also no algorithm to game by being rafe farmer and that seems to be really frustrating some twitter bsky-newbs
fuckin typos by being a rage farmer*******
Thank you, I was about to look up "rafe farmer". lol
I'm sure the results would be something else. 😅
Huh. Turns out that "Rafe Farmer" is an actual name of at least one real person.
Honestly? After years of abuse, its been nice to stand up for myself by removing other people from having a chance to hurt me.
Which is why, apart from tankies, the attention-addicts weird-farm instead of rage farm here, doing stuff to perplex and confuse everyone in entertaining ways. I'm thinking in particular of
excuse me I’m not an attention addict, I just have a brain that requires a lot of weird off-gassing into the ether
Sir, weird-farming on a previously invite-only social media platform would be a TERRIBLE way to nurture an attention addiction. That's like chugging vodka to fix dehydration.
Except that the easiest way to get an invite early on was to be especially weird and hang out with other weird people who were already on bluesky. So weird inviting weird with the implication that you better double down on the weird. It was a strange time. Alf's Hog was just hanging out.
Right, but its still a small concentration of weird. You could bring your weird to Imgur and potentially weird farm to an easy 10-20k easy.
Fair enough, though I think bluesky was kind of a supernova of weird. Good weird, rather than weird for weird's sake weird. Artisanal, bespoke weird, rather than mass-market, fast-fashion weird.
....wait, were invite codes/the locked gates of Bluesky the containment of
I've got my fingers crossed that it withstands the sheer number of assholes that will try to overtake the site.
As my mother once said "To hate someone is to imply I give them any kind of thought, I ain't got that kind of time for any fool".
never got the attitude of "if you block me I win!!!!" or the worse attitude of "i dont want to give people the satisfaction" which is just an admission of how much toxic shit someone is willing to sit there and tolerate.
Yeah. Ain't nobody got time for that drama anymore.
If that culture holds, and GOD do I hope it holds.
Alas I will be unable to watch their reaction because I will have them all blocked.
I just got one reply that I gave a warning to, my knitting put me in a good enough mood to be magnanimous.