
Kate Starbird
Kate Starbird
Professor at University of Washington, HCDE. Cofounder and Director of the UW Center for an Informed Public. Researcher of online rumors and disinformation. Also, former basketball player (Stanford, ABL, WNBA).
Jendia Gammon
Jendia Gammon
Nebula & BSFA Awards Finalist Author. EIC. "Jen-DEE-a" DOOMFLOWER (2025). ATACAMA (2025). THE SECRET OF THE SAPPHIRE SENTINEL (2025). THE DAWN OF DUSK AND TWILIGHT (2026). Also J. Dianne Dotson. 💍 Gareth L. Powell
Kaitlin Has Had Enough
Kaitlin Has Had Enough
I just say shit until something smart pops out. Columnist @ Dame Magazine, bylines @ The Cut, Harper’s Bazaar and more. Black, millennial, feminist, tired. Probably eating carbs. has it all
Ethan “Fink-Nottle” Kocak
Ethan “Fink-Nottle” Kocak
NYT Best selling cartoonist, salamander enthusiast and aquarium nerd. He/him
Bugge-Finder Private Newton Pulsifer 🏳️‍⚧️
Bugge-Finder Private Newton Pulsifer 🏳️‍⚧️
"How many nuggets have ye?"
Nature photographer, amateur naturalist & arthropod enthusiast. Florida natives, here. Pics my own. Dead Name Walking. They/Them
[email protected]
IG: @dandroidsaperturescience
Discord: apsciencebydan
Maria Oglesby
Maria Oglesby
I write YA fantasies, graphic novels, D&D campaigns, and long texts about how great my dog is. Illustrator. She/her
My country my pride🇺🇦
#glory to the freedom fighters 🫡
Stand for justice and show your support 💙💛
Koloniales Erbe
Koloniales Erbe
Forschungsstelle Hamburgs (post-)koloniales Erbe / Hamburg und die frühe Globalisierung. Universität Hamburg.

Wir können aus der Erde keinen Himmel machen, aber jeder von uns kann etwas tun, dass sie nicht zur Hölle wird. (Fritz Bauer, hessischer Generalstaatsanwalt)
Priestley Centre for Climate Futures
Priestley Centre for Climate Futures
Bringing together climate experts from across the University of Leeds to develop innovations, deliver education and inform policy for a better future.
Kristi Hannam, PhD
Kristi Hannam, PhD
Professor-Teacher-Scholar at #GeneseoBiology #HannamLab interested in #bioacoustics #soundscapes #sustainability
Bettina Kohlrausch
Bettina Kohlrausch
Research Director at WSI ( Professor for social transformation at University of Paderborn. Research on work and social integration, anti-democratic attitudes, gender inequality, democracy at work
Gedenkstätte Bergen-Belsen
Gedenkstätte Bergen-Belsen
Auftritt der Gedenkstätte Bergen-Belsen / Bergen-Belsen Memorial
Lebenskünstlerin, bibliophil, musisch, mit Schwäche für Bücher, gute Chansons, Kunst, kluge Menschen, Kochen, die Schönheit der Natur sowie historische Orte mit lebendiger Geschichte, Wissenschaft, Psychologie, Umwelt, Politik.
Anne Preger
Anne Preger
Science Journalist 📕Buchautorin "Globale Überdosis“ = Wissensbuch des Jahres 2023 🎉 #Podcast-Host “Update Erde” Dlf Nova 🎧Team „Tatort Kunst“ Dlf 🪶RiffReporter❣️#stickstoff #nitrogen #birds
Einer von uns beiden ist klüger als du.
Anna Tanczos
Anna Tanczos
#scicomm #sciart. I work in Cinema4D to bring you images and videos of science. (Journal covers, book covers, web content...etc.)
MooOoOOoOo - lil tramsgremlin, lifts heavy shit, does nurse stuff, used to have cats and sometimes I go places and collect radioactive things also having opinions is really hard sometimes reality complex...think hard
The Broke Bonsai Bloke Marko Alach🇳🇿🌳✂️🌲☕️
The Broke Bonsai Bloke Marko Alach🇳🇿🌳✂️🌲☕️
Aotearoa based. Mostly bonsai with my coffee is all I seek.
Started Bonsai 2020 = new to it. Also into aviation/space/science/geopolitics/wildlife/helpful tech stuff.
Bonsai feed
Steve Silberman
Steve Silberman
Award-winning science writer, author of the New York Times bestseller "NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity," and an upcoming book on cystic fibrosis, "The Taste of Salt."
Konrad Litschko
Konrad Litschko
Schreibt für die taz über Sicherheitsbelange
Die Zeugin
Die Zeugin
Immer zwischen den Stühlen: Zwischen Sorge und Hoffnung, zwischen Ost und West, zwischen Erfahrung und Erwartung, zwischen Soziologie und Phänomenologie…
Frankfurt, SGE, Cycling, bee
Wendy J F
Wendy J F
Born 320 ppm but downhill since then - just trying to be kind. Climate Collapse; Deep Adaptation; death & yoga; nature & farming, transformational learning & decolonising myself.
International Biodiversity Consultants Ltd (IBC)
International Biodiversity Consultants Ltd (IBC)
IBC is an independent #Biodiversity and #Ecology specialist consultancy dedicated to conserving and enhancing our environment with experience worldwide, metric assessments of ecology and #ecosystems. Links:
Rike Schmidt
Rike Schmidt
💚- Mitglied, Dipl.oec, Zahlentiger im Architekturbüro, #TeamHabeck
Chaled Nahar
Chaled Nahar
Freier Journalist bei der Sportschau und beim Deutschlandfunk
Frau Nora
Frau Nora
Freie Journalistin • Podcasterin • Autorin
🎙️ "Die Anachronistin"
🎙️ "Was denkst du denn?"
🎙️ "Sport inside" (WDR)
🎙️ #zumfeindgemacht
Helen Day
Helen Day
Devoted to vintage Ladybird books and the other work of their artists. My exhibition The Wonderful World of the Ladybird Artists has been travelling since 2018
Plantage Dachau
Plantage Dachau
Website (de/en) zum gleichnamigen Arbeitskommando des KZ Dachau. Für das Areal ist auch heute noch der Propagandabegriff „Kräutergarten“ geläufig.

Andrea Löw
Andrea Löw
Historikerin am Zentrum für Holocaust-Studien am Institut für Zeitgeschichte in München, Lehre an der Uni Mannheim.

Ansonsten: Laufen, Lesen, Schreiben, Reisen, Outdoor.
Leonore Gewessler
Leonore Gewessler
Österreichische Bundesministerin für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie. Europäische Österreicherin. Nachtzug-Fan.
#DerApotheker 🥷
#DerApotheker 🥷
#DerApotheker 🥷 auf Bluesky

Auf Steady kannst du meinen voraussichtlich täglich erscheinenden Infoletter abonnieren. Jede 5. Ausgabe ist kostenlos.
Dave Conrad
Dave Conrad
Software developer, aspiring writer, and lifelong learner. Bio in bio. He/him. Trans rights are human rights. Despite all my rage they still won't raise the minimum wage. Mastodon: @[email protected]
Rachel Lense is Professionally Curious
Rachel Lense is Professionally Curious
Science communicator, artist
She/Her 🏳️‍🌈
Views = mine

🛰️ Comms Lead at NASA
🦆 DCSWA Board Member
🎨 The Science Writer Graphics Editor
📃 Freelance work
Child advocate, peace and climate activist, bishop and monk; legal name is Santa Claus; former Mayor Pro Tem of North Pole, Alaska. I believe that the greatest gift is love :-)} ( (
VCD Bremen - Mobilitätswende beginnt vor der Haustür
VCD Bremen - Mobilitätswende beginnt vor der Haustür CO2-freier Straßenverkehr in HB & anderswo. Spiel-Räume statt Asphaltwüsten. Ausbau des ÖPNV & des Fuß-& Radwegenetzes. Die Zukunft unserer Kinder beginnt JETZT. #Verkehrswende #Mobiliätswende NEIN zu Rechtsradikalen #Wirsindmehr
Frankfurt, Fahrräder sind mein Beruf
Glen Peters
Glen Peters
Energy, emissions, & climate
CICERO Center for International Climate Research, Oslo, Norway
Erin Blakemore
Erin Blakemore
Journalist, bookworm, feminist, independent historian, library school dropout, inveterate knitter, author of THE HEROINE'S BOOKSHELF. (She/her)

I used to be heroinebook on Twitter
Dr. Genevieve Guenther
Dr. Genevieve Guenther
Founding Director, End Climate Silence | Author, *The Language of Climate Politics*

Catiana Krapp
Catiana Krapp
Reporterin für Energiethemen @Handelsblatt #Energie | #Gasbranche | #Heizungswende | #SmardGrid | Threema: 74FHCDFJ | Mastodon: @[email protected]
Simon Pschorr
Simon Pschorr
Abgeordneter Praktiker @UniKonstanz, #JurisPR StrafR, Fachgruppensprecher Strafrecht der #NRV, Hochschularbeitsrecht in Geis: Hochschulrecht, #TeamResopal
Kilu von Prince
Kilu von Prince
Prof. of Linguistics at HHU Düsseldorf
linguistics, trans rights, disability rights, autism
Patrick Canning
Patrick Canning
Climate law/justice/litigation. Lawyer, human, husband, dad.
Every inch of the Earth is worth fighting for
Climate law blog:
LLM (Lewis & Clark)
European Commission
European Commission
News and information from the European Commission. Social media and data protection policy:!MnfFmT
Leah Stokes
Leah Stokes
Prof climate + energy policy UCSB, Fellow Harvard Radcliffe Institute, Advises Rewiring America, Alum @MIT @Columbia @UofT, Hosts "A Matter of Degrees," Cuts carbon pollution!
Daniel Swain
Daniel Swain
Climate scientist-communicator focused on extreme events like floods, droughts, & wildfires on a warming planet.