
A fun thing about the Supreme Court is if it didn’t exist and you described how it worked as a good idea for a functioning country people would laugh at you and call you a dumb stupid ass bastard
You can say the founders were dumb for doing it but I honestly think they were convinced that we would come up with a dozen better systems between then and now and have all agreed to do them. They were just throwing shit together
They certainly didn't think they were solving things FOREVER. Half of those guys hated the other half. They KNEW these were compromises!
The US constitution is like someone’s home brewed alternative rules for D&D but for a parliamentary form of government.
I’m pretty sure none of the founders expected us to be still be mindlessly obeying their handwritten bullshit 250 years later. These people were so archaic that they used the same letter for S and F, these are people who believed in leaches as medicine, and yet we must follow their every word…
The founders recognized that political parties would screw up most of the systems they came up with, and also lived in a time where, if say a justice with a lifetime appointment was taking bribes, a contemporary could demand that they meet on the edge of town so one could kill the other with a gun.
a no-joking extremely useful social feedback mechanism
It really was. You could only get so on your bullshit until you either had to back down or prove that you had God's favor at 10 paces. Ducking a duel was an admission that you didn't actually have any faith in your rhetoric.
More your aim, but you had champions (or you didn't)
Yeah, if you had something a friend or family member was willing to die for. I don't think you could just get a ringer for your second.
Well, also, the Supreme Court the founders created wasn't meant to be ruling on the constitutionality of laws. That happened a lot later.
There is no greater triumph of historical revisionism than the fact that the Constitution is treated as something sacred instead of what a bunch of hungover guys in an unairconditioned room decided was "good enough for now"
it was so sacred they literally immediately made ten amendments to it! anyone that obsesses over this shit should get beaten by other lawyers armed with socks filled with oranges
Yea it was pretty f'd from the start and I'm surprised it held the thin veneer of non partisanship for as long as it did. It was designed to be tech support for a country with a lot of arcane laws that politicians couldn't always sus out.. But the same politicians appoint and confirm justices, so...
I doubt they could have predicted this level of polarization of the voting class was even possible
that's every part of our constitution. it was influential for its time but it's been left behind. even when we invade another country and force them to have a "democracy" we don't base it around our dumbass constitution
And 9 robed witches and warlocks shall read the ancient scrolls and Hold seance with the countries founders to deliver judgement.
The supreme court and the rest of the constitution are the a little dry turkey sandwich that Homer wished for from the monkey's paw
Homer Simpson wishing for Turkey Homer Simpson wishing for thanksgiving turkey sandwich
It kinda shows how we’re nothing special. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time to become a behemoth nation. Japan has existed for a godzillian years and we’re a busted flush before we hit 250. How can anyone argue our constitution is this miraculous document when we have…this?
Yesterday I learned the phrase "Illiberal democracy" and the first two paragraphs of the wikipedia page hurt.
Illiberal democracy -
"So the elected official gets to pick all of the people who decide what gets to be legal or not" >"Okay, I already have several questions, including 'have you been huffing petrochemicals recently?' "