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Anarcho Commie; looking for same.
#ACAB, #BLM, free Palestine, abolish the oligarchy, zero out the military budget, nationalize energy and rail to kill fossil fuels.
Oh, and did I say fuck cars?
Yeah, that too.
With food, gardening, and remodeling stuff.
One sad thing about Hillary deservedly losing (along with the rest of us, who didn’t deserve it), was that the irresistible hilarity of anyone calling Bill Clinton “the First Gentleman” was forever lost.
The Second Gentleman will always sound like a Netflix reality show about that happens to dating show runners up
This orchid started blooming in mid May so I moved it from the back stairwell to the living room, as usual. Has been blooming twice a year for five years, and will probably last another month, if past is prologue. My first (and probably last) success in this endeavor, after years of failure.
Cocktailhag heatwave hack: Dig up an old window fan left over from the last smoke apocalypse, then put a big hunk of ice behind it. It works better than I thought it would.
Nobody tell the Democrats.
We will see how the final result lands, but if this holds it does seem likely that given a choice between the center and the far right, voters chose the far right. Given a choice between the left and the far right, they chose the left. How about that!
And then the Dems come in and start talking about cutting the deficit. It’s a one way ratchet.
Reagan and Bush, Mulroney and Harper, Mike Harris and Doug Ford. It’s a scam but one we keep falling for.
Maybe someone painted a tunnel on it…
do they think students are really gonna clamor to pay big money to get pawned off on chat programs? this stuff is an obvious dead end and it's weird seeing institutions running head down, full speed at a brick wall
Nothing to see here but a mile long oil train heading into a densely populated urban area.
Cool. Let’s all get more food borne illnesses to save the children.
I'm actually going to delete my tweet because I don't feel comfortable promoting it for that reason anymore. That claim "eliminate the FDA" isn't accurate as far as I know. They just want to weaponize the FDA against abortion access.
He needs to STFU. No one needs to listen to another narcissistic plutocrat tell Dems how they need to do anything. His false promises and corruption landed us here.
In this book article from Feb, Barack Obama says Dems, and Biden, need to do more to get young people engaged. "Obama is unmistakably of the opinion that they’ve got a lot of political work to do." What's Obama thinking now?
The Inside Story Of Barack Obama’s 2024 Campaign Barack Obama is worried about America in 2024.  This is an “all...
Last night’s dinner: kidney and cannellini beans with gnocchi, garlic, onions, carrots, fresh rosemary, Roma tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes, and a few green beans from the garden. A can of Amy’s tomato bisque as the base. Served on a bed of spinach with a little sour cream and dill. Tonight? Same.
Both can be true.
WaPo framing this as Biden is an obstinate old fool when the other guy is a literal felon who tried to overthrow the government.
I can picture the rats crawling in and out of the old wedding cake.
The Grey Lady's going full Miss Haversham and it's incendiary.
This, for those who weren’t paying attention at the time:
It was obvious at the time that the one term president situation was both to defray concerns of Biden's age and infirmity (which was obvious even in '16) and to imply they had a handle, strategically, on how to move the Party forward. It was simply to defeat Bernie and stymie reform after '16.
All this:
I am very concerned —spend my career writing — about the threat of Trump and the far-right.
That, and throwing good money after bad.
All they know is defence. And now they plan to spend $50 million to prove what cannot be proven to people who already think what they think.
Biden planning $50M July ad blitz and more The president is trying to rescue his campaign after his disastrous debate performance.
I.e, the vast majority.
There is a certain subset of white dude that is deeply lazy
Sounds like home.
On Election Day in the East London borough of Tower Hamlets, where nearly 40 percent of the population described themselves as Muslim in the 2021 census, a campaign truck across from a Whitechapel polling station repeatedly blared a recording saying, “Voting for Labour is voting for genocide.”
Labour Loses Votes in Muslim Areas Over Its Gaza Many British Muslims and other voters have demanded that party leaders more vocally condemn the rising death toll and deepening humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
This, and the fact that carmakers don’t even make “economy” cars anymore.
the real way to fight climate change is public transit and bikeable/walkable cities. not cars made for individuals that are still expensive consumer products at the end of the day