
It’s another national Holiday and Jamelle Bouie is spending time telling people with 10 followers to fuck off on Bluesky. I cannot stress how much this man represents our collective posting id
I love how these people seek him out to badger him and then act so aggrieved when he rightly tells them to shut the fuck up
Its like doing your morning stretches so you don’t cramp up later at the cookout
he scolded me once for telling someone they didn’t know anything about movies and I was like “whatever dude, I’m right”
i hope i never get so many followers that i can’t tell the ones that are full of shit to kick rocks without being accused of abuse or whatever. not being sarcastic.
He should be getting a paycheck for dealing with the worst reply guys ever
He has one of the best tiktok accounts I’ve ever seen where he both handles people with grace but also occasionally lectures a commenter a bit. It’s just a sublime account.
His Insta is mostly photography, if you want to see another side of him. He has a really nice collection of "Americana" photographs -- old buildings, old towns, landscapes.
I am blocked for questioning one of his more centrist takes, nice to hear he's still flailing about
what's crazy to me is how he's stayed sane this whole time.
im blocked what did bouiebubble say this time
He's a standard NY Times centrist prick
People like him are getting targeted by troll farms for harassment. He's suppressed by the indirect fire.
I don't know though, it's probably time for him to admit his continued employment at the Times has a whiff of complicity about it.
as far as I can tell he's been quite consistently WTF re Times coverage this week, including in their panel chats. I don't want that to stop.
Holy shit he blocked me 🤣 I have no idea what I did
Me too! And I generally agree with everything his says. I think it was because I liked or followed someone he blocked. Yet he'll engage in obvious bad-faith trolls and the like. Now it's his social media feed, he can block as he pleases but he sure is flaky about it.