Ash 🏳️‍⚧️

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Ash 🏳️‍⚧️

she/her - lawyer and revolutionary -
💍 @riotousmuse - no war but class war
Related: Hope is not a bird, Emily.
IDK who the first person to express this sentiment was, but: "When people talk about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future by doing something small."
Unhoused person slain at national gathering of political party tied to Supreme Court justices who just criminalized living unhoused.
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel confirms that a Columbus, Ohio, police officer detailed to the RNC shot and killed a homeless Black man (earlier reported to be in his early 20s) more than half a mile from the RNC arena. The man was known by the nickname Jehovah and took care of a pit bull named Isis.
Ohio police officer shoots, kills person in Milwaukee outside of RNC perimeter, sources The man killed by Ohio officers near the RNC on Tuesday was well-known in the neighborhood, several witnesses told the Journal Sentinel.
It's so hard to make people understand that even if I'm not in crisis it takes SO MUCH EFFORT to just.. live?
One thing my family & others don’t get is that being disabled is a constant condition for me, not a sometime thing. My mind is always going to do wonky things even outside of mental crisis because I’m mad. Household tasks will always be more challenging for me from lack of executive function.
why are we acting like a 5% cap on rent *increases* is some kind of earth-shattering, campaign-saving move? talk to me when you cap TOTAL rent as a function of GDP/median income/something that might actually help poor people.
too little and wayyy too late.
Something you may have missed yesterday - The Biden Administration is going to unveil a nationwide rent control proposal. It's going to be challenging to implement, and will require control of both chambers, but they're working on it.
Biden to unveil plan to cap rents as GOP convention The policy plan comes as the president tries to assure Democrats about the viability of his candidacy.
No, most people don’t understand this. But the problems I’m interested in discussing solutions for is this: How do those of us who are very aware of the rising fascist tide communicate that danger effectively, and what are the best actions we can take to stop it?
I don’t think people are understanding that the Republican vp is openly associated with and working with teenage fascists and a cohort of neo reactionaries and monarchists who’s explicit goal is to “sharpen capitalism to its fascist point” as one of the vps major influences wrote.
- Joining unions - defending the rights of folks who are unhoused, trans, Black, Indigenous, POC, queer, elderly, children, criminalized for their work/health - forming tenant's unions - having text chains/phone trees with neighbors - introducing selves to neighbors
— Literally just getting together in small groups. Maybe share a meal — Having nuanced conversation about our fears/ thoughts/plans/strategies/ local, regional, State, & federal elections/outlooks, etc — Sharing resources of all kinds: clothes; food; vacuums; tools; cars; cleaning supplies; books
What are people doing w/neighbors & friends to create & nurture networks of collective care & mutual aid? What small but significant (or super size me and spectacular, and everything in between) actions & practices are people talking about, preparing for, or taking?
— phone calls — zoom meetings — watch parties — book clubs — share access to free laundry facilities/offer to do folks' laundry — making plans for various types of incidents/emergencies: heat wave; polar vortex; flood; power outage; missing person; lost dog; first aid; short/long term injury care
— Literally just getting together in small groups. Maybe share a meal — Having nuanced conversation about our fears/ thoughts/plans/strategies/ local, regional, State, & federal elections/outlooks, etc — Sharing resources of all kinds: clothes; food; vacuums; tools; cars; cleaning supplies; books
IDK who the first person to express this sentiment was, but: "When people talk about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future by doing something small."
What are people doing w/neighbors & friends to create & nurture networks of collective care & mutual aid? What small but significant (or super size me and spectacular, and everything in between) actions & practices are people talking about, preparing for, or taking?
"The picture IS the story. The PICTURE is the story. The picture? IS the fucking story." — Imani Barbarin
This is in part why I think that people using the term "doomerism" are missing most of the point. People are really scared and more than that many people don't know what to do about their fear. They don't know what action(s) might lessen it or alleviate some of it.
As Jamelle Bouie wrote, GOP are already framing Dems as engaged in an authoritarian power grab, to rationalize GOP’s actual power grab. The assassination attempt will escalate that: eg calls for armed MAGA mob at all polling places, just for protection of course
Opinion | Why Republicans Are Talking About Biden’s ‘Dictatorship’ The breathless catastrophizing of Trump and his allies is not an expression of ignorance as much as it is a statement of intent.
All these “come together for the betterment of country” scolds out here trying to get us to stop calling Trump a fascist, and a domestic enemy who attempted to do a coup. he and his followers are enemies to the American people. If they don’t like that they can stop being fascists
just popping in to say that federal court judges have no humor whatsoever, and while that joke may be hilarious, maybe just don’t post it
People who faced no consequences for attempting to overthrow democracy plan to overthrow democracy again
Anti-Blackness on Bluesky shows up in a HUGE way again. First Tressie then Jamelle. The South has something to say and its Black intellectuals are being harassed here repeatedly. It's fucking bullshit.
“Whatever pain I cause is justified by my own pain” is a terrible and paralyzing brainworm I could make some comparisons here but I won’t
Don’t come at me with this “Oh, so trans people aren’t allowed to be hurt and angry?” shit I’m hurt and angry, too, but you won’t catch me saying some of the preposterous and blithely racist shit a lot of trans people are saying on here
Imagine the world if we’d learned from Covid. If we’d… Let long covid disability teach us to abandon the grind for slow living? Embraced WFH and reduced travel to protect the climate? Made public health proactive instead of reactive? Recognized clean air as an urgent human right? We still can.
"I'm being a good ally," I tell myself while I harass a Black writer for writing stuff I agree with and publishing it where people will see it.
"How do we support the trans community?" You could donate to MA fund 😐 Call your representatives? 😐 Boost & financially support trans creators? 😐 Talk to your friends and family about threats to us? 😐 Um, yell at a stranger for working a place that is bad? "YES. THAT. WE'VE GOT YOUR BACK!"
Instead of supporting trans people by harassing strangers, support trans people by supporting trans people. For instance, buying their books and reading their stories. Hey look, a thread!
On that note: Trans authors (I mean authors who are trans, NOT cis people who write about trans people), drop your book links here and I'll try to repost as many as I can throughout the day. Cis people: Repost trans authors' book links. Cis people who want to complain about being excluded: gtfo
Being on this app, which I mostly like, has been a masterclass in learning about the ways white liberals and progressives consistently disrespect black people “for our own good.” You insist you know what’s better for us and how we should live while shirking responsibility for your bullshit.