Cheryl Sonnier

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Cheryl Sonnier

Writer, mothership, wifey, cat-herder, working class sea-hag. MFA. Short fiction in Wyldblood Magazine 12, Best of Wyldblood Vol. 1. The Invisible Collection from Nightjar Press, Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging - Vol. Blue from Improbable Press. She/Her/Hers
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A bit of promo as reaching readers becomes increasingly difficult. My current contemporary fantasy series is inspired by British myth and folklore. Dan Mackmain is mostly human, but he is a dryad's son, so the Green Man sends him to solve problems when the mundane and the uncanny collide. #booksky
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Good Morning Blue Sky! Hope you’re all ok? Today I’m reading the very interesting SF tale The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley. What are you reading at the moment?
Please fill in this Survey for working-class readers if you identify as working-class, like to read and live in the UK. This survey is run by Dr Angharad Hampshire, research fellow at York St John University and story associate for Story Arcs 1/3
Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience A survey of working-class readers
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Deep within the oldest sectors of the Tower, the Engineer continues to tinker. He did not make the Tower directly, but he is the grandfather of the dreaded machines that did. His dark purpose now complete, he hides from his malevolent mechanical children in obsolescence, wishing to forget.
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While her sensibilities are from an age long before their invention, Hope knows deep in her non-existent heart that the irony of turning these new so-called "necromechanical" weapons against their undead inventors would bring her satisfaction, were she still living.
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She is talking about how AI has longterm certainty when they can barley afford the servers they run on and that AI generators are not being sued left, right, and center right now. If had this much delusion, I could be a NYT bestseller right now. 🤣
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‘It has taken years. Years of education, years of failure, and years of tiny successes. The people are listening. The people have been listening. They feel the heat on their skin.’ New fiction by Joyce Ch'ng with art by Emma Howitt! your support keeps the zine alive – thank you! ✨
THE BARRICADE // IZ ‘The sea is our home.’ // ‘The Barricade’, a story by Joyce Ch'ng with art by Emma Howitt
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With people experiencing extreme heat and debates over the use of AC, my story feels like a timely comment.
‘It has taken years. Years of education, years of failure, and years of tiny successes. The people are listening. The people have been listening. They feel the heat on their skin.’ New fiction by Joyce Ch'ng with art by Emma Howitt! your support keeps the zine alive – thank you! ✨
THE BARRICADE // IZ ‘The sea is our home.’ // ‘The Barricade’, a story by Joyce Ch'ng with art by Emma Howitt
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You don't have to pay certain people $500 for a query course. There are lots of free query examples online. Here's mine:
The anatomy of a query Or, how to write a query in 2023
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I didn't mean to draw a Warhammer 40k techpriest but I totally drew a Warhammer 40k techpriest.
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It’s #CervicalScreeningAwarenessWeek. Get your smear test/pap smear. Cervical cancer has a 95% survival rate if caught early.
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Good Morning Blue Sky! Hope you’re all ok? Today I’m currently reading the Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera - excellent! What are you reading at the moment?
Spent a lovely evening at, met some lovely authors, bought some lovely books and got them signed by the authors (wish I could have afforded to buy them all!)
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When nobody is around, they descend to maintain the deeply-buried unknowable mechanisms of the planet. When somebody is around, they simply watch from unseen places, waiting for any intruders to expire... One way or another.
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Some kind of clanking clanker machine idk.
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Strange Horizons’ annual fund-drive now live! A host of special issues ( such as Afro-surrealist SF) if we get funded, and some amazing rewards on offer. Click to find out more and to donate:
Strange Horizons A free weekly speculative fiction magazine with a global perspective.
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Hoping to launch the fantasy novel comp I mentioned(?) previously, most likely in October. Details will slowly (at this stage) be revealed soon :)
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I'm looking for authors and author-wannabes of Middle Eastern heritage. By Middle Eastern I mean huge swathes of territory including Palestine, Egypt, Iraq--not even just one continent, right? And in re: heritage I'm talking both homebodies and diasporans. It's for a Middle Grade deal.
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Techno-magical environment test 1
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Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
Poor people also read. It is a harmful classist stereotype to think otherwise, and we should have moved past it by now.
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I have a new story out today in! "Our Chatbots Said "I Love You," Shall We Meet?" Here at 123aiLOVEu, we take all the guesswork out of dating...
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Our Chatbots Said
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It takes a special kind of person to be willing to actively work with the undead for a living, much less remain living around the undead.