
i think they should not let a child rapist play in the olympics, personally. hope your thursday is good CNN.
I would simply not let a rapist, nevermind a child rapist, represent the Netherlands as an Olympic athlete, but what the fuck do I know, huh.
I can't imagine being so desperate to win at an olympic sport that you're willing to let a convicted child predator on your NATIONAL team.
"He may be a filthy, convicted kiddy-diddler, but he's damn good at volleyball."
God dammit why did I have to read this is the euro finance voice from trash future.
especially since so many athletes are young enough to need chaperones.
Some prankster should put up signs with his face in the village so they know to avoid/hit with an arrow from so so far away.
Seems bad. Maybe passive language in the headline isn't necessary?
Omg you centred the rapist and not the child and the family. Have they been able to get on with their lives? I know people who stole groceries because of poverty who couldn’t find employment because of their crime but he gets to rep the country because sexual abuse of is so normalised/minimised.
While I abhor the crime committed, I believe that punishment should not last a lifetime. Sentences are not all supposed to be life sentences. Shouldn’t we all be hoping that some people can and are rehabilitated to understand the gravity what they did, and to become better people?
It's not a punishment to not be asked to represent an entire country in the Olympics
It's almost like being excluded from what is typically perceived as a great honor is the likely outcome of committing a heinous crime, even if you are reformed... unless it is specifically an award for being a reformed good citizen who committed a heinous crime... then it would make some sense.
I was wondering if he would be legally able to enter France because some countries ban fFelons but apparently France doesn't.
Woof, at first it was just liberal sympathy too far but looking at the replies we may wanna block that pedo defender.
Yeah that went 0 to wtf pretty quick
I am all for reform and rehabilitation, but sometimes that means giving up dreams like "professional Olympic athlete" or "Day Care Proprietor" or whatever the fuck and settling for a basic career doing a job that you don't love but affords you food and housing like almost everybody ends up with.
He was a 19 year old who traveled hundreds of miles to another country and raped a 12 year old. Got her drunk and raped her multiple times. Hasn't shown remorse for it either. I think, after that, getting to represent your country on the world stage for anything should be off the table, no?
Oh my god, he says he did it because he wasn't ready to be a "top class athlete." Fuck this guy
while you “abhor” the crime committed, you believe that punishment should not last a lifetime. sentences are not all supposed to be life sentences. shouldn’t we all be hoping that some people can and are rehabilitated to understand the gravity what they did, and to become better people?
Dutch dude actually went to court and prison instead of hiding til the court gave up?
okay that doesn't un-rape anyone & he's also not being denied any basic necessities like housing or anything. the *privilege* of being in the olympics is what's being called into question. ultimately it's unfortunate that either of the rapists are still breathing.
“I did what I did. I can’t take it back, so I will have to carry the consequences.” Not all of the consequences, apparently
did you actually read the article? none of his statements focus on his crime or the impact on his (12 YEAR OLD) victim. they’re entirely about him, regretting initially losing his sports career, and refer to it as a “misstep” and “mistake”
BRO what the hell is wrong with you?
Feel free to let us all know when you figure out a way to unmolest a child and then his punishment doesn’t need to be lifelong, because what he did is gonna fuck the kid up for life.
He raped a child. He has shown no remorse for what he did to her - only for what he did to his family & friends. That child's punishment will last a lifetime - why shouldn't his?
Hey, dickhole -- HE RAPED A CHILD. HE FORCED HIS PENIS INSIDE A CHILD MULTIPLE TIMES. I thought maybe if I put it in bold, it would sink into that rotten turnip you call a brain. He should still be in prison, not getting ready to party in Paris. If you rape a child, you forfeit ever having a life.
he’s been completely unrepentant for his actions. this is a bullshit argument originating from the fact that abusers don’t like to see that perhaps their life altering actions SHOULD have lifelong consequences
I hear what you're saying but this one should.
He can rehabilitate off the Olympic fields.
Actually, the fucker wasn't even sorry. He can rehabilitate away from all of society until he is and his victim forgives him.
Oh my god, he says he did it because he wasn't ready to be a "top class athlete." Fuck this guy
Oh, he was a young person who was insecure and didn't know what he wanted to do with his life?? All is forgiven 🙄
Could he run for president in the US?
“The now 22 year old victim of this child rapist had no comment, not that we tried to contact her.”
Remind me. What’s the legal age for athletes to compete at the Olympics and where do they all stay??
Well, each country should send their "best"...guess that's the Netherlands best sad.
I've been talking respectfully at the Dutch team's sponsors over on Twitter. Everyone come join.
Netherlands stocks are in free fall right now 📉
What a heartwarming story of perseverance.