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Anarcho Commie; looking for same.
#ACAB, #BLM, free Palestine, abolish the oligarchy, zero out the military budget, nationalize energy and rail to kill fossil fuels.
Oh, and did I say fuck cars?
Yeah, that too.
With food, gardening, and remodeling stuff.
And I’m naturally attracted to Dremels. This seems promising.
That’s why I simmer it forever; I lack space/inclination to have kitchen gadgets. And I like the chunks in this soup. I do need something to purée in for other things. Debating between a small food processor and a blender.
I’m quite proud of this soup. Vegan bacon, 3 potatoes, 5 leeks, bottle of white wine, qt of cream, thyme and pepper. The key is to brown the bacon and taters first, so they don’t get mushy. Add wine to stop sticking, then leeks, soften, and the cream and bring to boil. Simmer an hour plus.
So, I thought making some potato leek soup would take my mind off my bad mood. Nope. Even root vegetables are pissed off.
Because the Law Enforcement Baronial Class knows that MAGA will make law enforcement a jobs program for angry men. Good job Democrats funding the police machine so they are ready to take over.
And down is up on Uranus.
“President Joe Biden, who has pledged support for Israel amid the country’s ongoing war with Hamas that has left more than 37,000 Palestinians dead, claimed in a recent interview that he’s “the guy that did more for the Palestinian community than anybody.””
Biden Claims He’s Done ‘More for the Palestinian Community Than Anybody’ Biden, who has pledged support for Israel amid their war with Hamas, claimed he's “the guy that did more for the Palestinian community than anybody."
Just listened to some 90’s pop, and remembered that “Treasure” is pretty damning about settler colonialism. Plus ca change, and all that.
The first (and last) time I tried one of their bland, bloated, room temperature burritos I didn’t feel comfortable until there was a toilet nearby.
lol, i feel like if i were making ads for chipotle who constantly is killing people with food poisoning "we don't even have freezers"wouldn't be the marketing line i'd go with
As a former altar boy, I can attest to this so much.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Then he’ll expand the freeway and call it a day. Because of Woke, or something
Do you mean to tell me that Tear Gas Teddy doesn't give a shit about air quality for his constituants?
It does make you tired over time.
I think it's perfectly appropriate that the author of the book all the "both sides" people in 2016 told us to read is now going to be second in command of a fascist coup. Kind of poetic, really.
The shooting at Donald Trump’s rally took place just in time to maximize ratings for the Republican National Convention. The Democrats already seem to be accommodating themselves to a future in which they will be the junior partners in an even more authoritarian reboot of state power. 🧵⬇️
This should happen to Schumer and Pelosi at the DNC.
Loudly booed. He’s like the Gary Bettman/Rob Manfred of Republican politics.
Actually, I’d be surprised if they were that clever.
"Trump" rhymes with "bump," "hump," and "rump" while "Vance" rhymes with "dance," "pants," and "ants" and I'll bet you a shiny nickel this is the entire dem campaign strategy for 2024
Partially? Humanizing “reasonable”fascists is literally the Democrats’ whole brand.
I'm not normally vengeful, but I want to point to Vance's nomination and ascension as the product of every purported liberal who touted his book as "revolutionary" over the objections of all the folks who knew better. That shit is partially on them, and they need to own that.
I mean, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Bill Kristol (!), David Frum, and on and on. And now they’re doing it with, TRUMP! They have nothing, and say so each day.
Cry me a river. Pretty much everyone was bullied in high school, and we don’t shoot people because of it.
The gunman who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was bullied in high school and didn’t fit in with other students, former classmates told CNN. Here's what we know so far.
What we know about the Trump rally gunman so far | The gunman who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was bullied in high school and didn’t fit in with other students, former classmates told CNN on Sunday.
I was, first for being fat, then when I lost weight, for being a fag. Both things were entirely true, which is admittedly scarring. But really. Some cishet white nerd couldn’t have had it much worse. Try not inflicting your own pain on others; it works.
David fucking Frum; Mr. Axis of Evil, wants a word. I may vomit.
I wasn’t really thinking about this case in particular, but just how routine outdoor executions are, and how they hamper our ability to understand what actually happened.
And we won’t, as usual, because all that woke stuff about trials and juries is so outdated. Frontier justice, baby.
we do not know who did this or why
The plot does thicken. Ordinarily The cops only overlook right wing lurkers. This was either deliberate to reinforce the Both Sides framing or just pathetically incompetent. Sadly, both are equally possible.
I think it was more of a security fuck up than a false flag. The shooter was on a roof overlooking the rally.
Actually he’d already won, but instead of everyone thinking of him as a kooky right wing actor, everyone decided from then on he was our beloved Grandpa.
It’s the most dreary possible Fred Flintstone cartoon of repeating scenery anyone could imagine.
driving across the us is just truck stop car dealership target mcdonalds corn corn corn truck stop wind turbine target home depot car dealership soybeans soybeans car dealership mcdonalds truck stop