Charlie O'Keefe

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Charlie O'Keefe

For a country drafting a Constitution today, what would be some good design improvements? Off the top of my head, - term limits for supreme court justices - elevate major agencies to new separate branches of government, especially department of justice - approval voting - equal rights for all, obvs
Sorry to all my lawyer friends who spent a bunch of time learning how law works in the US. I had friends who were Flash developers and things turned out alright for them after they pivoted to C# or whatever. Hopefully there's an equivalent for our national legal system
labelers list to find and use within bluesky app. check 'about' tab for actual list of labelers. It is transformed from, in upside down order.
list of labelers
transformed list from , asof 2024-07-07 ordered upside down NOTE: THIS LIST AIMS TO HELP YOU FIND LABELERS, BUT NOT RECOMMENDING ANY PARTICULAR LABELER. USE IT AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. memo: the last number of the above list was 154, some labeler was already gone.
From today's Pragmatic Engineer, one bit of Bluesky history that I love and wish more people knew -- pushed hard to make us an independent company and was incredibly prescient in doing so
The internet being full of bullshit-on-purpose satirical humor killing AI because it can't distinguish between the satire and fact feels just like the cold virus killing the aliens in WAR OF THE WORLDS
We must protect privacy, even in the face of cryptocurrency crime. As governments crack down on one of the most notorious tools for criminal money laundering in the cryptocurrency world, I’m worried about the ramifications.
Privacy, human rights, and Tornado I am more worried about privacy than crypto crime.
This is fascinating. Are we converging on a design pattern for decentralized social protocols?
Yes. At the moment I’m not sure if it’s possible to run a second BGS on the network but that’s the plan. It’s why I keep saying Nostr and Atproto are much closer to each other than other protocols despite coming at it from opposite takes on how to design a protocol & very different user communities
Mad props to Jay and Paul and the rest of team bluesky. You've all delivered some awesome contributions over the past year.
I don't normally comment on this stuff but I guess I've just hit my limit. I've been watching Jay make consistently strong strategic decisions under incredible pressure, and watching her get dogged by this 2nd rate nonsense is too much. That guy isn't the story. The fact Jay charted her own path is.
In the early bluesky days, I recall the line was "they're planning on decentralizing but they're starting with a centralized service." How many crypto/web3 things have we heard that about, and the story never really changes?
Ryan is a talented engineer doing important work in the #fediverse to bridge #ActivityPub and #ATProtocol. This is a big deal that brings us closer to the social web we all want.
When he built a bridge to connect #Bluesky to Mastodon and other ActivityPub-powered platforms, ignited a new chapter for the #fediverse. The software engineer opens up to Mike McCue about his rollercoaster ride in the latest episode of Dot Social:
Building Bridges to the Fediverse, with Bridgy Fed’s Ryan Barrett - The software engineer's work to connect Bluesky to Mastodon and other platforms using the ActivityPub protocol ignited a firestorm.
Does subscribing to a labeller for the labels mean you're also subscribed to its posts? Or are these things separable?
So fun fact: The Onion takeover started when I posted "so uh how do we buy The Onion?" on Bluesky. then reached out to me with a LinkedIn message and the below email. Then we got looped in and it got very real.
"Listen," one guard said, "I know we have only just met-" "No," the other guard said, "we've worked together for years!" "-but you can trust me when I say-" "I can't, you have the curse that's opposite from mine!" "I don't care for you at all." "Well, I... oh... I love you too." #MicroFiction
The “Kubrick Stare” is one of Stanley Kubrick‘s most recognizable directorial techniques, a method of shot composition where a character stares at the camera with a forward tilt, to convey to the audience that the character in question is at the peak of their derangement.
That time in 2020 Slate made an "Evil List" of 30 tech companies and ranked Twitter #8, citing Dorsey's announcement of Bluesky as an example of Twitter being evil.
a couple new hidden search tricks (UI and docs for these forthcoming): mentions: time range: until:2023-06-01 or since:2023-06-01 URLs as just the full URL URL domains: language (depends on poster config): lang:ja
Since bluesky is all about letting users customize their feeds and labeling services, I'm sure that if or when video is added, people who don't want to see videos would have options for filtering it out.
Is there a labeler for posts with pictures of cats, dogs, or other pets?
I hope Nicholas Gurewitch, author of the comic Perry Bible Fellowship, finds his way onto this platform, gets a warm welcome, and that it helps repair what he lost on Meta The Perry Bible Fellowship
Live from NPR News, we’re now on Bluesky 👋🎙️
One million new users since we opened Bluesky yesterday! Welcome to Bluesky!!! 🎉
Having some trouble climbing quoted threads. I'm pretty sure I used to be able to right-click the quoted post in this situation to get a context menu to open it in a new browser tab (firefox on desktop in my case). Not able to now.
🔐 climb up the quoted thread for how it potentially applies to scaling bsky
I helped the Bluesky team write a paper explaining the underlying architecture and the reasons why it works the way it does. Releasing the paper today to celebrate that you no longer need an invite code to sign up for a Bluesky account:
Bluesky and the AT Protocol: Usable Decentralized Social Bluesky is a new social network built upon the AT Protocol, a decentralized foundation for public social media. It was launched in private beta in February 2023, and has grown to over 3 million...
Mike’s “Protocols, Not Platforms” paper actually inspired Twitter to start bluesky. There’s a lot of work ahead, but this is what we’re trying to do: to get open protocol adoption for social by building something fundamentally better, in service to the user.
"It's a good idea to jot down a couple of notes on our decision-making at Bluesky. These notes won't be extensive." -- , before each entry in a growing set of great explainer posts
"raucous hedonism" was never a pair of words i expected to hear describing bluesky but i am now here for it as if were my idea the whole time
Can I hit a snooze button on post-happy accounts? To mute them for e.g. an hour or day or week?
End of feed.