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A renaissance josei who loves to cook, read, and game. Moonlights as a Manga Test Driver. Puts way too much thought into con panels. She/her.
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
Of all the announcements to come out of AX thus far, this is the only one to make me literally gasp in happiness. OMG, thank you, I freaking love this webcomic.
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Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
hasn’t gotten any less incredible that kendrick lamar wrote the song of the summer about drake being a conniving pedophile colonizer. and for the aunties the ending is perfect for a line dance. it’s peak diss track
Back to Filmscene yet again for a sold-out screening of Jaws 3-D. ...should I be ashamed of the fact that this will be the first Jaws movie I've ever seen?
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
Almost forgot, but happy July 3rd, the closest thing punks have to a national holiday. Only holiday I know of in America this month.
Oh sweet, the local indie theater is going to be showing Wild Zero in a couple of weeks. At last I can finally have some context for this clip.
Wild Zero Love has no borders, nationalities, or genders!
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
It's infuriating to watch Biden and the Democrats cling to their supposed moral high ground while the GOP prepares to destroy democracy. They will arrest you and your families, sanctimonious posturing won't help you. DO SOMETHING THEY WANT TO KILL YOU
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for: the first Hot Gimmick, aka hot trash, episode is out! and talk about this very 00s series and how it’s so problematic, yet also highly compelling. And the style! Well. Just look at these covers.
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
I honestly have mixed feelings about the new Rayearth adaptation. I think the original did a good enough job at fleshing out the world that was a little barebones in the manga. A new adaptation might erase that if they are trying to faithfully adapt the manga.
Welp, got my Otakon badge and activated it. Now I just have to wait for them to finally tell me if my final panel application is accepted or not...
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
I am tired of beating them at the ballot box. I want someone to beat their fucking asses legislatively, judicially, executively, and physically. Goddam.
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
The new Rose of Versailles movie looks like the gilded manga covers in motion, which I dunno sure, that's a direction. Kinda boring and safe. But then you open the books and take in the face melting, hella 70s comics within and MAPPA would never.
I have to ask: why? Why bother? Dezaki nailed this material the first time around and any adaptation afterwards will be stuck in its shadow, regardless of its actual quality. It's not like MAPPA has the kind of ethos or staff currently that could bring anything new to this story.
It was announced that a "Rose of Versailles" #Anime Film Adaptation is being produced by Studio MAPPA Scheduled to premiere in Japanese theaters in 2025 Source:
OMG, the vote-scolding on here today has gotten un-fucking-bearable. RN I just want everyone to fuck off, shut up, and leave me alone.
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"Look, the Wall Street Journal lists all these companies that did poorly after they initiated diversity initiatives." Huh, looks like most of them were also acquired by private equity groups in leveraged buyouts, and then conducted stock buybacks. "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO ACTUALLY READ THAT FAR!"
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Things I've spontaneously said to animals. Mailing list: Patreon:
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Hunting down books like this isn't cheap, but you can help compensate year-round by supporting The Manga Test Drive via Patreon:
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Just before Pride month ends, I gotta make some time to dig out one last oddity from my boxes of BL. In this case it's a demonic misfire called Mister Mistress, where an incubus does his best to trick his teenaged master into sex.
Review: MISTER I can't not close out this month by shooting the metaphorical fish in the barrel - i.e., reaching deep into my boxes of BL manga and findin...
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almost the entire “should Biden be replaced on the ticket” conversation is about which choice (him staying or him dropping out for Harris) has the best practical chance to beat Trump in November “how to Not Trump” is the overriding concern
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
I feel like the main political divide on this website is between “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I hate him” and “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I will crawl over broken glass to vote for a rancid ham sandwich against Donald Trump” very few people are actually huge fans of the guy
So last night I inflicted a selection of The Worst of Sandra Lee on my in-laws (she had come up in conversation between them and my husband recently). It was both great fun and an exercise in abject horror, as those clips always tend to be.
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
Nick and Steve dive into the political intrigue of supernatural crow people and discover one of the best anime airing right now.
This Week in Anime - Yatagarasu Is the Anime to Watch Right
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
As someone trying to piece together '90s anime industry and fandom history, you'd be amazed how much rot exists. The first outlets I wrote for no longer exist in any form. On that note: does anyone still have copies of CPM's AniMail newsletter? Those seem to have completely disappeared.
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
looking forward to attending this convention, asking for a refund, and then spending the rest of my life a fugitive from TEXAS JUSTICE
Reposted byAvatar Brainchild
Mask bans are ableist and a terrible idea generally, but I also fundamentally disagree with laws restricting what I can wear on my body. If I don’t want to show you my face I shouldn’t have to. Activates my quasi-libertarian streak