Immodesty Blaise

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Immodesty Blaise

I'm sorry, I don't work here.
yes. treat them the way every guy does when a woman says she likes sports.
All these right wing chodes have mistresses and cannot name all the commandments, reporters, please, just... ask them to name the commandments. All 10. Do thine jobs.
I think it would be funny if Jews lobbied to use these requirements to get schools to also display the 613 mitzvot.
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana becomes the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms.
Gone home to glory for Juneteenth. Rest in power to the 🐐
Gonna log off for the day. The struggle continues. Happy Juneteenth especially to Black Texans and also to all who understand that no one can be free if everyone is not free. Take care.
Ladies and Gentleman of the jury I may not be one of these big city lawyers here with their big fancy city college degrees but as a simple small town lawyer comprised of multiple crows under a trench coat there's a thing or two I know about murder
I’ve gotten used to not having the flying cars and robot butlers I was promised, but nobody told me there were going to be this many fucking Nazis around in 2024.
This is such maniac shit. Can you imagine spending all that money and time going to med school just to throw it all away for Chris fucking Rufo. The internet remembers. This is what you will be remembered for. You lost everything because you got mad online.
READ THE INDICTMENT of Dr. Eithan Haim, who DOJ has charged with four counts of violating HIPAA by leaking stolen patient records from Texas Children's Hospital to Chris Rufo to attack gender-affirming care
Quoteskeet with an image to show who you heard at your first concert. Name the artist(s) in the Alt text.
🎶 birds do it bees do it even educated fleas do it let’s do it let’s fall down a well 🎶
A rare good day. Please enjoy one of the worst Americans of all-time getting what he deserves.
Alex Jones was ordered to liquidate his personal assets Friday, as a bankruptcy judge was still considering forcing him to sell his far-right website InfoWars to begin paying the roughly $1.5 billion in damages he owes for claiming the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax.
Alex Jones ordered to sell personal assets as InfoWars’ fate hangs in Courts have awarded Sandy Hook families nearly $1.5 billion in damages against Jones, who used his platform to peddle conspiracies about the school shooting.
Sometimes you meet someone and it’s just... like destiny. You know right away you just want to spend the rest of your life as far away from them as humanly possible.
“I can’t believe I’m an adult” I keep telling myself as I struggle opening my lunchable.
Stop watching the news and start listening to music. I cannot stress enough how fucking amazing this is for your mental health.
This just in: Donald Trump doesn't understand how anything works, other than self-promotion.
I am begging the GOP to run on a platform of "rich people will pay zero taxes and a bottle of ginger ale now costs $12." BEGGING.
Not like anyone cares but neither do I
“I don’t have to answer to anybody” is disqualifying for any position of power
Here's Alito whining about ProPublica. He is asked why all the media attacks. The right answer to this question, ESPECIALLY for a justice, is: it's their obligations to ask questions, and being the object of their scrutiny comes with my job. Period. Instead, Alito goes on about how unfair it is.
Alito Caught on Tape Whining His Corruption Was The Supreme Court justice accused ProPublica of unfairly targeting him and Clarence Thomas.
***SPOILER ALERT*** If you're behind on the reading (which is totally okay!) do not read this. I've been waiting for this day. 🔩 Yes, a spoiler alert for a novel that's over 200 years old. Yes.
Thank God I was never cool, I’d probably be terrible on cocaine
“Mom, you’re embarrassing me!” “Be quiet, Justin. I’m trying to find you a new daddy.”
Excuse me sir, are you the pretender to the crown of Alsace-Lorraine or are you just happy to see me
will no one think of my mortal coil
It's really embarrassing.
Just the easiest, most obvious conclusion somehow botched by lower court judges who should be impeached for openly defying clear precedent to which they are bound.
It took the Supreme Court to say what every law student knows by the end of first-year Con Law.
The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. 💙📚👀 Day 20
The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. 💙📚👀 Day 19
Make a movie milder: The Scolding of a Chinese Bookmaker
make a movie milder: The Taming of a Special Deer
Donald Trump: “We want all remaining Bitcoin to be made in the USA” I think it may be time to move this man into hospice care
"Are you coming over? If not, I will probably tranq out. Too stressed to sleep naturally” might have to get put in rotation.
Pure rizz.