Brian Nam-Sonenstein

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Brian Nam-Sonenstein

senior editor/researcher,
Post-Roe abortion bans & restrictions force hundreds of thousands of ppl to cross state lines for abortion care each year. For most of the 800k women on probation & parole, however, routine travel restrictions put even this difficult option out of reach.
Two years after the end of Roe v. Wade, most women on probation and parole have to ask permission to travel for abortion Since the 2022 Dobbs decision, 21 states have restricted abortions earlier than the Roe v. Wade standard. Now, more of the 800,000 women on probation ...
ICYMI: Please read our new report on "inmate welfare funds" — an inverted welfare system that extracts money from incarcerated ppl and their support networks to subsidize jail and prison operations, construction, staff compensation, and more.
North Carolina Republicans moved a bill last week that will force sheriffs to do ICE's bidding. The bill is retaliation against a wave of Black sheriffs who won in 2018 & 2022 promising to stop collaborating with ICE. bolts previewed it last year:
North Carolina GOP Is Cracking Down on the Black Sheriffs Who Stood Up to Boosted by new supermajorities, Republicans are closing in on legislation to mandate more collaboration with ICE and preempt local policies hard-won by immigrants’ rights advocates.
Our new report on "inmate welfare funds" explains how jails and prisons take billions of dollars each year from society's poorest people and use it to subsidize staff salaries, benefits, weaponry, facility construction, and more:
Shadow Budgets: How mass incarceration steals from the poor to give to the Inmate welfare funds are supposed to help incarcerated people, but are often used to fund prison operations or staff perks.
We protested sexual violence in the IL youth prisons in 2010, 2011, 2012, etc. etc. etc. - I & others testified before various committees about this. Here were are in 2024 & nothing has changed. CLOSE ALL OF THESE PRISONS NOW. Close the final 5.
Sexual abuse was rampant at Illinois youth facilities, lawsuit Sexual abuse of juvenile detainees was rampant in youth centers across Illinois for more than two decades, according to a sweeping lawsuit filed Monday.
Our new report on "inmate welfare funds" explains how jails and prisons take billions of dollars each year from society's poorest people and use it to subsidize staff salaries, benefits, weaponry, facility construction, and more:
Shadow Budgets: How mass incarceration steals from the poor to give to the Inmate welfare funds are supposed to help incarcerated people, but are often used to fund prison operations or staff perks.
1,800 cops charged with child sexual abuse in the last two decades, targeting mainly teen girls they encountered as a part of their work, according to the Washington Post. The Post leads with the story of a teen girl assaulted by a cop who was processing her rape kit from a different assault.
The U.S. delivered 38,000 meals through airdrops into Gaza on Saturday, just one day after the decision was announced, according to the Associated Press.
U.S. Airdrops 38,000 Meals into The drops began just one day after they were announced by President Joe Biden.
As Bolts reported last year, recent research into ShotSpotter revealed faulty evidence that can have disastrous effects. “Residents who happen to be in the vicinity of a false alert will be regarded as presumptive threats.”
Why Dayton Quit ShotSpotter, a Surveillance Tool Many Cities Still Police across the country face increased pressure to drop the controversial technology as researchers and activists question its effectiveness.
Today, Haymarket Books and the Mellon Foundation are proud to announce the inaugural cohort of the Writing Freedom Fellowship, a program elevate the necessary voices of poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers impacted by carceral systems.
Meet the 2024 Writing Freedom Haymarket Books and the Mellon Foundation are thrilled to announce the inaugural cohort of the Writing Freedom Fellowship, an opportunity to support emerging and established poets, fiction writers, an...
In a rebuke of surveillance technology, the city of Chicago is decommissioning its use #ShotSpotter and canceling its contract.
House style is to repeat the Republican terminology in headlines, apparently
We at the completely, utterly, 100% objective New York Times would like to tell you about a "crisis"
the immigration debacle has had me thinking about the number of times republican intransigence has stopped awful democratic policies over the last decade. i was reminded of this episode:
at least 1/3 of national opinion writers could be easily convinced to become mortally, constantly afraid of dracula. i could probably get tom friedman in fifteen minutes if you sat me down with him and let me cook
If you penned a decently written email to some of the usual suspects here alleging that ritual bloodletting or drinking was secretly being practiced on an elite campus for woke reasons, I unironically believe their first impulse would be to take the claim seriously.
at least 1/3 of national opinion writers could be easily convinced to become mortally, constantly afraid of dracula. i could probably get tom friedman in fifteen minutes if you sat me down with him and let me cook
Killing the site entirely within like two hours of announcing its closure is so fucking cruel to all the people who just want to save their clips to try and get new jobs. To, what, avoid paying another month's hosting fees or something? Fuck off.
all that's left of like 60,000+ stories
this makes me incredibly fucking angry; 404 Media is barely a few months old and already is being relentlessly targeted by AI leeches that suck up articles and "spin" the text and reprint them on literally thousands of websites
Behind the Blog: AI-Generated Harm and Our Journalism This is Behind the Blog, where we share our behind-the-scenes thoughts about how a few of our top stories of the week came together. This week, we discuss AI-generated non-consensual images that went ...
"People earning between $45,000 and $74,999 per year took the biggest hit from rising rents — on average, 41% of their paycheck went toward rent and utilities, the Joint Center for Housing Studies said."
Record number of Americans are homeless amid nationwide surge in rent, report Rents over the last two decades have risen much faster than employee pay, contributing to an escalating homelessness crisis in the U.S.
The irony of course is this paper has been saying the pandemic is either in retreat or over since like April 2021 when it began bullying vaccinated people for not immediately removing their masks and casting them into the ocean
“We talk openly about what they are hearing in their communities — that the pandemic is over, that the new boosters are more “experimental” than the old ones, that some number of vaccinations is “too much.””
Opinion | My Patients Used to Be Gung-Ho About the Covid Vaccine. What Changed? A newer, more vague vaccine hesitancy is emerging. A New York doctor has some advice for how to stop it.
In January, lots of people are forced into new health insurance plans. If that's happening to you, and you're trying to navigate the hellscape that is prior authorizations / step therapy / rationing, please remember that you can lie.
Step therapy? You can lie. | Matthew Get more from Matthew Cortland on Patreon
Jeff Landry became Governor of Louisiana yesterday, flipping the state government to GOP. Do you need a refresher? The definitive profile on how Landry built his profile on antagonizing the state’s predominantly Black cities, including pushing punitive laws that only applied some places.
Jeff Landry's Bid for Louisiana Governor Has Been a Crusade Against Its Cities - Jeff Landry faces 15 opponents in Louisiana’s gubernatorial race this fall, but at times, it seems like the Republican attorney general is really running against the state’s Democratic, majority-Black major... Read More