
A few minutes ago, police moved in. Videographer Isabelle Leyva, does copwatching for NYCLU on SRG, riot squad. When SRG were formed, police commissioner swore, practically on a stack of Bibles they'd be solely used for counterterror. Not to suppress protest. Ha! tweet:
Mass arrests at NYU Gaza Solidarity Encampment In the center of frame, a still photographer's flash captures a veritable crowd of riot cops (SRG) in ballistic helmets grabbing people. Chief McCarthy wears no hat. Bald pate is visible. Lines of SRG helmets behind him.
15 minutes ago Violent. Not subtle. Police chaotically wade into the crowd at NYU at the Gaza Solidarity Encampment. 🙏🏼 people aren't getting hurt. I hear helicopters overhead. Earlier they were 2 local news choppers. Video is worth looking at for the flavor of events>
NYPD arrests at least a dozen NYU faculty members in the ‘Liberated Zone’ at Gould Plaza. Prof yells, "How am I trespassing in front of my own house? In front of my own office?" Back-cuffed faculty are marched by. Pro tip: See someone you know? Don't blurt name here! Video:
Reports are there were ~500 people at the protest. The buses took the encampment arrestees away. Protesters left NYU and are now walking around downtown followed /chased /harassed by riot police. Police seem to smell more opportunities for arrests and sweet OT $ Livestream:
thizzL - NYC
Historian Prof. Christopher Brown with colleagues on the steps of Low Library in front of the Alma Mater statue. "I've never held a microphone at a protest before." He calls for the resignation of University President Minouche Shafik and brings the house down. video:
What it looked when Columbia University faculty gathered around Alma Mater statue today. Alma Mater: "represents a personification of the traditional image of the university as nourishing mother.'" 12 snappy seconds of historian Christopher Brown's speech. video:
NYU News, the student newspaper, has a pretty coherent timeline from start of the Gaza Solidarity encampment this morning thru the arrests this evening beginning at 8:30 pm. Look for more from them tomorrow morning. Student journalists have done some of the most astute reporting on these events.
LIVE: Students and faculty set up pro-Palestinian encampment at Gould This is a developing story, check back for updates. Update, 10:10 p.m. After a protester was arrested at the intersection of LaGuardia Place and Third Street, the two police officers who apprehended t...
Down at One Police Plaza, there's a crowd of around 300 people waiting for the arrested folks to get out of jail. Indy videographer Katie Smith says it's the biggest she's ever seen. She knows since she's probably documented half of these protests since Oct. video:
And, here's the best news. People arrested at the NYU Gaza Solidarity Encampment are starting to get out!! Yay! Glorious, happy, united cheering crowd! Sound on! video
This is what happens. They will lie. Make sure you catch the lies and document them.
Yale Dean Pericles Lewis admits that his email implying that the Yale student protestors PEACEFULLY occupying Grove and College were people with a “known history of violent confrontation with police” was based on NO EVIDENCE and that he was “repeating speculation.”
The CUNY Graduate Center Program in English Announces a FULL ACADEMIC BOYCOTT of Columbia and Barnard. [Not sure what this means. Some GC Doctoral students may teach/T.A. there?]
The Police Department and NYU have been exchanging correspondence. How nice. I guess since NYU pays a lot of taxes it can expect this level of service, a turnaround in less than half a day. Oh, wait . . .,
"Rest assured"
@itslaylas is a key organizer of the pro Palestinian group at Columbia and grad student at the School of Social Work. She has suffered a lot of abuse this past school year, including being sprayed with a vile, dangerous chemical with no readily available antidote. tweet:
Indy videographer thizzl captured this image on a bank in Manhattan's Chinatown. In red paint, "GAZA" is enclosed in a heart on a plate glass window. A march of hundreds of protesters, who fled/were chased from NYU by police, meandered downtown along this route. tweet:
I know of one indy videographer who is still down at jail support at One Police Plaza. You can follow @SpyderMonkey0_0 if you want to keep an eye on what's happening there. video:
There's a lot more to share but after about 9 hours of creating this thread, I'm wiped and I'm going to call it a night. I hope anyone who wanted to was able to mute the thread. If not, you've probably unfollowed me already. :) Best of luck to everyone concerned about folks who were arrested!
And, just two minutes ago, a friend who I had no idea was arrested in today's scenario reached out to say they just got released. This bleeping city really wants to go after everyone. Lawd sakes!
NYU Arrestees! Lawyers agree it's a bad idea to talk about anything related to your arrest with anyone not your lawyer. Including on social media, email, or sharing videos. Just don't! At minimum, check in with your lawyer *first* so you can at least make informed decisions.
Fox5: Someone's funding this? NYPD Dep Commissioner Daughtry: "I think so. My personal opinion, nobody told me that. If you look at the tents, where do they all get them from? The same place? Same person? Somebody's behind this and we're gonna to find out who it is." video:
NYU Students, faculty and their supporters gathered in Washington Square Park today, this time to protest the arrest of 133 of them last night. Worth watching the video for an uplift. By an indy videographer of course. video:
Still from video by Olga Fe. Today's protest in Washington Square Park. "NYU Faculty For Justine in Palestine"
Incredibly, earlier this afternoon, Najla Said, daughter of Edward Said, and MoTaz, war journalist of Gaza, visited the Gaza Solidarity encampment at Columbia University. Najla Said was born in NYC and her famous father taught at Columbia. tweet:
Holy Toledo! 300 arrests! At the Jewish Voices for Peace seder in Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza tonight. Video is paused on a Black woman cop in riot gear holding out an extra-large size riot baton. To arrest Jews on Passover. This video comes from reliable people. video
How did it happen 300 people were arrested? JVP brought a very big crowd. So many arrests that cops had to pause to wait for buses. There've been frequent actions near Sen. Schumer's house for years. (Not in front of his house. Cops close down the street.) 7:44 PM video:
Avatar wrote about House Intel chair Mike Turner showing Republicans two 2023 photos of protesters near Schumer's house–the same spot where they were arrested tonight. He (falsely) accused those protesters of ties to Hamas, saying that's why they need 702.
It feels NYC policing of pro-Palestinian protests is accelerating Thursday 108 arrests Columbia Gaza Solidarity encampment – Scattered individual arrests around Columbia campus Monday 133 arrests re: NYU Gaza Solidarity encampment Tuesday ~300 arrests (estimate) 'Seder in the Streets'
I'm a very fast reader but events are a whirlwind Today in NYC Giuliani went to Columbia and said police can go into campuses w/o permission. The mayor said “outside agitators” infiltrated protests at Columbia and NYU. And, Adams met with Columbia’s Minouche and members of Congress. (chilling)
Gift! All this leads to . . . another attack by police on the Columbia Uni Gaza Solidarity encampment. NYT reports a "midnight deadline." That's now. The plan is CRAY CRAY! Police to enter during the NIGHT? Students wear a red/yellow armband to indicate arrest status. IN THE DARK? Gift link!
Columbia Sets Midnight Deadline For Talks to End The university, which asked the police to arrest protesters last week, will consider “alternative options” for clearing the lawn if an agreement is not reached.
Within Our Lifetime is sharing a call from the Columbia Encampment: "URGENT ACTION CALL WE ARE CALLING FOR STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND STAFF TO RETURN TO THE LAWN" They also ask for people outside the campus gates. link:
WKCR Columbia University student radio station reports organizers saying deadline is moved to 8 am. NOT confirmed from CU Admin LISTEN: Small updates People making speeches on the lawn A NYT reporter has been denied access to campus CBS News has a copter overhead
Student journos on WKCR say the rush to a deadline began when the president of Columbia sent an email at ⭐️ 9:41 pm ⭐️ announcing a midnight deadline for the encampment Btw, this is 2nd nite of Passover! Her email caused "fear and panic." "People were flooding out of the gates of the university."
Good morning, folks! Eager for instant reports from the front at Columbia University although there's NO battle at the moment. Can't connect with WKCR student journos because livestream overloaded. Me realizing no FM radio at hand. 🙃Getting anxious. 20 min. later – most languid jazz ever comes thru.
Setting up my folder structure for today in Zotero. Done!
Columbia last night: 9:41 pm (on 2nd nite of Passover!) Prez Minouche email set 𝒎𝒊𝒅𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 deadline for encampment talks 𝗠𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁, WCKR student journos: "𝔣𝔢𝔞𝔯 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔭𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔠" "people were flooding out of the gates of" Columbia 2 NYPD drones, 1 hovers @ 50 ft West Lawn CounterTerrorism Bureau @ 116th St
Prez Minouche threatened students with National Guard to frighten them into acquiescence. Incredible from Columbia president ensconced in the spot Tactical Police Force bashed skulls in '68 Uprising. She didn't grow up in U.S.; but Kent State is a thing. Wash Post has sanest coverage: Gift link!
Columbia extends deadline for negotiations to clear campus The university said it made “important progress” with students protesting the Israel-Gaza war after a deadline passed without an apparent police presence on campus.
It's been very disturbing to see how NYT editors view campus protests about Gaza as per se antisemitic. How can I say that? Page header! *Antisemitism on Campus* >Protests at Columbia >Columbia Antisemitism Hearing >The Turmoil at Colleges >>Schools Warn Demonstrators
One of the worst things about the Live Updates page is the main header: "Antisemitism on Campus" "Protests at Columbia" fall under that. Really? Makes it sound like it was a Nazi rally. These are anti war protests. By Jewish and Muslim students and others.
Previous post "Antisemitism on Campus" displayed above a keffieyeh-clad student marched backward by fully geared up riot cops. In an excellent step forward for NYT, header has been vanquished. New appropriately descriptive header: Campus Protests > Negotiations at Columbia etc. N.B. J-schools!
That header is gone. But its ghost lingers in URLs (truncated here). 4/18/nyregion/columbia-university-protests-antisemitism.html I shared Washington Post's latest, here's NYT summary of the situation. Piece was updated 10 am today. Gift link: "Inside the Week That Shook Columbia University"
Inside the Week That Shook Columbia In a Washington war room, Columbia’s president, Nemat Shafik, decided to call police officers to arrest protesting students. The backlash now threatens her leadership.
Quick updates about situations I know very little about. New Gaza Solidarity encampments! At 6am, Brown University students started their own encampment on the main green calling on the school to divest from weapons manufacturers. This is Providence Journal's Amy Russo. link:
You may recall that Harvard closed Harvard Yard until Friday to stave off Pro-Palestine Protests? link:
Oops! Harvard is in! Tents are a-going up! link:
Follow the events at Harvard and the further machinations of the administration via the folks at the Harvard Crimson who have consistently done excellent coverage of, e.g., the recent sexual harassment lawsuit. link:
Sciences Po Paris, which hosts a dual degree program with Columbia, is in! Maryam Alwan is a Palestinian-American and a senior in the program with Sciences Po and Columbia. She's a lead organizer of the protests who, in March, filed suit against Columbia. tweet:
"Italian students are protesting too." I have no details, not even location or original source. Arnesa Buljušmić-Kustura is a genocide scholar (and genocide survivor) who has proven reliable. Her handle here: Video = ✊🏼! "Free Palestine" in inglese!
If you have substantive details or corrections important for people to know about what I'm posting in this thread, speak up! I'd love to learn more about what's happening in Italy, e.g. My thing is *evidence.* Solid stuff with attribution and sources. Also, everyone knows how to "mute thread?" :)
Now we get to the more unpleasant stuff. I'll try to go quickly! House Speaker Mike Johnson and Repub cronies visiting Columbia University today. Because antisemitism! May they trip over their own shoelaces! (Will people be reporting me to the govt for that? I guess I'll find out in 20 years!)
House Speaker Mike Johnson is making an emergency trip to Columbia today to make things worse
Livestream! WKCR news student radio station at Columbia University. Speeches of House Speaker Mike Johnson and Republicans speaking on the steps of Low Library. Quoting Winston Churchill. Much booing happening!
Online Streaming Up and Running! | WKCR 89.9FM
Press conference giving Nazi rally Speaker + Thugs at Low Library CongressDude Anthony D'Esposito (ex-NYPD) "If you are protester on this campus and you are proud that you have been endorsed by Hamas . . ." Calls for "immediate resignation of the [CU] president" link:
Student Protesters = Terrorists. Got it! "The fact that she (Minouche) put out a statement recently, I think as of this morning, saying that she's in good negotiations and talks with protesters – you're negotiating with terrorists, that's what you're doing!" D’Esposito on Fox
Speaker Johnson + Repub allies took a tiny # of questions. This was very last from WKCR student journo "Ted." Then they fled. Answer: IDK anything about what I traveled to denounce. Mainstream news reporters don't have subject matter knowledge or facts to ask this perfect question about a paradox.
Let's pause the news to share advice from the National Lawyers Guild. This is specifically written for NYC and our bureaucracies. But, many basic principles apply elsewhere in the U.S. "WHAT IF I GET ARRESTED WHILE I’M PROTESTING?
A few highlights Being in custody isn't like TV. That tends to freak people out. Prepare. It's legal for police to lie to you. Don't talk to them except for name, ID, D.O.B, address. Invoke your right to silence + a lawyer. Never lie to police or fed agents. (If you're silent, you can't lie!)
Trans/gender non-conforming? In NYC, you have the right to be placed in your chosen gender cell. Thanks to who achieved that outcome, now a rule police/C.O.'s must follow, in a case that took 10 years to resolve. I'm proud that my work + comrades helped. cont'd ––>
Do not unlock your phone at all! If you open your phone in front of cops, they'll take it from you and copy the contents. Memorize a phone number or write it on your clothes. If a cop offers you a cup of water, convert it to this question: Will you give the U.S govt your DNA? Permanently? con't
NYC. Many protections were gained by the labor of advocates and lawyers over DECADES of litigation. For normal protest arrests, expect to be in jail for less than 8 hours, longest 24. If you're very lucky, 2 hrs. It's illegal to be fingerprinted for most protest arrests. Only for misdemeanors. ––>
Don’t talk to anyone except your lawyer about the details of your arrest! You and your lawyer have a halo of protection. 😇 Anything else said about your arrest, IN ANY MEDIUM, has no halo. Talk to friends IRL? 🗣🗣 Is Snapchat safe? 📸 screenshot ✏️"Dear Diary?" Now judge reads your dreams. 👨🏻‍⚖️💭 ––>
If injured by the police, photograph injuries ASAP. Even if very sore, might not *look* dramatic, take photos anyway! The appearance of bruises changes a lot over time. By Day 3, colors are darker. Day 5 might be most important! 📸 Copy files to a drive. Keep intact OG files + OG metadata. ––>
Do not miss your court date. Not showing is not an option. Need extra help to remember or travel $? Get it. Have arrest comrades? Coordinate! In a mass arrest, it sometimes happens that your lawyer can cut a deal for the group. Maybe not for people not in court. /end
University of Texas, Austin students put tents out to start a Gaza Solidarity encampment. Police havoc ensued. Who's Who: UT Austin campus cops = UTPD mix of sworn & PSO Texas Dept of Public Safety = DPS (state troopers) Pamela Colloff = famous criminal justice journo
Tweeted video is incredible. Close up, high angle. DPS troopers grab TV camera op by his backpack. They yank him to the grass like a WWE move, thereby clocking him on the head with big camera. ⬇️ Camera op's video, his P.O.V. It stays rolling thru tackle, arrest, and as DPS carry it around the area.
Palestine protest: FOX 7 photographer Footage taken by a FOX 7 photographer at the UT Palestine protests shows him being detained and arrested by Texas DPS troopers.
My posting feels very slow. I'm trying to read and grasp. Moving bet Twitter and here. Making sure sources are kosher. Lugubrious process to re-contextualize, explain and put alt text on everything. Cursing the lack of video here. Meanwhile, LAPD has been arresting USC students for ~45 min.
USC students are doing almost MLK style nonviolence. Group holds hands surrounding a tree. When police point, one at a time leaves circle to submit to arrest. ✌🏻☮️ @angorellanah, reporter is diligent and a USC alum so she knows the area. Lots more on her TL:
To situate this, it's USC and LAPD again. The time riot cop pointed the "weapon," as Angie terms it generically, was about 9:30 pm (ET). She tweeted video of the incident an hour later. Cop raises and points a bright green 40 mm impact munition launcher. Doesn't shoot. video
The "less lethal" weapon is used for crowd control. That name is often misleading. Similar weapons maim people and destroy lives. A USC student pulls and tweets LAPD's "Use of Force Tactics Directive." It's a miracle of civil rights litigation that it's so accessible.
L.A. Times reporter Angie ending her shift after 10+ hours of being in the field with USC protesters. It's very hard work. Dealing with adrenaline surges, worry that people will get hurt, and the danger. USC students refuse to leave. Cops called for more vehicles. link:
Remember him? Camera operator who got clobbered by Texas DPS officers? He's been charged. Whenever a cop hurts someone, they charge them. Fox 7 says, "the photographer fell, and was then detained and taken to jail." On video, you can hear him say, "I tripped." link:
Just Texas Department of Public Safety troopers attacking credentialed members of the press without any provocation. The cameraman works for our local Fox affiliate here in Austin
No comment. I once gave a talk at Brandeis. On protest. To appeal to a summer class, I talked about the tradition of naked protest in different cultures. We showed photos but no actual nudity. They giggled and were into it because it seemed a tiny bit naughty. I tied it all to Louis Brandeis.
Happening right now! Arrests underway as state troopers raid the Emerson College Gaza Solidarity Encampment. tweet:
Emerson College encampment being raided by state troopers right now. Watch Faculty SJP Emerson live: "Thank you Columbia [Univ] for showing us the way, for giving us the courage to take on these institutions." Talia Jane's tweet:
And, there was a die-in at the University of Delaware today. tweet:
I'm hearing the information that Emerson College arrests are happening at this very moment was premature. People in the encampment are getting ready. And, the cops are preparing too. But, no actual contact at the minute. Sorry for a too-early warning!
Livestream is still quiet, but the cops are assembling from what I can see being reported on twitter.
And, take that back again! The coppers (state troopers) have started to raid Emerson College.
now it’s on. they just started moving in
Very short video but powerful. "Who failed Uvalde?" "DPS!" Texas students are chanting about DPS failures at Uvalde while clapping rhythmically. Sound on!
Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs works for NY Times. He's an excellent reporter. (Don't give me any lip.) He's out at 2 am after no doubt waiting many hours for this raid. He was at the Harvard encampment earlier. He captured some rad images and video. Link to tweet:
Gift WSJ: "Pro-Palestinian Protests Mount at College Campuses Across the U.S." Updated with video and photos from this afternoon. Some important, solid WSJ articles about pro-Palestinian protests at college campuses. Gift link!
Gift WSJ: "The Growing Pro-Palestinian Protest Movement, Visualized" This work is from the lab of, "a political scientist who has been tracking them [pro-Palestinan protests] for the Harvard Kennedy School’s Nonviolent Action Lab."  Gift link!
"Higher education pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian protests since last Tuesday."
Professor at Emory University just tweeted Atlanta police "tased, tear gassed, and shot with rubber bullets" students. And, arrested a faculty member "violently." Gregory is solid and sober. idk if how much he knows about police weapons. It's clear arrests + violence are happening. 😔
3 Atlanta cops taze Black student while he's on ground and and back-cuffed. They hold prongs continuously against his body. (Causes burns.) Extremely dangerous. I don't have presence of mind rn to seek references for standards for tasers. Trust me, this violates them.
Noëlle McAfee, Chair of the Philosophy Dept at Emory University, is arrested by an Atlanta PD officer wearing a balaclava. The cop is dragging her forward by her restraints as she tells an Emory student to call Philosophy Dept to tell them about her arrest. video
I'm in touch with an Emory professor who informed me that Noëlle McAfee and another faculty member are now home. And, that the university decided not to "press charges." Ridiculous, because how is it up to them? I've also learned McAfee is the President-Elect of Emory University faculty senate. 🤦🏻
Noëlle McAfee, Chair of the Philosophy Dept at Emory University, is arrested by an Atlanta PD officer wearing a balaclava. The cop is dragging her forward by her restraints as she tells an Emory student to call Philosophy Dept to tell them about her arrest. video
Univ of Texas at Austin, Day 2 of protests. Reporter from Austin TV station says gathering is "to support Gaza and to condemn the police response yesterday." 5x larger crowd. Police are scarce. I guess univ's violent response yesterday gave them a black eye? video:
CUNY4Palestine tweeted ~3pm they're hearing that Chancellor Matos intends to get police to arrest protesters at City College without negotiation. They want supporters (looks at clock) by 4 pm today. Is City College the most storied CUNY campus for protest? tweet:
Students from ALL UNIVERSITIES IN DC created a Gaza solidarity encampment TOGETHER at George Washington University. These are students in DMV = DC, Maryland, Virginia Georgetown, Howard, Gallaudet, UMD, George Mason, American, GW together. tweet:
[Meta on thread] One week ago, Columbia folks were arrested and Gaza Solidarity encampment razed. After students re-formed it and NYU joined, I wanted to share the inspiring news. I didn't know a movement could go this fast! I'll keep adding. But completeness isn't possible. Sorry for oversights!
That's cool as hell. And smart as hell.
Thank you for posting all this
Sweet!! Hang in kids!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
I think like a kid, and all this does is make them want to protest more. All this coverage and brutality and show of force. They're gonna stir up something they're not ready to have commemorated in song.
Do you know if Noelle is doing any press?
dunno. I believe there is at least one more faculty member arrested and released as well. My contact is teaching right this second. I just followed you in the other place. If you want to discuss, my DMs are open. You don't need to follow.
god dammit, fuck the Emory admin
It's worse than that. Idk if you saw the video. But the person who was tased could have died. Holding the prongs to his body and pressing continuously is one way to cause cardiac arrest. IDGAF if he wasn't in the "Emory community." Thank you for sharing this. 🙏🏼
And of course, they've trotted out the old standby: he was "assaulting officers." Sure. On the ground, hands cuffed behind his back.
It's extremely bad. I just saw video of the other woman professor who was arrested. She was tackled like a professional wrestler had knocked her down. They for sure will be suing. That won't fix this problem.
I saw it, and you are right, but they still need to do it. The snipers on buildings!!!!!!! I literally cannot!
hell hath no fury like a faculty member scorned
Why is that ridiculous? Isn't it the university admins that are calling for the police to arrest the protestors?
Because in *theory* the only people police arrest are supposed to be committing a *crime.* If they are not charged, it would seem to indicate they did not commit a crime. Or it would indicate a university is usurping a prosecutor's discretion. It is *not* the rule that "victims" can decide this.
Not all potential minor crimes are charged. If the putative victim doesn't care, the state can drop it because they have other things to worry about.
Ofc! But kinda weird they're the ones who called police this very morning, right? There must be a putative basis. And, why were these particular faculty singled out? AFAIK they're not being told – Our bad! Should never have happened! More like: You protested. But, we'll let you get away with it.
I'm not making any comment on the initial arrest, to be clear. Just doesn't seem weird to me that they wouldn't want charges and the police would agree. I rather hope most protestors arrested won't actually be charged.
In theory, sure. But misdemeanors against private entities are rarely prosecuted without said entity's cooperation, in part because successful prosecution often relies on their testimony.
This didn't happen out of the blue. Univ instigated it. This am, they called police to kick ass. In an unusual and *extremely* brutal fashion. (Brutal = physical violence that happened to students.) Now, they're just? 💅🏻 Problem isn't univ decided not to cooperate. It's she committed no crime!
Ofc! But kinda weird they're the ones who called police this very morning, right? There must be a putative basis. And, why were these particular faculty singled out? AFAIK they're not being told – Our bad! Should never have happened! More like: You protested. But, we'll let you get away with it.
If the crime they're arresting them for is trespassing, I presume the absence of a complaining witness to say that they were trespassing would make the case functionally impossible to prosecute. The university's cooperation in the charges would be required.
Basically. It's impossible to convict for trespass without the property owner testifying to it.
The most dangerous and bad group of people at any protest are the masked anarchists who only show up to destroy things and hurt people hey wait a minute-
You had me and my blood pressure going there for a min.
They can trample all my rights, but they can’t make me stop being ironic.
Police who cannot be identified is unnerving.
I didn't see enough to know what uniform is like. They could wear a balaclava and still have name tags and/or badge numbers visible. It would be highly unusual in the U.S. not to have any way to ID officers as part of the uniforms. Some take off or cover name tags. It's rare to do it officially.
Yeah, i remember seeing a lot of that during the BLM protests. Scary stuff how militant many departments have become
Umm. History tells us police depts have always been "militant" when it comes to suppressing political protest. Read Elizabeth Hinton's book, "America on Fire: The Untold History of Police Violence and Black Rebellion Since the 1960s," available in many public libraries.
America on Fire: The Untold History of Police Violence and Black Rebellion Since the 1960s: Hinton, Elizabeth: 9781631498909: America on Fire: The Untold History of Police Violence and Black Rebellion Since the 1960s [Hinton, Elizabeth] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. America on Fire: The Untold History ...
Police brutality goes farther back than that, firstly to a force to prevent slave revolts. There is a difference when the police can be anonymous. The message is that they are not even pretending to be constrained by the law. That is a change from earlier.
There is no legitimate reason for police to wear a balaclava.
If they can't be identified then they aren't police.
The first time I ever saw police take off their name plates for a political demonstration was in the Metro PD in Washington, D.C. As bold as brass. And, the first time I was ever hit by a cop, same. MPD in Washington. Plenty of cops obscure their identity. idk this one. info could be on front.
Conservatives: "If you wear a mask to hide your identity, then you're a coward!" (Pointing at antifascists but also conflating them with KKK) Also conservatives: "Wow cops are so brave hashtagBlueLives matter!!" (While ignoring the fact cops are wearing masks to conceal their identity)
Why in the hell do we let uniformed police in the USA hide their identities?
It's clear a huge number of Americans want Netanyahu's massacre to stopped. They're not antisemitic they're anti-genocide. Humanity is being silenced. The power elite are willing to use police brutality to risk what could end up being worse than Kent State and the student strikes of 1970s.😟
Dragging her backwards! Hardly the worst thing they've done but still potentially dangerous for someone who can't use their hands for balance or to protect their head.