
All of the trans folk I follow are horrified by that Taylor Lorenz interview and all of the cis journalists I follow are applauding it and if I was a cis journalist I might just sit with that fact for a minute
There are in fairness some trans people (also mostly journalists) applauding but I think for many of us it feels like centering LoTT over Nex.
Lorenz 2022 libs of tiktok article made her go from 300k followers to million followers
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I was gonna say. She made it all about her. Again.
well this suddenly makes even more sense from the person who apparently coined "personal brand"
Yup! Plus, Taylor wants to be famous. That’s her goal. Never forget that. She revels in this shit.
I’ve definitely seen some trans voices speaking in support of what Lorenz did so it seems to be a mixed bag. And this person isn’t trans but is a very credible antifascist organizer so I take their opinion seriously.
The potential good: people will see who this woman is and react with revulsion and anger. But the past 8 years taught us that other people will go "oh sweet she just like me" and smash that follow button. I have not yet formed a full judgment. I think the intentions and the criticisms have merit.
What I'm really hoping for is that this will prompt folks to serve her a taste of her own medicine. She should live in constant fear. The evil her is not in her tactics. It is in her choice of targets. She attacks the marginalized and defenseless. She is #HostisHumaniGeneris
Cis society largely finds her views positive, though. They don't have a gut revulsion to the things she's saying.
I do not know one single individual personally who finds her anything other than horrendous. I and most of my friends are cis and straight, but also most of the people I know are in the climate/energy community so there's a strong selection bias in play...
That’s a logical fallacy. Who you know doesn’t encapsulate the authoritarian inertia taking over the political dialogue that affects everyone. Please let’s stop the denialism, for all our sake.
I'm not denying that significant sections of our culture are going sideways, badly. I stated that my exposure has a selection bias. But as a characterization of "cis society" - no, it's overbroad, not accurate, and not useful.
There are no mythical people who are somehow confused about what's going on at this point and who support or lack thereof is going to be instrumental here. Not enough to offset the incredible damage caused by platforming these people.
Either way, Gwen is arguing that advertising and financing will drop after this public exposure, but we actually have to constantly pressure companies to even give a damn about these topics, if they even listen to it. It's like Lorenz is speaking to an afraid of camera drug dealer, but she's not.
Chaya comes across as a vapid ghoul. I think that can be accomplished without an interview. What makes my blood boil is the space given to spout nonsense about gender and claiming science. All Chaya wants is to create doubt. Not too many interviewers are skilled enough to combat that.
It's amazing we still have people that believe pointing out that these people are fucking idiots will help. It must be interesting being stuck in 2015
All journalists have a moral responsibility to ignore fascists. If they must do a story on them, it should be all about the consequences to the people they hurt. Nobody needs a profile on these people. Their template is the same, no matter the name.
No you see platforming fascists is good acktually *huffs farts*
yeah i see people saying "oh people will see how dumb she is and how she can't back up any of her points!" but like, that doesn't *stop* the right at all (see orange man), why would this be any different? it's infuriating.
Yeah, *some* people will realise she doesn't make sense. Those people are the fig leaves for this kind of so called journalism because *more* people will think that she does make sense. We know this, we've lived this for at least 8 years. Morally bankrupt industry.
Seriously we've been watching this happen over and over and over and over, and media people still think you can debate them reasonably and change minds. And instead they just give so much airtime and attention.
Two of the most prominent trans journalists are also applauding it. So not sure of this point
i’m a trans journalist and i hated it.
i am simply adding a data point
Well, you said you didn't get the point. Do you get it now?
Where did I say I didn't get the point?
It’s kinda complicated because one of those journalists just tried to claim that the media didn’t help elect Trump, so this feels a lot like professional consolidation over anything else. All of these journalists have made arguments for deplatforming before but now they’re against it?
Yes but they do not speak for all of us, of course.
Yes I am aware. Nor do you speak for all either. Everyone is different and holds their own opinions.
then take your own advice 2 posts ago instead of doing the exact thing you think you're calling out.
What the hell are you talking about
yeah I'm not gonna explain scrolling up to you just on the offchance you forgot what you wrote.
Yeah this is just a selection bias nightmare. I bet there's a lurking variable that relates his two samples and I bet they're all white.
Who are they? I've missed everything online today.
Ari Drennen and Parker Molloy seem to both be fairly positive towards the piece
I'm seeing much more mixed results. I find most of the arguments persuasive in different ways. In the end I think there's value in showing the normies what kind of dumbass hateful idiots the Republicans have made themselves into. Someone to point at and ask, "Are you really with *that* mess?"
I'd rather journos showed the normies that trans people are just regular people who can sit down and have an hour long talk with over coffee.
There is an appalling lack of that kind of coverage. For a media that loooooooves to tell us there are "both sides" to everything they really only want one side of this.
I wish I thought there were value in it, but at this point it feels like the answer to the question is an obvious "yeah they are"
That's been happening for the twenty-odd years i've been following politics and it never seems to get any purchase despite republicans constantly saying awful shit in the media.
They're not taking into account the facts that this won't"end" LoTT, and if she feels humiliated she's just gonna come back harder and be worse now. There was no gain in it just hell for someone else down the road so reporters can feel good about themselves for showing "Chaya Bad"