
bouie is literally the only person on the NYT board who is behaving and responding to the debate like a professional that has followed and covered a presidential election. i mean that seriously, i'm not being snarky.
if you actually get *paid* to write about politics for a living, screaming that the nominee has to drop out after one bad debate *in june* (and one in which the challenger did not do well, either), you are unqualified for your job and your salary
He had freaks melting down in his replies simply from asking “why wouldn’t it be Kamala then?”
Because she polls even worse than Biden. Do you want to win or be politically correct?
Biden steps down. Harris is muscled aside in favor of Andy Beshear. Jim Clyburn and other high ranking blacl Democrats says “wait a sec, why are we elevating Harris?” what happens next?
If Biden were to step aside, you get Harris. I’m not saying that’s good or bad just know that is the only option should Biden step aside. If you think they’re going to sidestep the first Black female to be veep for some Midwestern white dude you just aren’t paying attention.
It all makes sense if you assume actions do not have reactions, you don’t understand the politics of your own party, and you believe in magical thinking.
it is treating politics like a game of madden
Even in Madden if you made big trades the team performed worse at first. I flipped Rich Gannon for Aaron Brooks and almost won a Madden championship. Simpler times. But much commentary is “what if we suspended reality and inflicted the political cycle with my personal psychological challenges.”
A huge number of the white, college-educated Democrats don't seem to realize that any move right now HAS to get buy-in from black Democrats. This is literally why we got Biden instead of Bernie, Warren, Pete or Klobuchar.
It is also one of the main reasons why we got Trump instead of Hillary. And why we got Obama each time. The Democratic party needs blacks more than blacks need them.
Without being able to win more white voters - especially in the deep red flyover states - Democrats can't enact almost any policies that can benefit black voters. They need more than 60 Senators to do so under current rules. Yes, they could change those rules, but they struggle to hold 50 now.
You need a solid, long term 55 votes to be able to change those rules - and they do not have it.
It helps if an older white woman doesn’t believe she’ll somehow win Black voters by the same margins as the first Black person to win the White House.
Bingo! Yet Bernie and Warren people are still mad they got beat by the votes of Black women. Maybe listen to the voters who decide elections?
related, i compare this pundit/poster meltdown over the debate unfavorably to the most unhinged behavior you will ever see on a college football discussion forum. terminally online texas a&m fans are less messy than this.
It might be worse. I think A&M fans know deep down it’s a losing struggle. It feels more like Alabama fans who freak out over a single loss and then win a national championship. We have a winning hand if we just play it correctly. Don’t get into big pots with this guy. Counterpunch. Use the jab.
Not even. It's fantasy football, where your choices affect your chance of winning and literally nothing else
It was so astonishing how none of the others in that article even tried to address your point. Also utterly unsurprising, but still astonishing!