
Anecdotal observation from local grocery stores: after a year in lockup, the deodorant and baby food is quietly being freed and everyone is pretending they didn't just fall for some lobbyist dipshit's made-up numbers. Hope they all go out of business and are replaced by actual ethical companies tbh
Grocery executive 1: Something smells bad. Grocery executive 1: It's probably all those plebs who can't steal deodorant now. Grocery executive 1: Do you think it could be us who smell bad? Both smell their armpits.
Haha. I just realized the second line is supposed to say 2, not 1. My gawd, how many years before we get an edit button?
It's actually way more comedically funny if it's just the one standing in silently while the other one has an entire conversation with himself which is how most business gets done in my important opinion 💅 Yes I assume both of these business people were men why do you ask
It fits as I imagine most executives are like a garfield strip: either living in perpetual loathing silence or eternal cringe.
Now I want Waiting for Godot, except it's these two executives. -Should we do better? They do not do better.
The grocery store that doesn't treat everyone like a criminal will do numbers.
The only place I can reach on foot or bike now is a Kroger, which suuucks. They have an armed security guard checking receipts. I just ignore them & pretend I don't hear if they say something. But I'd never get away with that if I wasn't a middle-aged white lady.
Lidl and the like are gonna eat their fucking lunch. Human cashiers and no baby food cages.
And Aldi at least provides chairs for their cashiers.
They’re locking up the baby food?!? I’m going to have to let that one sink in.
It's so sick and vile, one of my local grocery stores locks up nothing but the baby food
Damn I miss living near a Lidl.
Ethical companies? I don't think those exist anymore
What gets me is when CVS locks up the name brand but not the in-house shit.
Like idk did making your CONVENIENCE store inconvenient start losing you money and customers? Hmmm?
Local safeway did this recently with Tide. And only Tide. Worse yet they didn't even put the little button to call the key monger to release a bottle for a customer. I just picture a district manager eventually asking what's up with the massive dip in Tide sales.
The retail lobby is nothing but a bit group of scam artists. The fact that news outlets are still falling for their bullshit should be embarrassing.
Man you were really getting somewhere before the hopium hit in the last sentence.
sadly i think it's had the worse effect of giving amazon even more business
I go to lots of different grocery stores (or stores with grocery sections) around my area, and I noticed wildly divergent policies about stuff being locked up place by place, sometimes even block by block. One grocery store has just a couple locked sections up front, while a nearby Walmart has tons.
One might conclude from this that the important thing to them is the appearance of having items locked up, just to remind us who has the power over our deodorant and baby food
Retail management loves to stoke paranoia. A recent mall meeting had the manager of a shoe store [for a brand notorious for horrid child labor practices] complaining of O.R.C. (Organized Retail Crime) booster gangs cutting freeway fences to steal from them. Meanwhile, we lose an occasional sticker.
I think we should probably eat them, too. Also: Hi Ross!! Great to hear from you!
Our local Target doesn't have anything locked up to my knowledge. The Walgreens had some cold and allergy meds locked up, but nothing like some of the things I've heard. Could it be because we live in a well-off and mostly white/Asian suburb?🤔
I'm sure that's a factor, but besides corporate policies, they might also be telling you what they think their own demographics are and who they need to discriminate against. The example I gave are stores literally across the street from each other.
Ohh yeah that's a good point. I feel like this would make a great dissertation. "After the Storm: Robber Barons, Surveillance, and Corporate Disinformation Campaigns in Pandemic America"
Oh, sure. I'm just hypothesizing. The Target and Walgreens are a mile-ish apart. I haven't seen much locked up at all in my neck of the burbs, but I suspect there's a lot more in Chicago proper.
I imagine their hope lies in new people moving in and not realizing this faux pas ever happened, not unlike some that are probably going to see the egg prices and think it's the price of living in a major city.
I wish this were the case where I live. I was just in a CVS that was in the process of stocking their new deodorant and face wash lock boxes 😮‍💨