Colleen Kennedy-Karpat

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Colleen Kennedy-Karpat

Associate Professor, adaptation, Agnès Varda, amateur video essayist. Not necessarily in that order. Co-host, You Made Me Watch That?! available wherever you get your podcasts.
Junior Scholars: Project 2025 is now breaking through to public consciousness. The more people learn about it, the more they hate it. Now is a great time to search that website, go to the section of your expertise, and write an oped. Keep the drip of bad news for them coming, all the way to Nov.
This is such a cool study. It reminded me of an interview I heard with Ta-Nehisi Coates about him writing comics. He said something along the lines of his comics writing enraged folks more than anything else and he realized he was messing with their foundational stories.
“In 1946 amid persistent racial divisions, popular radio series Adventures of Superman launched Operation Intolerance, a sequence of new episodes promoting equality, rejecting racial discrimination and exposing the KKK’s bigotry. We find lasting impacts…”
deeply embarrassing to be heartened by the french
"At least 200 candidates from both the left-wing alliance and President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist coalition pulled out of the order to unite behind those remaining contenders with the best chance of beating Le Pen’s nationalists"
French election: Rivals unite against Le Pen’s far Hundreds of candidates from Macron’s camp and the left-wing alliance withdraw in an effort to keep the National Rally out.
Mur Murs (1981) dir: Agnès Varda 📽️
I read that men are far more likely to cite themselves than women, which was motivation enough to power through the awkward phase and embrace self-citation.
Junior scholars: "I feel awkward citing myself" Senior scholars: "as I cleverly argued (1988; 1991), admirably reiterated (1993; 1995; 1996); and handsomely concluded (2001; 2004; 2007)..."
HBD to Agnès Varda 🌻 may we all keep your joy & anger alive 💜
Okay, French handwriting experts. What comes after "chargé d'effectuer des enquetes épidémiologiques sur place ..."
Consider my mind boggled. In 1968, Columbia demonstrators literally held a Dean *hostage* for 26 hours, and not only did he not retaliate after being released, HE WROTE SOME OF THEM REFERENCE LETTERS. But now it is just straight to the cops.
I am also working my way (s l o w l y) through Moby Dick and this was exactly my first impression, too
okay so I’m like one chapter into “Moby Dick”, and when you guys all said it was super gay I was just picturing like your standard mildly homoerotic shirtless sailors, not an innkeeper giving Ishmael a complete nervous breakdown by saying they’re out of beds and he needs to share with another man
They do though. They _all_ know how to barricade themselves because school shooter drills were what the cops recommended instead of literally any kind of law enforcement that might prevent school shootings.
i hope admissions for all these schools calling snipers on children and tasing children go into such a deep and steady decline i hope people start writing essays to let them know why they’re not applying
just got an email from my alma mater saying it had been compelled to deploy police to defend the Community from violent outside agitators who had begun to protest on the quad; the first video in my feed is cops in full gear arresting the chair of the philosophy department
🗃️ Over on the H-France email list, the son of the late Charles Tilly is offering boxes of his dad's collection of microfilm of 17th–20th-century material from French archives. Please someone take them so that all those years of research and archiving don't just get chucked in the bin.
We had dog season this year at the Oscars, so it’s time to honor the greatest feline film performances of all time. My nomination:
Proud to share my collab with the Jimmy Stewart Museum in launching our Video Essay Showcase in his honor! Submission deadline 20 April, happy to take questions 🙌🏻
Filing this next to “the boomers will be retiring soon, by the time you finish there should be a surge of academic jobs!!!”
Proud to share my collab with the Jimmy Stewart Museum in launching our Video Essay Showcase in his honor! Submission deadline 20 April, happy to take questions 🙌🏻
You don't need to be able to read Turkish to get the point. "Barinasuchus was the largest land carnivore after dinosaurs. It lived in South America 42 million years ago, and is estimated to have been 6 meters long. It subsisted mainly on dons wearing academic regalia."
Barinasuchus, dinozorlardan sonra karada yaşayan en büyük etoburdur. 42 milyon yıl önce Güney Amerika'da yaşamış, tahminen 6 metre uzunluğunda ve ortalama 1,5 ton ağırlığında
Flooded the mic with my memories of rowing crew for our forthcoming Boats episode of You Made Me Watch That?! The Boys in the Boat is not really a good movie but WOW does it hit those nostalgic notes.
I don’t know if this goes without saying, so: your doctoral degree doesn’t have to be in information science to apply for this. We’ve appointed postdocs with backgrounds that range from children’s literature to computational social science to straight-up CS.
The School of Information Sciences at Urbana-Champaign is seeking postdoctoral researchers for AY 2024-25, renewable for a second year. Applications are due March 15; it can be a good idea to reach out to potential faculty mentors in advance. Please repost and tell friends!
Postdoctoral Research Associate Description of the postdoctoral research associate program including requirements and application process.
Are you a graduate student working in Documentary Studies or do you know one? Check out the Jonathan Kahana Graduate Student Writing Award:
Extended CFP 2024 Jonathan Kahana Graduate Student Writing Award in Documentary
Last days to catch the excellent Viva Varda! exposition at thé Cinémathèque Française. Very much worth your time if you’re lucky enough to be in Paris. Feeling grateful to all who helped make my visit happen!
Almost one million people (combined) marched for a ceasefire today in London and Washington DC. Wow.
CTL-SALT-DELETE you are the truest winner in my heart
Please enjoy the winners of New Mexico’s snowplow-naming contest.