
My 10 yo son casually mentioned a +400 Wemby parlay he saw that had been promoted while he watching a Spurs game and it made me momentarily blind w rage that we’re allowing the saturation marketing of sports gambling with zero regulation.
There is absolutely going to be a *massive* Perdue style lawsuit in 15 years when it turns out that there were in fact “externalities”
There are studies and certainly emails going around RIGHT NOW where they admit knowledge of how harmful this stuff is.
*Purdue I know we all misspell things on here, but for this one, for about a minute, I was racking my brain, “What did Perdue do with their chicken? Poison people w salmonella?”
Damn I knew it looked wrong when I typed it out. Plz let this post not do numbers
Perdue should be sued too their chicken is trash
Here in Brazil it is completely fucked up. The companies advertise here, but are based elsewhere. There are dozens and dozens! Who are we going to sue then? Advertising for drugs (including alcohol and medicines) and gambling should be regulated out of existence for the general public.
Draftkings opened a bar next to the recreational soccer fields with jumbo outdoor screens. I would have rather a strip club.
Wait till you learn what they're doing at Wrigley Field. But sure: "You can't get to that place from the ball park, so it's all on the up and up."
This is common in Europe and happens at every stadium I’ve been to. You’ll be fine. People get bored with it.
13 year olds at recess showing off the 7-way parlay they spent their mitzvah money on
Man, if only we’d been able to see this coming from, oh, I don’t know, the very beginning
spot bets just ought to be illegal, they're an obvious and incurable temptation to corruption, plus very bad gambling addiction properties
In a society that has decided that the only thing that matters is scoreboard and the only value that scoreboard delivers is cash, you’re gonna get more and more enraged on the daily
I’m still upset that everything is for sale from corporate names on stadiums to ads on uniforms to sponsorship of great plays and outstanding players but we’re way beyond that now
My team plays in arena. Theres nothing more pathetic
That is bad. Luckily my team plays in the Great American Ballpark, if you didn’t know it was a corporate name it would still be kinda cool
I hear so many college students talking about it. It’s really, really bad.
“The major professional sports bodies, which have all embraced the legal gambling landscape by striking deals with betting companies, now realize just how much they have to lose as the new era unfolds.”
It started with lotteries ... to replace tax revenues in the 80s ( eg., Prop 13 ... shudder) ... and decades later *poof* - gambling is normalized/pols are addicted the $$.
Pisses me off, so reckless. Will end badly
Backlash is going to be mighty. Not quite cigarette company mighty, but not out of the ballpark
Sports betting will culminate in a series of high-profile sports fixing scandals which will remind everyone why it was illegal in the first place.
And then exactly nothing will be done to change anything.
Some predatory shit. Of course it's all about freedom, or choice, or states' right or some other dodge. Just go ahead and legalize usuary and ponzi schemes. Legislators are all the take, never mind the consequences.
I'm not even anti-gambling and I hate this shit as much as anyone. Betting on sport should be an ancillary, niche activity not a fully integrated aspect of the game itself.
The incursion of *legalized gambling* and commercialization of same across nearly every part of pro sports + mass comm outlets is truly awful, as Dave Z has ably chronicled. Gonna be “fun” to see empirical socioeconomic data on community fallout over the next decade or so. 🫣🎰
The silence of "evangelicals" on this gambling boom has been insane to me having has to listen to them decry the sins of drinking, fornicating and gambling my whole life.
This is the world that Bill Simmons wished for - I wonder how he feels about it
Bill Simmons is incapable of feeling
He actually spoke about it on a pod recently with Van Lathan. In short, he doesn’t think it’s materially different than how it’s always been (“we’ve had fantasy baseball for what, 35 years?”). We’ve always had scandals, etc. Where it’s different, we’ll readily figure it out. He’s in denial.
I’m an adult and I don’t even know what that means. This isn’t mainstream stuff at all. My 17 yo has been watching something on Prime and now that they have ads and our state legalized sports betting I will hear her randomly angrily yelling at gambling ads from the other room.
If you watch sports it’s completely unavoidable. Even if you’re the fastest mute button in the west when the commercials come on the game presentation itself will promote gambling. They’ll put graphics with current odds right up on the screen between pitches
Really starting to sap my enjoyment of it to be honest
I’m deep into my forties and every time I see it discussed on sports tv I get major old man yelling at clouds energy
Come to the UK, or watch a UK football stream. It's like a cancer.
It is gross what the legal bookies have done to our pastimes.
Manfred should be in a gulag.
I am a degenerate gambler and draftking commercials on MLB broadcasts are just fucking wrong.
Yeah it's real nasty. I get the appeal of friend/cow-orker fantasy football, but the electronic stuff is grotesque. The marketing is double secret grotesque. I have to stand in line for half an hour to fill out form 27 B / Zed if I want effective decongestants, but this stuff is on my phone.
The regulation: "Everyone, just join in! We have a telephone number if you're addicted! It's all under control! It's legal! Give us your bank account! You'll get some bonus bucks!" Also: "Let's all yell at the college players while you're at it!"
In Philly the sports announcers for the games do gambling bits about the games they are covering--during the games. As if the only reason you would be watching sports is to bet on them. I hate it.
I feel like we're drowning in a sea of pro gambling ads. I just want to watch hockey!
Call jonathan haidt
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I bet with bookies for decades, but stopped gambling on sports as soon as the leagues got involved. Illegal gambling felt more trustworthy than the current setup.
It's disgusting. You should do a segment on gambling addiction and how this is making things worse. I did one and the people I interviewed all had their lives destroyed in one bad night of gambling.
They should ban sports betting ads just like they banned smoking ads, especially when you consider how dangerous an addiction like gambling can become. The "Please gamble responsibly" at the ends of the ads just doesn't cut it.
I would say MLB owes Pete Rose a big freaking apology. Kind of like expunging records of weed convictions.