Madame Sosostris

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Madame Sosostris

Famous clairvoyante[...] with a wicked pack of cards. Reasonably erudite, I guess.
So tired that I misread a marketing email subject line as "invite your team to spank collaboration"
Learning gossip is such a giddy feeling; it's like taking a very large swig of a very bubbly drink
So much news is bad, but this? It rules
Me: RETVRN TO PHYSICAL MEDIA Also me: guess I'm gonna stream something because I would have to move the dog to put a dvd in
Trying to come up with a list of movies that unite two beloved genres: coat cinema, and "what if a man was sad???"
I think it's perfectly acceptable for some people -- not necessarily politicians, but the rest of us -- to say something like "Trump has encouraged political violence for the better part of a decade and has been promising to do it with the government if he wins. I do not sympathize with him."
So many dudes failing the men be normal about cutoffs challenge tonight
Again, qualified immunity is one of those things that if you describe it to someone who has never heard of it in simple factual terms they will think you are entirely full of shit
are you fucking kidding me
Weird choice to spend so much of the first episode of Hard Knocks on "what will they do with Saquon." I assume that most of the audience for this show already watches football. We know he went to Philly!
It's finally happening: I'm about to use up the small spiral notebooks I bought (as an undergrad in the late aughts)
Slacker-in-residence very mad that I'm working late
YouTube is emailing me about the Giants being on Hard Knocks and ngl I'm feeling very attacked
I go to meetings and she goes to sleep, one of us has this thing figured out
I saw my first Cybertruck in the wild and was like "I need to take a photo, it looks so fucking stupid"
If you have your phone playing sound on the subway, I should be allowed to throw it on the tracks
New study: Vehicles are more likely to kill pedestrians if they have tall and blunt front ends and/or flat hoods. That's a major indictment of American SUV and truck design -- at a time when US pedestrian deaths recently hit a 40-year high.
a guy posted a video on the dog advice reddit asking why his dog might be so skittish at night but in the background of the video his wife is sleeping fully face down with her glasses on and every single comment is about that instead
what if - instead of attempting to ban porn and end internet anonymity in the name of “protecting children” - we actually protected them by making sure they have enough to eat
Meanwhile eight states, seven Democratic trifectas (CA, CO, MA, ME, MI, MN, NM) and Vermont, took a lesson from the pandemic and made universal free school meals permanent.
I am tired of hellweather and texts from ConEd that suggest I should be keeping my apartment at sauna temperatures
Is the crossword going to buy me an old fashioned
European sports rivalries just hit different. In America we will hate a rival because they beat us in the playoffs a couple times. In Europe they are like "yes we hate that team, because in 1456 they disposed our king and did a light genocide against us. Also they dive a lot."
There's a columnist doing very bad posts today and like... I am not an enthusiastic Joe Biden fan but "less bad" IS good enough as a gating criterion for "who is the one (1) person who gets the nuclear codes"
Wall Street wants streamers to show profitability -> fewer shows getting greenlit -> writers rework their West Wing reboot pitches into op-eds about why an open convention would be Good Actually
Took my dog out to trial balloon whether I could endure outside enough to make it to a screening at BAM and am currently, indefinitely back on my couch
Anyone who sets off fireworks after midnight is required henceforth to drink a gallon of water directly from the Hudson
Cocaine should have a credit on New York, New York