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autistic/adhd author, Birdsongs out now with Alien Buddha Press. Writes poetry, essays, reviews, the odd short horror story, sometimes fosters cats. Open for writing/editing work. Local discount to Philly writers: [email protected]
High Goon
I wish I was immune to secondhand embarrassment.
Oh this sounds cool as hell
THE MAUSOLEUM OF GORE: A HALLOWEEN TV SPECIAL is a metahorror, found-footage/DIY monster movie descent into a world of surreal seasonal horror and local TV broadcasts. Check out the full description and preorder my new novella:
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
One of the smartest decisions BREAKING BAD ever made was to forgo trying to explain Walt via trauma. There’s a monologue about his dad being pathetic, and his mother (who never appears on the show) is apparently A Lot, but all his flashbacks are to his adult self. He made (and ruined) his own bed.
In which I convert my longstanding beef with TV's excessive reliance on traumatic backstories into an essay! The first installment of our new Screen Shots column for the LA Review of Books:
The Past Is Never Dead: On TV’s Backstory Problem | Los Angeles Review of Elizabeth Alsop explores the ubiquity—and limitations—of the “trauma backstory.”...
In Spartacus news ⚔️, archaeologist Paolo Visona's team in the Dossone della Melia forest in Calabria (S. Italy, across from Messina) have likely found the Roman fossa & agger (ditch and mound) defensive system erected by Crassus' men to stop Spartacus' troops.
News - Wall Built to Contain Spartacus Discovered - Archaeological Institute of AIA News news from the AIA
Movies used to have Henry Rollins randomly show up in them. And you'd go "Hey, it's Henry Rollins!"
Not a scientist but right now the blocks with trees feel good, the blocks without trees feel bad
the level of editorializing outlets are comfortable with when it works in the GOP's favor is pretty wild they never seem to have this same editorializing courage when taking about, say, Amazon labor abuses
I'm a lifelong doomer and cynic and honestly some of what I'm seeing from people is too much even for me.
Man I just woke up from a nap AND
Anyone who took a twenty minute break from the internet
Few shows I love more while totally disagreeing with the politics than Justified
Junior Scholars: Project 2025 is now breaking through to public consciousness. The more people learn about it, the more they hate it. Now is a great time to search that website, go to the section of your expertise, and write an oped. Keep the drip of bad news for them coming, all the way to Nov.
the "it's the elites are working to push biden out" claim is correct in the sense that pretty much all of influence at the top level of dems (and several levels below) is 99 percent pushed by elites. however us randos feel about joe staying in or leaving, we have absolutely no influence either way
It's genuinely astonishing to me that Gizmodo, of all outlets, is the one that found the perfect headline for this story.
Heritage Foundation Denies Penetratation by ‘Gay Furry Hackers’ Alleged chat logs show a foundation executive having a meltdown.
Ahahaha you're the fucking Mallrats generation, you're EXACTLY who I'd mess with
As a Gen-X’er, I’m not really liking that Gen-X’ers are starting to do the “We are the generation you don’t mess with” social media shtick that Boomers were doing 10 years ago.
Elon Musk is a little like Socrates in the sense that he’a a public intellectual who we should force to drink hemlock
Remember when the one lady was like "Bernie reminds me of my abusive dad because he yells"
I’ve seen takes you could never believe
Imagining how different the world would be if How I Met Your Dad was a hit and Greta Gerwig became a big TV star
Orwell: You should try to write coherent, meaningful prose instead of jargon that only appeals to ivory tower intellectuals, that way everyone can read and understand it Academia: What if we...didn't
Such an unforced error for them to call it “Project 2025,” exactly the kind of fruity James Bond villain shit they love to claim that like UNICEF is up to
I demand you stop using this word wrong