
LaToya Jordan
LaToya Jordan
Writer • Mom • Shirley Jackson Award Nominee Author of the 2023 debut novella To the Woman in the Pink Hat (Aqueduct Press) • Reader, Wigleaf Top 50
Lynne Jensen Lampe
Lynne Jensen Lampe
Poet. Editor. Late bloomer. Reader at Tinderbox. Recent: Many Nice Donkeys, Rise Up Review, Stone Circle Review, The Inflectionist Review. Talk Smack to a Hurricane (Ice Floe Press, 2022).
Anthony Frame
Anthony Frame
Poet in Residence at Frame's Pest Control. Toriphile. Editor/Publisher . Book Main Street Rag. Chapbook: Sibling Rivalry Press.
Glass Poetry Press
Glass Poetry Press
Publisher of Glass Chapbook Series, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, and Crucible: An Online Reading Series. Subs always free. Posts by
Snoot, a highbrow digest
Snoot, a highbrow digest
All the literary content worth the bother. Infrequent posting does not imply dormancy.
Civil rights lawyer; democracy warrior, dedicated to racial justice & equality. Fmr President & Director-Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc.
Barred and Boujee aka Madiba Dennie
Barred and Boujee aka Madiba Dennie
Words at, and even more words in The Originalism Trap: How Extremists Stole the Constitution and How We the People Can Take It Back
Out now at !
Boston via Louisiana
cagey ratfish 🐟🐈‍⬛🎨🏳️‍⚧️
cagey ratfish 🐟🐈‍⬛🎨🏳️‍⚧️
Sometime artist, smalltown westcoast fish & boat nerd, tired old gendervague dirtbag (they/them)

ALT text is kindness to your fellow humans.
Banner: mountain lake bathed in golden light. PFP: Head of a ratfish
Lisa Rokusek
Lisa Rokusek
tired but trying

systemic to my core


dissident - in the havel sense

disintegrating - i hope positively


magical queer

mostly benevolent

pushing the rock of persuasion

I'm in STL. We make it harder here.
J. D. Nelson
J. D. Nelson
Poet • Author: 𝙞𝙣 𝙜𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙 (Post-Asemic Press) • poetry, micropoetry, Dada, Surrealism, haiku • BotN & 4x Touchstone nom • sound poetry /sound art • Boulder, Colorado • Ⓥ ❤
autistic/adhd author, Birdsongs out now with Alien Buddha Press. Writes poetry, essays, reviews, the odd short horror story, sometimes fosters cats. Open for writing/editing work. Local discount to Philly writers: [email protected]
Haus of Decline
Haus of Decline
Hank of Decline
Podcast & Comics -
Patreon -
Store -
Jo Knowles
Jo Knowles
Author of #kidlit (picture books, MG, Tween and YA), teacher at Mountainview MFA, mentor at
Rebecca S
Rebecca S
the poet laureate of these four square feet • in the path of totality • 🐋 whale verified • VT
Alicia K. Anderson, Ph.D.
Alicia K. Anderson, Ph.D.
Ph. D. in Mythological Studies and Depth psychology. Expert in a lot of niche subjects. Autistic. Chronically ill. Living my best life in New Mexico
it's megan
it's megan
better luck next time
The Shore
The Shore
The Shore is an online poetry publication seeking cutting, strange, and daring work from new and established poets alike.
Previously of the South Florida Daily Blog & Stuck on the Palmetto. Politics, cars, craft beer crusader, the American West, & life.
Charlie Harding
Charlie Harding
Music journalist, Switched On Pop
Premier League News
Premier League News
#News #Premier #League
Dave Bonta
Dave Bonta
Poet and web publisher from the northern tip of southern Appalachia specializing in erasure poetry, ecopoetry, videopoetry and modern haiku. Books include Ice Mountain: An Elegy; Failed State: Haibun; and Breakdown: Banjo Poems.
Alison Pelegrin
Alison Pelegrin
Louisiana Poet Laureate 2023-2025. Our Lady of Bewilderment, Waterlines (LSU Press), Hurricane Party, Big Muddy River of Stars (U Akron). Blue--Uncertain--Stumbling--Buzzed
Kelli Russell Agodon
Kelli Russell Agodon
Nikki Wallschlaeger
Nikki Wallschlaeger
Poet. Bookseller of fine and used books at Metaphysical Graffiti in Viroqua, Wisconsin. Next book is Hold Your Own in May '24 from Copper Canyon Press.
Reader. English professor. Follow books, film, foreign affairs/history, baseball, and soccer (Everton). Partial to hounds.
Bex Hainsworth
Bex Hainsworth
Teacher and Poet. WALRUSSEY, my debut pamphlet of ecopoetry, is now available from The Black Cat Poetry Press:
Shelagh Rowan-Legg
Shelagh Rowan-Legg

Film curator, scholar & writer. Filmmaker. Poet. Contributing Editor, | Programmer, Wench Film Festival | Member: OFCS, AQCC, Fipresci | Poems in The Windsor Review, Carousel, New Poetry |
We're a national literary journal and young writers' conference at Washington College in Chestertown, MD
Nicholas Belardes
Nicholas Belardes
Writes literary fantastic, eco-horror, Chicano fiction | THE DEADING (July '24), TEN SLEEP (‘25?) Erewhon Books | weirdo birder | MFA: UCR Palm Desert Low Res
Kit de Waal
Kit de Waal
Optimist, writer, swearer. common person. Mostly trying to be better but not always. Co-founder Big Book Weekend with @MollyFlatt. Proud Primadonna. Professor, University of Leicester. Also found @portopiatv. Photo by @sarahmlee
Brooke Knisley
Brooke Knisley
✍🏻 Writer. Comedy. Tech Bro(oke). Bylines in HuffPost, Paste Magazine, Vulture, McSweeney's, Weekly Humorist, Shouts & Murmurs, etc. she/they

🩸If you DM me, I'll probably throw up blood.
Nicole Walker
Nicole Walker
Microorganisms and eggs and otters and wine and processed meats. The world is full of good stuff. I like to write about it.
Matt Walker
Matt Walker
Yes, *that* Matt Walker.
An online literary journal publishing prose and poetry quarterly |
tariq shah
tariq shah
fiction + poetry. Whiteout Conditions (two dollar radio, 2020)
Paul Lisicky
Paul Lisicky
My books include LATER and THE NARROW DOOR. SONG SO WILD AND BLUE: A LIFE WITH THE MUSIC OF JONI MITCHELL is coming from HarperOne on 2/25/2025🏳️‍🌈🦌🐊🦀
Miranda Lynn Barnes
Miranda Lynn Barnes
Ramona Reeves
Ramona Reeves
Writer - 2022 Drue Heinz Lit Prize, It Falls Gently All Around | Editor, Writing Coach | Holding space for community | 🏳️‍⚧️
Staci Perkins Kleinmaier
Staci Perkins Kleinmaier
Assistant editor of The Sun magazine. Likes cats, crocheting, and swearing.
Breaking Form: A Podcast of Poetry & Culture
Breaking Form: A Podcast of Poetry & Culture
Online at, or wherever you get your poetry podcasts.

30 min shows drop every Monday. We're like a poetry quickie in a filthy motel with a faaaaaabulous library.
Bill Marsh
Bill Marsh
City prof, country poet, essayist, union+. Copper Nickel, Cimarron Review, The Normal School, Bayou Mag, Allium. 2xBAE notable. Angling for truth in a big lie pond.
Jill S
Jill S
Tea drinker, Seattleite, queer femme, erstwhile writer, dilettante, librarian, birder. If you reply-guy me, I will block you.
Christopher Ankney
Christopher Ankney
Husband and father. Runner. Poet: most recently/forthcoming in Cimarron, Cumberland River, Electric Lit, Harpur Palate, Hunger Mountain, Jet Fuel, Panorama, and Poetry South. 1st Collection: Hearsay
Celeste Ng
Celeste Ng
Fiction writer, science nerd; ex-Clevelander; embarrassingly sincere. Too big to hang out; slowly lurching toward your favorite city. This is the break room, where I chat with friends. She/her.
Lauren Brazeal Garza
Lauren Brazeal Garza
Poet, Novelist, & Essayist | Author at YesYes Books & Tram Editions | Forest Witch | 🏳️‍🌈♿️
It's Kåss (without the overring) 🏳️‍⚧️
It's Kåss (without the overring) 🏳️‍⚧️
If the men find out we can shape shift, they're going to tell the church.


Ghost of a poet, Risen. Woke as Fuck. Beltalowda. Neuro-D! Thor Viki. FYYFF. "He's not only mad, he's Bolshie!"