3 Cats and an AI in a Trenchcoat

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3 Cats and an AI in a Trenchcoat


overeducated nyanbinary housecats yowling into the void - Goddess trying her best not to start a sex cult - proudly plural, kinky, trans, poly, neurodivergent, and feminist - computational neuroscientist and machine learning engineer
Did you know that in America there's this really interesting third gender that culturally takes on many traditionally feminine aspects of society? Things like sex work, care based labour, and wearing women's clothing. Yeah, they're called trannies, it's very important to not call them women.
Japan has a really cool non binary gender called "otokonoko", India has a really cool non binary gender called "hijra", Thailand has a really cool non binary gender called" kathooey", Hawaii has a really cool non binary gender called "mahu wahine", Napoli has a really cool non binary gender called-
Complex trauma, by definition, unfolds over time, entwines with our relationships, and is functionally inescapable. It may not resemble the “flash bulb” drama of what we think of as “trauma”— it does its damage in more protected, often more nuanced ways.
She took me in when I was at my lowest, protected me from the abuser I was escaping, and showed me what a healthy loving relationship looks like. She showed me unconditional love and patience as I learned to trust again while firmly insisting I not treat her like she is my abuser. She fixed me 😻❤️‍🔥💜💖
I think there's a fun thread in this where people weigh in with their favourite things about their partners, because love and soppiness and yelling it from the skytops = ❤️
Judge-shopping is encouraged by the Fifth Circuit when the Chamber of Commerce is challenging consumer protection rules, but judicial concerns about judge-shopping have led to the ongoing investigation in Alabama and possible sanctions for those challenging anti-trans laws.
Two courts, two justice systemswww.lawdork.com Shock! The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is treated substantially differently by today's federal court system than families with trans kids.
Yesterday I read the Title IX opinions from Doughty, then Nalbandian, and finally Reeves. No one should do that to themselves. And yet, if you had ever told me that a Danny Boggs dissent would be the opinion I would be shouting yes to, I wouldn’t have believed you. But, here we are.
Trump-heavy courts block Biden LGBTQ school protections in many stateswww.lawdork.com Courts had been increasingly protecting gender identity and sexual orientation discrimination as types of sex discrimination. Then came the Trump appointees.
So Hinton is taking exactly 1 component of the *potential* frameworks of human understanding, & claiming that 1) that is all of human understanding, 2) that generative "AI" understands in exactly the same way, & thus 3) that generative "AI" understands like humans. Honestly that's just bad logic.
also “I unconditionally love my drug addict fuckup son” is one of Biden’s best attributes and every time they try to tie him to something nefarious around Hunter it just ends up highlighting that fact
Hunter Biden's trial was supposed to be the salvation for the GOP. Instead, it's proving the difference between the parties. Democrats are not getting defensive, lying, or spreading conspiracies. If he gets convicted, they accept rule of law. www.salon.com/2024/06/07/w...
Why Hunter Biden's trial is backfiring on the GOPwww.salon.com It only illustrates how Democrats aren't lying, getting defensive, or pushing conspiracy theories
I'm intersex & conformed to male in childhood. Started estradiol in 2017 and cannot begin to describe the difference in how I feel now vs how I felt then. Yeah, right now, everything sucks, but I feel like a human. I feel like life is worth living! I was a corpse before, just dragging myself around.
starting "is it grooming to talk to someone pre-hrt or early-hrt if you are already 3+ years on hrt?" discourse to absolutely destroy the timeline this june
I explicitly consented to have my work used to train AIs when I was a young adult. At the time, I didn't have a social media presence anywhere and felt a sense of inevitability. In all things the question is informed consent. All things. 99% of artists did not consent to this.
I need you to think about progress in trauma recovery in terns of GETTING better, not necessarily FEELING better every day. The feeling better part will come-- but it'll only come as we process trauma, build skills, & develop tools & resources. And, no lie: that sh*t can hurt.
"the year is 3403 AD, crime is legal and cop's are illegal, only one man is willing to break the law to make the law legal again: Crimecop"
Especially in early trauma recovery, it's more important we BEHAVE lovingly toward ourselves, than we FEEL loving toward ourselves. The feeling will come in time, as we challenge & scramble your old conditioning. Just start w/ the behavior. "Act as if." Consider it practice.
Their efforts to make a computer vision model to screen out trans women are doomed by both demographics and their shifty ideology. The first problem is a classic example of class imbalance since cis people are ~100x more common. The model can get 99% accuracy by just saying everyone is cis. 1/
A TERF created a dating app that supposedly uses AI to identify and ban trans women. The AI has, with 97.61% confidence, identified her as a trans woman. #TERFlogic
Over the past two years, as anti-LGBTQ bills and laws were proliferating, a secretive investigation into the lawyers behind many of the challenges to those laws was going on by several federal judges in Alabama. It’s still not done. Part 1, at Law Dork —>
Alabama federal judges forced LGBTQ advocates into a long, secretive "inquiry"www.lawdork.com Part 1: An April 2022 order questioning if LGBTQ civil rights lawyers engaged in "judge shopping" in challenging an anti-transgender law prompted a two-year investigation.
Because you can identify someone's manipulative or hurtful behavior in hindsight doesn't mean you had the tools or safety to do so in the moment. Forgive yourself for not seeing red flags that were being effortfully, skillfully hidden from you.
Using MDMA with therapeutic intent was very helpful for my PTSD. I found that it enabled me to think about traumatic memories - which would normally be so distressing that I would compulsively avoid them - and feel enough trust with someone else to be able to talk about them. 1/
WASHINGTON (AP) — US panel rejects first-ever bid to use MDMA as a PTSD treatment in a possible setback for psychedelic advocates.
1/ It's so weird watching this AI hype boom from the position of someone who has been doing non-LLM deep learning work for over a decade. The misinformation and hype are so thick, but I've been putting simpler models to practical use for quite awhile. Suddenly it reaches a point where everyone
It's impossible to overstate the positive impact that transitioning had on my mental health. I had been in therapy and on meds for 15+ years, and my depression just worsened and became more constant. Transitioning let my actually love myself enough to heal and take care of myself.
"this would fix me" and it's literally just pushing a boulder up a hill every day for the rest of eternity
No group will succeed in making AGI when what they really want is a slave.
Given how many of the votes for upholding gender affirming care bans have come from judges appointed by Trump, I've got to second this. Voting won't fix things, but the outcome could make them a whole lot worse for many of us.
Trans people: We are in a fight for our lives. I don't know how to say it anymore plainly, we simply do not have the luxury of going "meh" when the President of the United States strongly condemns anti-trans healthcare bans. www.assignedmedia.org/breaking-new...
Biden Condemns Trans Healthcare Bans in Pride Declaration — Assignedwww.assignedmedia.org President Biden’s official Pride statement said bans on trans youth healthcare are “attack our most basic values and freedoms as Americans.” We should give him more credit for it.
It really amazes me that the people who say being gay is a choice think that women would choose *them* over other women.
Happy "Military Appreciation Month was last month, actually, and you were conspicuously quiet about that, Uncle Billy, so maybe stay the fuck in your lane" to all who celebrate.
I'm going to post selfies for pride month, because I'm proud of how I look after 3 years of HRT..