J. Michael Moncus ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‰

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J. Michael Moncus ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‰


gay, pagan, goth, anti-fascist, geeky, socialist, and various other adjectives (he,him)
Israel will have completely eradicated the entire Palestinian population, and people will still be like "but what about Hamas"
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
So uh... anybody with a bigger megaphone than me want to help a butch out? The Gilbert Baker Foundation & CMG are asking a settlement from us for referring to the Gilbert Baker flag/original color scheme as the "Gilbert Baker flag" of twice what we've ever made from anything with those colors.
Who has two thumbs and got a legal threat from the lawyers for the Gilbert Baker foundation because he gave credit to Gilbert Baker as the creator of the original Pride flag on items that use that colorway? YEP!
But you and I ... we read those books and the Xanth stuff in good faith. It's not our fault the writer did not write in good faith. We missed the evil, because evil wasn't in our hearts. It's a dogwhistle for those who can hear it.
I was so hoping the Gaiman accusations were going to turn out to be another George Takai situation, but it's beginning to look like he actually is a sexpest
I do agree that for most people in this country, their vote doesn't actually mean anything....in the PRESIDENTIAL RACE. Down ticket races absolutely do still matter and anyone trying to convince you they don't are pushing an agenda.
Prison rape jokes are a part of rape culture. Making โ€œdonโ€™t drop the soapโ€ and โ€œbecome someoneโ€™s bitchโ€ jokes means you think rape is okay if it happens to certain people.
If you think we can just stop these people by voting, Iโ€™m curious, were you alive and eating solid food in 2000? The SCOTUS can simply declare someone president, overriding the electorate, and the last time they did it, they were a much less conservative court.
So much of my mother's family was wiped out in the Holocaust that her last name has been nearly erased and genealogical research just dead ends in the 30's, so with that kind of family history behind me let me just say: it is not antisemitic to say that "Israelis" need to fuck off out of Palestine.
Bluesky is hilarious because people named like King Wokeness are actually Raytheon Diversity Directors and people named like Cringe Footguy run homeless shelters and black market hrt operations
The current "lesser evil" is supplying bombs to genociders. 20,000 children dead are NOT HAMAS.
They don't have an inside to go to. This is "increase jail population and slave labor" ruling.
Love how straight white Democrats hear criticism of their party like, "stop appeasing bigots" and "don't do a genocide" and "treat immigrants like human beings" and accuse you of wanting a magic pony that grants wishes
Reminded of this every day ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ
These people keep playing in our faces But theyโ€™ve given us *nothing* and we have made our issues very clear 1. Police brutality is out of control 2. Reproductive freedom is a right 3. No genocide!! 4. Healthcare is a right 5. People need a living wage These are not difficult issues.
So. This is literally a death threat.
โ€œWith a $100,000 grant from the influential Heritage Foundation, the goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agendaโ€ฆโ€
Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump plansapnews.com An outside group is quietly investigating scores of federal employees suspected of being hostile to the conservative policies promised by Republican Donald Trump.
Marcellus Williams was cleared by DNA evidence and the prosecutor is trying to vacate the conviction, but the state of Missouri still scheduled an execution date for him. Please sign and share this petition innocenceproject.org/petitions/st...
Stop the Sept. 24 Execution of Marcellus Williams, an Innocent Man - Innocence Projectinnocenceproject.org DNA evidence not available at the time of trial proves his innocence but has not been considered in court. Act today.
logging on to bluesky
Should be national news: - Cop accused of grooming & raping 15 year old - Two other cops had sex with her in cop cars - She gets pregnant, found dead - Cop was last one to see her alive, in apt where she was found - Ruled suicide with no tests on DNA evidence - No criminal charges against anyone
ACAB still means ALL, but maybe this guy will be one of the last against the wall when the revolution comes
Giving a cop the mugshot treatment because he arrested a rich person who was guilty and acting like thatโ€™s totally normal should be a moment that openโ€™s peopleโ€™s eyes to the jig.
Giving a cop the mugshot treatment because he arrested a rich person who was guilty and acting like thatโ€™s totally normal should be a moment that openโ€™s peopleโ€™s eyes to the jig.
We need a system where, when someone criticises a protest for being done the wrong way, they're asked how the protest should have been done, and when they answer, they're automatically signed up for weekly email reminders to participate in just such a protest
There were 16 trans youth suicides after gender affirming care restrictions were implemented in the UK in 2020 compared with only 1 in the 7 years prior. Staff at the NHS attempted to cover it up. Hilary Cass knew but minimized what was happening. This is a massive scandal. Cass lied, kids died.
The IOF is kkkhamas Israel now acknowledges that "many" of the victims of October 7 were killed in "multiple" incidents of friendly fire due to "our forces shooting at our forces" and because of "real-time decisions - which turned out to be wrong."
You can have a mid life crisis at any age if your life is mid enough
no photographer identified.
fucked up that biden could easily win if he just forced the idf to stop bombing gaza for even just 6mos, and instead the entire dem apparatus is banking on "well enjoy the camps sweeties"