Just based on the text: Unless Trump dies, steps down or gets impeached, Vance will not be President. He can become acting president if he and the cabinett (and congress if it's longer) agree that Trump is unable to be President. That doesn't trigger automatically, so Trump becomes President.
Not sure if it's still canon but IIRC Palpatine's lightsaber hilt was made of cortosis (or was it one of the other lightsaber proof materials?). Bc we've seen the saber in Revenge of the Sith, we just never saw the interesting properties of cortosis displayed
It's half about reading and half about actually following what you read bc some people read correctly but see that more as a guideline or vibes
Tbf, it's better than the 80s when athletes died all the time.
Queen, Lord, who cares? What does their fiscal policy look like?
Might also be interference from french "vert"
He's not used to polishing his sword himself but his politicking has left him no allies to do it for him
You'd come out super relaxed but also wrinkely like you're running for president
They also have a candidate with the same position
It's not a joke. Conservatives have been building structures to groom and support their prospects for decades, bring them in contact with established people, etc. The heritage foundation, the federalist society, etc.
Sumo is not olympic but Mongolians have dominated it since the late 90s. There has only been one Japanese guy who reached the highest rank in the last 15 years or so, and he was easily the worst of them. And that even though each gym is only allowed to have one non-Japanese wrestler
I'm pretty alright with computers, have dabbled in python as a hobby since the pandemic but I don't do linux bc of stuff like this. Windows sucks but I don't need to switch OS and setup a system for the most basic stuff like installing a program.
Biden sad it during the campaign that republicans would have an epiphany and they would wanna magically work with him but did anybody over five seriously believe that? It was an obvious bs answer that showed he had no plan, but he can't truely have believed it himself. It's just too silly.
That's what dems have done for years. Letting trump or the supreme court get away with stuff bc there was no clear path to actually punish them
It's exactly what Biden thought compels republicans and would make them work with him. Libs are marks. Reps pretended to respect norms while they had long term goals but right now they're openly overthrowing the entire US political system. Your norms are less binding than an UNO draw 2 card to them
Unless it's republicans bc he loves their validation.
I agree but I also really liked the movie and while the arc is the same, as a kids movie, I think it makes sense to not expect the audience to generalize the lesson to all emotions
Nobody remembers Gerald Ford
It's a pun, the latin word for a person from Gaul (modern day France) and for rooster are both gallus
You can skip to "appearances" if you just wanna see where the character is from, though
The republicans have raised the temperature for literal decades and don't acknowledge it bc democrats have just gone along with it bc they love business as usual.
Calatrava's should be all white
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The guy who wrote a show about how American Presidents are good guys despite all of US history?
At least here in germany, "pep" is another word for amphetamine (aka speed) which is kinda like a cheaper supplement of coke. It's not exactly the same, afaik it lasts longer makes you more hyperactive and boosts your ego less but it's funny
You guys go on the site for unnecessary star wars bs and then complain about the unnecessary star wars bs.
I hate to be that guy but if it were an assault rifle, Trump would probably be dead. A rifle he legally bought is semi automatic and can only shoot as many times as he can pull the trigger. With a full-auto assault rifle you can just hold down the trigger and shoot your 30 rounds in under 3 seconds