Chloë Lum

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Chloë Lum

Installation artist. Perfume fanatic. Chronically ill. Communicates with objects. Concordia University PhD student (disability studies + performance studies + practice-based research.) Ex jammer, current failure. She/her Edmonton/Montréal
Montréal. My favourite thing I’d end of May through June when the festivals FTA (avant garde dance and theatre) and Suoni Per Il Popolo (avant garde music) bleed into each other, so many amazing shows to see. The Botanical garden is also worth visiting.
That sounds like way too much, I hope you get to slow down at some point.
I’d be devastated. I’m a massive perfume nerd, it’s one of the few things that shuts out my chronic pain.
So much this. My caution is because I want to protect the health I still have and drink every drop of life I can get my greedy hands on. My caution is about being hopeful for improvement, hopeful for the future.
I’m just really over people calling COVID conscious/cautious people doomers.
This is boss level shit. I was tempted to my white noise app on to drown out the TV sounds but I’m so non confrontational it’s a bit ridiculous.
Same. I think living with pretty severe fibromyalgia has been a masterclass in disassociation.
Grab the good news whenever you can.
👀 "President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code" * CeCe Peniston voice * 🎵 finally 🎵
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
It makes me so angry how little research it’s gotten, it’s such a debilitating disease and the treatment options are few and extremely poor.
Wtf? That’s so irresponsible. Though not surprising considering how so many doctors think exercise will cure chronic illnesses, I guess they think it works with acute illnesses as well.
It’s sad that the information has been available but due to public health being more interested in the economy and people not panicking, and the seductive lure of denial, most will only learn how fragile they are once it’s too late.
research for infection-associated chronic diseases is disability justice. #LongCovid
I want space drugs so bad, alas fibro has me feeling a bit despondent over research towards cure.
I’m honestly surprised with all the doctors I see that none have said anything about my masking. My new gp actually put on a mask when he saw I was wearing one. I think in general it’s easier to be in denial that yo protect oneself pulling someone out of denial is next to impossible.
Yep, it’s why I don’t really post about it on Facebook. It’s very hard to try to put on a neutral face but to me, it’d simple pragmatism,
It’s frustrating to watch but you can lead a horse to water…
I will say it’s very hard to bite my tongue when I see folks around me evidently surprised at their 6th COVID infection but they are all smart people with the ability to connect the dots.
The change we need is in public health and policy, not making people feel bad for going to a concert. DIY public health SUCKS which is why only high risk folks and their loved ones are still cautious.
I understand that. I worry the effect is that it makes cautious folks look like paranoiacs rather than people who have assessed the risks & done what they can to avoid them. My heart breaks that there is no end in sight & I feel utterly powerless re: the situation but there is no power in lecturing.
Exactly. I hate that we have to do this, I hate we aren’t getting HEPA filtration and high UV everywhere, i want sterilizing vaccines. I actually do miss brunch, I miss dinner parties. I can’t risk reinfection but let’s say I’m very wary about a lot of the tactics I’m seeing online.
I’m starting to feel alienated from a lot of the online COVID cautious community. I’m cautious, I got long COVID after being infect in December 2021. It was hell, it put me in a permanent flare with my fibromyalgia symptoms. Now, I wear an n95 whenever I share indoor air, I don’t dine indoors BUT
I have zero inclination to lecture folks. One, it’s exhausting & LC + fibro leave me little energy, and I don’t think anyone changes their mind from being lectured. If people ask why I mask, I tell them. Like many, I’m exhausted by the denialism, but I don’t think scolding randos helps.
It’s so hard to grasp folks choosing to be catholic to me, me and my partner where both raised catholic (French Canadians) in areas full of Catholics, and went to catholic schools for our entire k-12 educations. I don’t think I know *anyone* of my generation who practices as an adult.
Same. I mean the sensorial overload is downright painful but I also just can’t comprend people being so casual about bring shitty. I think the behaviour of other passengers makes flying as bad as all the cheapening out the airlines do.
It’s nevertheless weird that it’s always the most antisocial public space I’m ever in. Flying sucks and I thought there used to be a social contract to be unobtrusive as possible. I don’t even know how one can enjoy hours of headphoneless streaming with all the background noise.
I have no idea what it is about airports and planes that turns ostensibly normal people feral. The gate was full of people on their devices, sound on, no headphones and then I was sat next to someone who netflixed without headphones the entire flight. They have to know this is assshole stuff, right‽
Social média used to be great for indépendant artists to promote our work and then both meta and Twitter changed the algorithms making it super difficult to even reach the folks who choose to follow us. I don’t understand who these tweaks are for because it also makes those sites less fun socially.
Thanks, not looking forward to the renovating to do on the other end but am excited to be settled in.
Since it’s a cross-country move, my appartement is fully empty save for cleaning supplies and paint. I’m lucky enough to be studying at some friends’ place who are on vacation and am about to go to town deep cleaning and patching holes.