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Resident of the Colorado mountains, father of three grown daughters, mapping professional, supporter of LGBTQ+ people everywhere, singer, piano player, very amateur composer
And people say they aren't reliable...
The word "inhuman" describes more and more conservative policies. Family separation is one, outlawing the homeless population's right to exist is another...
Family separation remains one of the darkest chapters in our modern history, and the Trump campaign knows most Americans were horrified. Which is why Don Jr. refused to answer. Trump has refused to rule out reinstating the zero-tolerance policy should he win:
Those incompetent bumblers need to stick together.
Trump looks like he's descended from a line of water balloons.
I don't think they are aware (and this sentence could end right there) how much smaller their circulation will be when they're running the newsletter at a federal prison instead of the NYT.
"If we feed them today, they'll just want more food tomorrow. Where does it end?"
I remember when that body design style was referred to as "the flying doorstop".
Trump voters don't care about the job getting done. I'm convinced they truly don't think the Presidency matters. What they want is someone who hates the same people they do and who says he'll hurt those people for them.
Ya know, given that she's an obscenely successful writer in English, my native language, I really would expect to be able to figure out what the #### the point is she's trying to make.
I can’t believe the Supreme Court just ruled that the president can sleep outdoors in a public space.
It's okay because it's for the greater good. Or, in this case, the greater mediocre.
Ugh. Also, no one can possibly be surprised by this. When you own the world, you don't have to pay to use anything - it's already yours.
WIRED caught an AI company scraping its articles w/o permission. Turns out, Amazon was hosting the machine doing the scraping, even though that violates Amazon's terms of service. Oh! And the AI company is funded by Jeff Bezos.
No way was Oklahoma going to let Louisiana have all the fun. "Pffft to your Ten Commandments signs! Check THIS out!"
That explains it.
"But if we can't be rewarded for past deeds by the beneficiaries, we'll be forced to live on our salaries!"
I live in the Colorado Springs area. Williams has been getting absolutely flogged (not for being anti-gay, though). It seems there were 3 anti-Williams ads in every TV break. Unilaterally directing state party funds to his own campaign was the big complaint. Who does he think he is, Donald Trump?
But if we QC the results, we lose all those lovely cost savings we got through not paying people. Tough luck, disabled folks.
Infowars has assets?
There BEING any future Presidential elections in the form we know them seems like it should be motivating. And I have a lot fewer of those in my potential future than young people do.
There is no AI. The providers just scrape social media.
Someone should ask him how he squares Sunday NFL football with the Fourth Commandment.
And if the units had been so shoddy as to be borderline uninhabitable, the project would have been flogged for that. It's spending for the less well off - lots of people oppose it on they would like to think of as "principle".
What's beyond being beyond embarrassment?
I am once again asking you to consider that an entire information ecosystem established as the primary form of communication over a hundred years and allegedly regulated by the federal government was destroyed by scammers virtually overnight and we just don’t, like, ever talk about it
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
One of the bleakest uses for gen AI I've seen yet: a bank is rolling out a system to detect when a call center worker is on the brink of "losing it"—and play them AI-made family photo montages to calm them down. Behind the latest fresh hell AI promises:
AI can't fix everything automation already Generative AI is the latest in a long line of technologies that promise innovation and fixes but grind away at public life
In which we explore whether there is a bottom to the degradation in the quality of business and personal interactions that are shoved through half-baked technology, and the answer is, "get back to work, you."
It sounds like a highly effective form of torture. "We're going to subject you to continuous banality until you beg us to let you talk."
I used to go to Chicago a lot for business. Picking up the Trib every day was one of the pleasures of visiting.
It would be a violation, except privacy laws don't apply to anyone except straight, white, male property owners. I'm sure the Supreme Court will agree since that's the way things were in 1789.